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as many of you ladies know from my post the head woozies pressure tightness tingling numbness and the facial flushes burning ears has plagued me to death and its still going strong apparently. But tomorrow is my daughter's work picnic in ohio ugh travelling makes the head stuff worse and on top of the travelling i have to walk around an amusement park all day in the heat. im scared to death as theae symptoms has me homebound for a very long time now,so here i am going so she isn't disappointed as i been turning down doing things for the past 4 years since the head symptoms started. im scared I'll flop out in the heat or get so dizzy how are we supposed to live life when we fear doing things due to these severe horrible symptoms? im gonna drink more then usual tomorrow to try to stay cool but i know that's not gonna be enough.
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Ella23ps pamela2016
ICE....take a cooler with a lot of ice in it. I eat a lot of ice and it helps with hot flashes. Freeze a water bottle. I use a frozen water bottle on the back of my neck and it takes longer to melt then ice cubes. I will also send a prayer your way. Remember stress will make it all worse so breath. Do a lot of 4-7-8 breathing.
Gypsy014 pamela2016
Hi Pamela, I feel for you ... Making plans and keeping them are just so impossible to do.. Good for you for trying though.. Where a hat and sunglasses to block out any light and heat and yes drink lots of water, escape to your car or bathroom for breathers .. And as always the ride home when all over is the best, then you can give yourself pats on the back for going through with it.. Good luck and definitely let us know how it all went good or bad we love to hear how it goes.. Have fun and remember to breathe...
thanks ladies i will and i do have a cooler im taking ill freeze a water bottle as well, the woozies is whats scaring me the most of course i wont be riding nothing i wouldnt even if i didn't have the head woozies never was a amusement park person. ugh God give me strength
sharcerv52408 pamela2016
I'm in the same boat as you, Pamela. I have a church picnic tomorrow that I'm dreading. My kids just started back to school this week so I have been ripping and running back and forth taking them. I wanted to rest tomorrow but I am sort of obligated to be there. I get anxious these days too when I have to go outside and be around a lot of people. I can't tolerate the heat either. I am going to get somewhere and sit down in the shade and hope for the best.
pamela2016 sharcerv52408
ill be praying for you tomorrow hope we both can get through it without a woozy head and feeling like a heat stroke happening ugh ive been pacing the floors and checking the temperature for Ohio tomorrow i hate that this change has not only changing my body but changing my thinking and staying in fear of what ifs this happens or this its so ridiculous. ive never in all my life stressed about having to go do something. if the symptoms wasnt so severe probably would be alot tolerable but when i say i cant take the heat i mean i literally cant it makes my face really feel like im in a boiler and cant escape and makes the dizzies worse. then that starts the obsessively check BP cause everytime it raises BP and im on meds. i hate theae hormones again thanks ladies
sharcerv52408 pamela2016
Yes, it's the same for me. My bp goes up too when it's hot. We are on our way to the picnic now on a bouncy wobbly school bus. But thankfully the weather is nice. It's actually quite cool today. I packed sweaters and jackets just in case it's too cool. Im in NYC, by the way. I hope you can manage okay today too. Let me know how it goes. Take care.
marisol06794 pamela2016
hello Pamela
sorry to hear you are suffering from these horrible symptoms I completely understand you for the past two days I've been going through something similar I feel a weird numbness tingling sensation in my head and when I cough my ears hurt I've had this before in the past I guess it decided to creep up on me again and also today I started getting a little tightness in my chest which I've also gotten in the past it just all comes together I guess we can't get a break with all these symptoms!! we supposed to be going on vacation in a week to a cabin in the Georgia mountains for our anniversary which I booked of course when I was feeling good and now I'm just thinking about that 10 hour ride praying to God that I feel better by then it is just horrible that we can live life to the fullest and enjoy things that we like with our loved ones I like you have been trapped in my house for 4 years now without wanting to do anything go nowhere just feeling sick 90% of the time I really do hope you feel better by tomorrow I will have you in my prayers try to enjoy yourself I know it's hard but I really do hope you have a wonderful time and have a day free of all these horrible symptoms blessings!!!
hi ladies yesterday was a very bad day my feet hurt so bad they swelled im assuming from all the walking,im 43 and feel like im in my 90's. my heart raced all day like i was running a marathon the head dizzies was also worse. i dont know how i got through it. this morning i feel like i jave been beaten and dragged by a semi truck. i wont be doing anymore amusement parks walking around feeling like ill die any second. this is really getting to me not able to do basically anything no more.
sara97862 pamela2016
Hi Pamela,
I was thinking of you all day yesterday. Sad to hear it didn't go well for you. You are a warrior for having braved it.
I felt much the same a few weeks ago, the day after my daughter's back to school orientation.
You are not alone, honey. I really hate being stuck in the house, but can't seem to get through any outing without major consequences anymore.
pamela2016 sara97862
its horrible today i feel like total crap my face is on fire and my ears today i dont get theae symptoms I really don't seems no triggers just happens its hard living with them. at least my heart not racing today.
laurie19311 pamela2016
I have the same exact symptoms! I understand wanting to be there for your family and it being so hard because of how you are feeling. The mom guilt can be awful! Thankfully I have a very understanding family. Does your daughter know how you are feeling? The only advice I have is maybe a portable small fan, and they do make cold compresses that you can put on your neck, etc. I will be praying for you and sending strength!