Worried about brain cancer...again!
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Okay so last year i was convinced i had a brain tumour and then after having my eye exams back normal i moved onto some other disease..however after having my mri scan back with an enlarged pituitary gland its totally freaked me out and obviously google comes in and suggests a cancerous tumour of the gland.
Ive had my second mri amd no results back. It has been over a week now.
For the past two days ive had a right soded headache which makes the roght side of my face feel numb and very heavy.. I do have an assymetrical face with worrys me even more.. Ive had these headaches before but due to the enlarged gland it is freaking me out !!
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archemedes emily52713
emily52713 archemedes
archemedes emily52713
Isn't it strange that our fears often play havoc with us when we really don't need it.
Let's just say for one moment that the headache was really just a migraine and nothing else, by worrying the way you are doing, don't you think that the anxiety is going to do more damage, and likely to cause more problems leaving you more unwell than you feel at the moment?
There is absolutely nothing that you can do at present Emily, so why drive yourself round the bend with worry?