Worried About Symptoms: GERD?
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Hi everyone,
Let me start by saying I'm a 21 year old female, and I've never dealt with acid reflux or anything of that nature my entire life. For the last month or two, I had pain in my tonsils. They were bloody and had puss (perhaps from tonsil stones), but I had no strep throat although my doctor gave me an antibiotic anyways. Fast forward to last week, I still had pain in my tonsils, but I also developed a "lump in my throat" feeling. It gurgles when I drink or eat, I have a burning sensation in my stomach, I feel nauseated and lethargic most of the day. Sometimes it feels like I need to puke. I have been burping more frequent as well which is unusual for me. My ears also hurt and ache. It doesn't necessarily hurt to swallow although my mouth is incredibly dry and saliva seems to get stuck. I see an ENT on Tuesday. I'm very concerned and I wish I hadn't googled anything because now I'm worried I have esophageal cancer or something untreatable. I suppose what I need is a friendly reply or reassurance although I know an online forum can only do so much for me. The anxiety and worry that I have is making my life worse because I keep seeing rare and incurable cases. I'm afraid to eat or drink anything and I find it difficult to sleep with all of this going on while I'm burning in my lower abdominal region all night. I'm very scared, I guess. Is anyone else feeling like this?
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I guess I'll also mention that it doesn't hurt when I swallow except a dull pain in my tonsils and Adam's apple area, although it feels like I have to work a little harder to make things go down. There is a tightness in my throat, so maybe it's from that.
pippa58442 kylee77438
Best of luck.
SophieEx kylee77438
thats the acid making you have that sensation
SophieEx kylee77438
Hi. Sorry i cant offer any words of advice but i too am sat here with the v same thing. I have been suffering with it for weeks, exactly the same symptoms as you. Ive been on omeprizole for 2 weeks now and its seemed to have settled, stupidly i had a glass of wine yesterday at a party and i woke last night in extreme pain- all the things you have mentioned. It also seems to set my anxiety off.
I sort of feel like id feel better if i could be sick.
Hope it feels better for you soon. i hope you get some reasurrance from here, so many have been through the same without it being anything sinister.
kylee77438 SophieEx
Hi Sophie 😃
I'm sorry you're also going through this but at least we're not alone! Tomorrow I will see the ENT and let you know exactly what they say. Lately my symptoms have died down a little except a tightness in my chest with pain in the back of my chest and neck area and lots of throat gurgles and burping as well as a little bit of trouble swallowing it seems. I would describe the feeling as though a chip was stuck in my throat or chest area but it's not. But I'll let you know how it all goes for me tomorrow. I'll keep you in my thoughts 😃
SophieEx kylee77438
good luck for today, hope you get some answers : )
Hey guys! Quick update:
I went to the ENT who performed a laryngoscopy that checked out my throat. He mentioned that my esophagus is inflamed and red, and that I have to take an antacid for at least a month. If that doesn't clear up the symptoms, I will go to the GI for more tests. How is everyone else doing?