Worried about Melanoma, Please Help?
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I recently had a surgery to remove a growth on my leg because it fit the ABCDE of skin cancer but the GP wasn't too worried about it due to the location (knee) but I have four other models that fit the ABCDE of skin cancer that he won't take seriously because they are exactly 6mm, not more. This last year I've been in and out of the GP with some really bizarre symptoms that he has no clue what they are, and I think I've just found it and I'm scarred stiff. According to web md I match all the symptoms of late stage skin cancer...
Hardened lumps under your skin (hundreds all over my body, GP has no clue why, and I also have hundreds of pin point red dots all over my body and mee's lines on my nails)
Swollen or painful lymph nodes (about 6 or so swollen lymph nodes some painful some painless on my neck and bad neck pain with a really hot feeling constantly on my neck)
Trouble breathing (I often struggle to breath at night in bed)
Swelling of your liver (under your lower right ribs) [GP sent me for blood work over this but it came back normal so he said so t worry about it but I get really bad cramps there still]
Bone pain (my arms and legs and ribs always feel tender)
Headaches (almost every day)
weakness or numbness in your arms or legs (my hands and feet fall asleep far more often than normal)
Weight loss (my weight on the scale hasn't moved but I've lost a lot of my muscle mass and I look extreamly bony)
Fatigue (I have to take naps just to get through the day)
If anyone here has any idea what I should do I would really appreciate it because my GP seems stumped because I'm "too young" to be "at risk" for something like this. My mother and my girlfriend are both extreamly worried about me as they can see me getting worse and worse. If anyone has any insite please help me?
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Also my GP said "don't worry about it" not "so t worry about it" my bad for another typo!
Anyone with insite please help! I'm so scared! I know the prognosis for this is not good!
HLMCX JamesMay1
I don't usually reply on here but you caught me on a really bad day. I went to the doctor today to be told that my suspicious mole (that grew from nothing to 8mm in a year) had grown again- I'm paying to see a dermatologist tomorrow as I can't wait the 4 months on the NHS otherwise I'll go crazy! I don't have any insight into your mole however, I have experienced the same symptoms as you with regards to the aching, fatigue, red pin prick dots, headaches and swollen lymph nodes- have you been tested for fibromyalgia? As your symptoms sound similar. I myself am a huge hyperchondriac and always think something is happening to me and have to rationalise with myself. If you're so concerned, pay to see a dermatologist- it's around £80 (from where I'm from) which may seem a lot but isn't when considering your peace of mind. It's a horrible thing to worry about your health and to have practically planned the fact that you have weeks to live (how I've spent today!) but stay calm, be rational and seek help. You are in charge of your own health!
lynda20916 JamesMay1
It would be best for you to go see a dermatologist. For a gp to tell you that you're too young to be at risk is, in my opinion, not the best medical practice at all. He is not a dermatologist or an oncologist.
Get to a dermatologist as soon as you can--even pay privately if you have to! Better safe than sorry!
JoyKF53 JamesMay1
dbcriss JamesMay1
Hello James, What country are you in? Just curious and sorry I've no insight into your condition. I will tell you for sure that my GP wouldn't say anything definitively about a suspicious mole other than go see a dermatologist. You had one removed, wasn't it biopsied?
JamesMay1 dbcriss
The one I had removed was mainly for the fact I banged it on stuff a lot and it hurt like crazy, it is being biopsied but it doesn't even look like a melanoma so I doubt it will find anything there.
I got a second opinion and my lymph nodes are likely swollen due to my acne but the rest he has no clue and told me to get a full physical done in June. Funny how two different doctors said June, maybe they're thinking seasonal... something? Anyways I'm booking a full physical for June, and for the guy who asked I'm in Canada.
lynda20916 JamesMay1
Glad to learn that you're having a physical--but keep in mind that you can always go to A&E if things head south.
Please let us know how you get on!
Getting a chest mole removed in two weeks. Dr says after this if he finds nothing wrong with it then he won't "entertain (my) paranoia any longer" because he thinks it's all in my head... May need to change Dr's... I had to start up naproxen 500mg for a urinary tract injury again and it's only been two days and my eyes are starting to yellow again just like they did in January...
melissa58718 JamesMay1
What about getting a biopsy of one of the lumps? I'm pretty sure I have melanoma as well. I have a lump on my foot, and I also have weakness of arms and legs and other weird symptoms that seem like could only be caused by tumors. Where do you have these lumps? I think a biopsy of one of them would be the easiest thing to do.