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I am 47, always been regular a clockwork. A few years ago I started to fluctuate, every other month I would be 3 weeks and the next I would be 4.
hen I started to get really heavy on 2/3 and it made me physucally sick, I had to stay in bed sometimes.
I have been getting palpitations a day or so before my period is due for about 3 or so years also. As well as this my stomach is very distended, I sometimes feel bloated but I suffer with Ulcerative Colitis and it is exassebated at the time of the month, often if I lie down on my back the bloated feeling is aleviated in wind. but my tummy is still big.
So a month ago I strted to do pelvic floor exercises and plank this time My period was a week late lasted about 11 days very mixed sometimes so light and others heavy and dark and clots. My left side close to my ovary is tender my boobs are swollen up and down and tender I have had 3 days no bleeding and just started lightly and red again.
I cant wear a coat or a jumper because I sweat and I have to have a fan on at night occassionally I have to open the door and stand outside and in the mornings taking my daughter to scool I am so hot I cannot wear a jacket ( and it is still early April and not ready for casting clothes here yet).
I dont feel good my hair is dry and greasy all at the same time I am fat and cnt seem to lose any weight despite dieting.
I have an ultrasound arranged for 20 April and had blood tests last Friday.
along with my smear test and swab taken.
Last year I had a frozen shoulder for 12 months and have had a glorious 8 or so with full movement, now the other side is freezing up!
My teeth feel ultra sensative all of a sudden.
I am worried I have something sinister going on. If I new it was menopause I wouldnt moan just pray it was over quickly, but I dont now.
Can anyone help me, advise me, pacify me or just something me please?
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monique_93857 amanda19895
BugglyBot amanda19895
It sounds to me that you're in health alert all the time, just like me and so many other ladies. We want to turn to the doctors but so many are dismissed. Thank goodness for this forum and what is posted here. Fingers crossed everything goes okay for you xx.
monique_93857 BugglyBot
BugglyBot monique_93857
It's said that we're in this together, thank goodness we can share and relate to each other. All the best Monique, I appreciate what you said xx.
Guest amanda19895
metamorphed amanda19895
amanda19895 metamorphed
I have another scn booked for tomorrow morning as I went to the GP tpday after finding this bruise type mark in my navel, she said she thinks it is maybe a hernia due to the bloat on my tummy, which I thought was just my UC ...I think I have lived with it for years but maybe not so bad all the time. She said something is maybe pushing against my tummy and causing the bloat so she has sent me off for a C125 blood test tomorrow and a TV and TA scan..... Yes I am now officially terrified! But maybe its the inflamation of my bowel causing the bloat as , as you know elizabeth53245 it kind of comes on strong the Inflammatory bowel diasease when hormones are disturbed?
metamorphed The frozen shoulder I had a cortisone injection didnt do a thing and I can tell you if you can find someone to give you deep tissue sports therapy massage in the area on booth shoulders a couple of times a week it really alleviates the pain. Also he suggested Magnetic Therapy so I had strong Magnet one on each side of my shoulder and it did something for the pain... its awful. My sports therapist said it is usuall about 3 months freezing 3 months frozen and 3 months loosening off..... and yes I have full use but dont push it rest it after you have a massage but it has to be deep tissue so it hurts and the next day it burns and feels bruised but its such a relief after. be kind to it and dont force there is nothing you can do until hormones even themselves out. my right is starting to freeze up now! not looking forward to Brian my sports Masseur has moved to France!
No I am not getting headaches and have never really suffered with them up until a couple of years ago and I very ccasionally get a migrain and have to wear sunglasses or go to be for an hour because my vision is impaired!
My little girl has just started her periods about 1 year amd suffers very painful days and irregular, i felt there was a problem so took her to GP who took blood and sent her for a scan which she had today, turns out at the age of 14 ( a very young 14 I may add) she has a rather large cyst on her ovary.
These hormones have a lot to answer for!
metamorphed amanda19895
All the very best to you!
Guest amanda19895