Worried about cancer

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I've been worried I have cancer. I had strep throat three months ago and I've been sick every since then. Went and had blood work done low white blood cell count and I can feel my limp nodes on neck so worried it's cancer

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Tammy. Low white blood cell count and swollen lymph nodes after a throat infection is normal.
    • Posted

      It's just stressing me out to the point where I'm ready to crawl in a hole and hide. I'm having panic attacks. Twice-at the dentist office and even at my hair appointment

    • Posted

      Tammy you're over reacting. It's extremely unlikely that you have cancer but why don't you pay your GP a visit and see what he/she thinks. Then you can sleep easy.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the advice. I'm going to try to stay positive. I can only pray it's in Gods hand

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