Worried about chest pain
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Hiya all I'm new here as I'm an anxiety suffered (massively) I'm really worried about my heart I've had loads of checks including e c g which have always comeback normal other than the few automatic machine generated diagnoses which say possible past heart attack (drs have said nope, normal) I've seen a cardiologist for this chest discomfort too n even he said normal n just anxiety...(he based this on my family history, my normal heart calcium scan and blood lipids)
What's nowxwirrying me is I sent too luv for a meal, fealt fine before hand; had my meal and pint of water with lemon and walked straight home less than 300 yards on a very very small gradient on getting in I fealt my heart beating fast so took my pulse and it was 140!! Slight chest pain after that but no sweating or anything rose other than sheer panic and worry checked pulse one minute later and it had come down too 108 then down too 88 after 2 mins but still feel this slight discomfort in my chest as if I could tess near my breastbone my back hurts ?! Weird right!
All I'm worried about now is my heart and if I have angina or worse a heart attack my Fitbit pulse is currently 74
Some info about me
No family history of heart disease; never had a heart attack, I'm obese but reasonably active, nornal cholesterol and normal blood pressure... normal pulse whilst laid down is mid 70s maybe up into 80s after a meal maybe up too 94 on walking with empty stomach pulse is around 120/130 always have good heart rate recovery though
Help !!!!
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Oh and I'm 35 years young
Also as weird as it sounds if I press the bottom of my sternum and arch my back just slightly it feels like either my sternum or my chest cracks which sometimes eases this pain I get if that means anything ??
harleybabe54 leannehere
Anxiety can mimic anything honey! Your mind believes what ever you tell it. Perhaps it's muscular , Skeletal. Even Gas can cause bad sharp pains.What is a automatic machine? You know with anxiety because we are so uptight. We tighten all our muscles to without realizing it. Then when the muscles relax we feel the pain. I wake up every morning now and tell myself I am healthy. I am going thru a lot right now with anxiety and health phobia!
leannehere harleybabe54
I meant ECG reading when it predicts what's going on with the heart and gives an automated diagnosis straight from the ECG machine mine has Asian 'possible past inferior infarction age undetermined' but my drs and hospital staff have told me the ECG was normal
harleybabe54 leannehere
jerm_50342 leannehere
I was in the same boat. I randomly started having panic attacks early this year.I couldnt go into a store without having an attack. It was brought on by stress. Me and my wife were going to have our first baby and she was quitting her job so I was stressed. I worried about my heart thinking something was wrong. I always thought it was beating to fast or hard and I checked my heart rate all the time. I got checked out by my doctor and they said I was fine so I figured it was in my head. I decided I would start running and I would either be fine or die of a heart attack. It was scary running having my heart rate pounding but I was fine. I started forcing myself to think positive thoughts and I'm a Christian so I prayed and slowly I started feeling better. I can only speak for myself and I thought I could never feel better. But if my doctor said I was OK and I believed I was and it was all in my head then I knew I could get better. It's been 8 months and I'm doing way better. My heart feels normal and I haven't had an attack in months. Yah sometimes if I move and I feel my heart beat old Fears come back sometime but I tell myself I'm OK and it doesn't bother me like it did. But I think stress can really get to you. The stress needs to be handled and then slowly retrain your mind to relax.. sorry the long post but I felt the exact same way and know for a fact you can get through it.
anxietysite123 leannehere