Worried about mental symptoms
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Hi ladies - don't really know why I'm posting - just going through a bad patch I guess. I had a really bad day recently where my brain just stopped working - that's the only way I can describe it. Out Christmas shopping and I just couldn't recall my niece's names. Its ridiculous - we are a close family, but for the life of me I couldn't recall their names and I went into a right panic. My memory lapses are awful at time and I'm worrying I've got dementia or a tumour or something. I keep getting very light headed too - especially when I'm working at my computer however I have had a cold recently so assume its related to that. Going through a rough time, my dad is dying of cancer, my husband is having heart problems and Christmas is around the corner and stress levels are very high. I really don't want to go on anti-depressants, I'm taking Kalms. I know this all sounds like I'm really depressed but I think I'm coping - I guess I would just feel better reading that this brain stuff is quite common....and that I'm not going mad....can anyone relate to the awful memory issues? When I'm in a conversation it can be really embarrassing - saying the wrong word a few times and not being able to explain things. Not all the time and definitely worse when I'm tired. Thanks in advance for any replies x
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jules0405 lorraine21138
hi Lorraine,
I get this all the time, terrible brain freezes and always forgetting names, and tv programmes that I like, my memory is awful but its all down to the menopause, i have bad and good days, i used to worry about my health all the time but Ive gotten used to it now, i also get very depressed some days, ive been through menopause, and now post menopause, ive been going through all this aswell as many other symptoms for 10 years, it helps a little when you come to accept that the change of life causes all these symptoms, keep coming back here and reading and sharing, it helps loads when you trad similar stirues to your own, take care Julie
jules0405 lorraine21138
Lorraine sorry about my spelling, I MEANT TO SAY it helps loads when you read similar stories to your own take care Julie
sharcerv52408 lorraine21138
Don't panic. It's unfortunately a very common symptom of menopause. It's called brain fog. It's listed on the 66 menopause symptoms list that was posted on the forum a while back.
I, too, find myself struggling to recall things, names etc. I couldn't remember my niece's name last either. I was talking to my husband about her regarding something and for the life of me her name went missing from my mind. It happens. I blame it on hormones. If you are not on any meds that interfere with Ginkgo Biloba you should try it. It is an herbal supplement that improves memory and brain function. Take care.
Sorry I meant, I couldn't recall her name last night.
dora_39625 lorraine21138
Hi Lorraine,
just to reassure you that this sounds perfectly normal to me and part of the ugly perimenopause transition. It's one of the many lovely symptoms that's inflicted upon us!
I too suffer with this - brain fog, and it can be horrible at times.
I have to say that I've personally found that during particular stressful periods, it seems and can be a lot worse.
I've read that keeping the brain active is beneficial, whether it be reading, exercising or doing puzzles.
Know that you're not alone and that this is completely normal.
Take care x
dora_39625 lorraine21138
*symptoms can be a lot worse during times of stress. It's trying to manage them... you have so much going on at the moment.
Make time for you, if at all possible, and try and reduce those stress levels if you can.
Easier said than done I know... x
Guest lorraine21138
hi lorraine, I get terrible brain fog and feel at times as if I have a neuro or cognitive problem. Forget the names of everybody...forget where I am going in a conversation. words, phone numbers. Had a clean brain mri last year, checking for bad stuff. I am 41. I have lots of stress too. We just do not deal with it as well at this stage. I am a migraine sufferer and get very dizzy and off balanced all the time. Going to a specialist tomorrow for it. Just wanted to let you know you are not losing your mind! Estrogen is a brain lubricant, so to speak. I tried lexapro for 3 months for stress, did not help me...made me very brain dead and dizzy.
Nettie261962 lorraine21138
I too have this same issue and more. Now just this past week, I've developed these strange head rushes whereby it feels like my blood pressure drops or rises (not sure which) and i feel disoriented for just a brief moment and then get panicky. We are in the midst of a huge move and i think the stress is causing the menopause symptoms to worsen. The not being able to bring up names is normal in menopause. I don't even worry about this part anymore. Some days are better than others. I think i hate the balance issues and anxiety the most. I used to be so steady on my feet and now worry about falling a lot. Been to many drs and all say I'm okay. Lotsa tests, scans, MRI'S done and all normal. Menopause really sucks for some of us ladies. Sending big hugs to all!
Gypsy014 lorraine21138
Oh my Lorraine I'm very similar.. It is indeed scary. On thanksgiving I didn't do anything stayed in and watched some movies, with my 74 year old mother who is living with me now because my s dad died a year ago of colon cancer, he had the surgery 2 years prior to that and was never able to walk again after. Husband going through heart issues as well, has afib and they say heart failure, he had different procedures done to try and bring him out of afib, but unsuccessful and after 3 years of straight afib he's drinking beet juice and taking potassium and it has brought him out of afib, very weird but working for him, now he's learning his flares ups from certain things (triggers) and will send him back into afib, but now has learned what it takes to get himself back out of afib.. He also has sleep apnea, and is going tonight to spend the night at the sleep clinic to have the sleep study done, and to get the cpap machine, this will all hopefully strengthen his heart condition for him.. But I feel you so so much worry, when he had to go into hospital I couldn't even go 2 years ago, my anxiety and panic was off the charts, I couldn't even leave the house, so my grown kids went... Awful times... But anyways I'm not 100% but definitely not as zombie like 2 years ago.. So he went to go visit his family on thanksgiving and I stayed in with my mother, and decided to go to the 24 hour everything store a couple blocks away, and bought myself a massage chair cushion that plugs in, was half off for early black Friday, so I decided to treat myself.. Well it was the last one and when I got it home it was opened box and not working, so next day called the other store a few towns over to exchange, so now its black Friday and I'm driving into unknown territory to exchange this, and my GPS is taking me super far geez, I was in a panic, all the people unfamiliar territory.. Just bad, so I push on because tired of this taking over me, and get the new one bring it to service desk, and lady says you know that's a different model, but was all they had just a super one and more improved.. I looked at her like a deer in headlights I just couldn't think straight, total brain fog...just got super panicky got my new one left quickly, and just felt like crying all the way back home..then neice had thanksgiving on this black Friday at her house, so had to rush home get my mother and drive over the state line to her new house she just moved into, all the while its getting dark early, back into unfamiliar territory.. I don't do good at night or rain or snow anymore.. Driving so just prefer to stay home where I'm familiar and safe... I never ever in a million years use to be like this, and just want to feel normal again.. I definitely see why they call this the change.. Sorry so long this turned into a book lol, just wanted to let you know I'm feeling this fogginess too, happy holidays and take good care ❤
maddysmom2015 lorraine21138
Hi Lorraine,
Dora is right. Brain fog is one of the most common peri symptoms. And it is worse during times of stress. The brain fog is my most dominant symptom. I can't recall my students' names, what season it is, where I'm going. I can't tell you how many times I've planned to drive to one place and ended up in another without any idea why I've left the house in the first place.
I read that brain fog, dizziness/light headedness, cold extremeties can be related to low iron. Do you know how your iron levels are? Are you still menstruating? My brain fog is way worse during my period!
You are perfectly sane and do not have dementia--though peri will make us all crazy from time to time.
We love you!