Worried about liver

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Hi everyone, I've been diagnosed with an acute mono infection for about three weeks now. I had a mono spot test done around two months ago which came back negative but it wasn't until three weeks ago that I had an antibody test done which confirmed mono. Since then, I've experienced all the symptoms: odd muscle aches, nerve pain, headaches, swollen lymph nodes, anxiety, joint pain, and a swollen spleen. The swollen spleen has me worried more than anything. I'm deathly afraid of any sharp or dull twinge that happens in that area. I went to the doctor for low blood pressure, faintness, confusion, and the such a week or so ago and they told me I was dehydrated. After rehydrating, I did feel quite better. However, I'm still quite worried about my spleen and any abdominal pains. I haven't had black stool or sharp pains when I breathe in, though. The spleen area pains and various neurological symptoms suffice in giving me an anxiety attack when I think about them. CAN ANYONE WHOSE SPLEEN RUPTURED WEIGH IN? Another anxiety causing issue is my eye problems. I see lots of flashes, floaters, and get lots of eye pain and light sensitivify. Anyone experience rhese? Thanks everyone

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4 Replies

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    Sorry about the title, I meant spleen!

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      hello monosucks,

      it does sound so nerve wracking to have a swollen organ. dehydration is definitely awful and csn take time to recover from emotionally. i put Pedialyte powder in my water once a day to keep hydrated after I ended up in the hospital too.

      my spleen did not rupture but i would get terrible abdominal pain after eating sugar, dairy or too much carbs/ starch. Cutting those out, significantly helped the swelling. I also put a pillow under my lower back to arch my back a bit and give some more space from my ribs when the pain was at it's worse.

      I hope this helps you. keep us posted

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    one thing is for sure, if your spleen ruptures you'll know for definite

  • Posted

    Hi Monosucks,

    I'm so sorry to hear you've been going through such an awful time with mono. I do empathise having been through a tough time with the virus many years ago. Dealing with the daily symptoms in those early weeks is such an awful thing, I just want to reassure you that this does get better with time, that you will get through this and back to full health. I was fortunate that my spleen wasn't swollen but I did have all sorts of weird aches and pains across glandular areas in my body, including that upper left quadrant area where the spleen is.

    Just wanted you to know I am thinking about you and to encourage you that although this is the most awful virus, it truly is, that you will get better with time - so important just to rest and remove stress as much as possible at this time, eat well, drink plenty of water and take vitamins / herbs too which can help fight this awful virus.

    Hang in there and just get as much rest and recuperation as you need right now, just take it one day at a time that's all anyone can do going through this, keeping in mind that you will get through this - these first number of weeks are the most intense and things will ease - it can be stubborn and take a little time though, so don't panic if that is the case, because you will get back to full health again, that's coming from someone who struggled badly with the virus! Thinking of you and I believe that God is the great healer and will get you through this.


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