Worried about soft tissue sarcoma having a terrible day

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Hello im Male and im 26 years old and im currently a healthy weight. So i found a lump about 4 days ago in my right upper Thigh which i got examined by the doctor today and she did send me for an ultrasound as she couldnt determine what it was by feeling it. She said it was to deep to be a cyst and it seemed like it was attached to tissue which obviously has scared me. While she was feeling it she also asked if i had a family history of cancer which obviously also scared me a lot as i was thinking god does she think this is a Sarcoma. I did ask after the examination if she thought the lump was sinister and she said no as i would be having other symtoms if it was. She wasnt very reassuring and i do have a history of health anxiety and normally would see my GP who is a lot more helpful in that regard. The lump is fairly small id say maybe pea size but it doesnt really present like a normal lump i have felt before its more like a ridge along my thigh and i can also feel other similar lumps above it. It is about half way down to my knee on the left hand side and it does feel quite deep if i have not got my knee on my other leg, like it feels bigger if im flexing which is what makes me think its on the muscle. I will be booking a private scan for next week hopefully as i cant wait that long for a referral it will just eat me up inside im already struggling. Has anyone else found anything similar i thought at first it was a muscle knot as there are multiple which present in a similar manner but i would of thought she would of picked up on it when i was at the doctors I was just hoping it was normal. I did also have a blood test and everything came back normal apart from slightly low calcium and something that was raised with my thyroid that indications infection. She said the levels were fine though i could really use some reassureance thank you anyone that replies i really need some help right now.

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    is this doctor a specialist?did she even consider a lipoma which is nothing but a lump of fatty substance? it’s harmless.

    i don’t think it was very professional of her to ask if you had a history in your family of cancer. she doesn’t even know what it is yet and she’s asking that. I really think something would’ve showed up in your lab results if something was off.

    people have all kinds of lumps and bumps and pains and aches most of which are nothing serious.

    but lipomas are quite common. In fact my ex-husband was freaking out because he discovered a lump on his inner thigh but it turned out to be a lipoma. let us know how it goes! ❤

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