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hi lovely ladies well i am back again i had tvu in september last year and biopsy which was all clear but said they wanted me to have a hyteroscopy for a closer look skip tol this year 23rd jan nearly 3 weeks ago had the fore mentioned plus another biopsy had letter saying i have changed cells and need a in depth biopsy and hyteroscopy under general this time feeling rather stressed any feed back is appreciated as im really thinking the worse 3 biopsys in 5 months is a worry bless you all and thank you xxx i am 49 yrs oldĀ 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Kerry you must be very worried but the only reassurance I can offer is that you are being well looked after by the doctors and if there is anything abnormal found it is in early stages and will be treated.

    Look after yourself, pamper yourself and keep busy.

    Take care, keep in touch. Hugs x

    • Posted

      Bless you Maisie for your comment I have to have a D&C this time round so really worried about that as I've never been under before and I suffer with anxiety bad I have a appointment next Friday to have health check then going on the wait list will let you know 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • Posted

    Hi Kerry,

    First of all I'm so sorry you're having to go through these biopsies. They are horrible😣

    I was 49 and had had abnormal paps, biopsies, laparoscopy, more biopsies, more abnormal findings, endometrios, all within like a 20 year span.

    At 49 the Dr found a suspicious looking cyst in my left ovary. Time to have a hysterectomy. I had everything taken out. No more biopsies for me. There have been some other issues I won't lie.

    Sounds like your Dr is on top of everything which is the most important thing.

    I can suggest you ask all the questions before making a decision about anything. Find out all of the pros and cons. Come on here and ask if anyone has had whatever you decide to do.

    Wishing you all the luck in the world and keeping you in my prayers?

    • Posted

      Thank you lotti for your kind words my letter said small possibility in cell changes and need to have a better look so in order to do this I have to go under anthestic I would rather have epidural instead I will enquire when I have my health check xxx bless you glad everything went well for you xx

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