Worried about these red/purpley marks on my penis glans
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I have had these marks on my penis for what must be a few months now. I've been to the doctor once already and he told me it's probably just some balanitis and he prescribed me a hydrocortisone cream. I have applied this cream for maybe a couple weeks now and have been practicing even better hygiene but it does not look like it is getting any better.
I'm a pretty bad hypochondriac and my mind is going to the worst possible scenarios and I can't think of anything else. I have made an appointment to see the doctor again next week but I was hoping I could get some opinions on here while I wait.
Can anybody tell me what this might be?
3 likes, 8 replies
I thought I had attached images but I dont see them. let me try again.
ram359 worried422
I have same issue, please suggest me the appropriate solution if you got cure from such hectic things. I am using hydrocortisone acetate 0.5% cream as per dermatologist prescription. please help me to get out from this thing. I am really very depressed.😥😥
Wee_Dugie worried422
The description of Balanitis is correct - but please note, in terms of your symptoms this is not a diagnosis of a particular condition, merely, it describes the irritated skin that you have!
What is the medication you are using called? If it is a Steriod Ointment it will be marked on the tube itself, or the box it came in the strength of it in terms of a % ?
Are you currently sexually active, or have you had sex in the last 6 months or so?
You are right to pay attention to the hygiene practices that you have - but the other thing you need to pay close attention to is what you apply to your penis on a regular basis! I am going to post my full guide of the broader things you need to consider. Please read through it carefully and try and put as much of it in place as you can. It is not worded at you pesonally, but contains a range of principles that will help you deal with the symptoms that you have.
If you have any specific questions get back to me ....
Penile Hygiene Regime to Combat Specific Problems
The best approach is not to use ANY SOAP on the Glans / Head of your penis - wash with water only EVERY time you have urinated, after sexual arousal, and ejaculation. If you are not circumcised, protect the Glans of your penis every time you take a shower by drawing the foreskin as far forward as you can, then wash everywhere else, thoroughly rinse off all the gels / shampoo and suchlike, then expose your glans wash it with the water only using the inside of your hand, then each time you have washed it you must make sure to 100% pat dry immediately afterwards with a clean towel.
After you have put this in place and you still have the situation going on you need to look at what else your penis is coming into contact with on a fairly regular basis. The likely suspects are:-
If all this produces no resolution to what you have, or your condition dramatically worsens, seek medical advice from your regular Doctor - but please note, many do not fully understand the differences between the potential skin conditions you may potentially have. Therefore, the better course of action may be to see a Dermatologist, or alternatively, go to a Specialist Sexual Health Service and ask to see the duty Urologist.
worried422 Wee_Dugie
Thank you for replying.
the cream is called Daktacort and it is Hydrocortisone acetate 1% and miconzole nitrate 2%
Not sexually active in the last 6 months
I use a non-bio washing powder.
You have eased my mind a bit but if this was balanitis wouldnt the treatment and hygiene practice have had some effect by now?
and the condition has been present for months not just a few weeks. Does that make a difference?
Thank you. I've seen from the other posts I've looked at that you reply to alot of these guys so I appreciate that.
Wee_Dugie worried422
Thanks for the appreciation - I do this because I had issues with my foreskin and head of my penis from around 17 YOA onwards - I discovered what to do the hard way and this has meant I had decades of issues before I actually obtained the Medical expertise that I needed.
I now have a permenant skin condition but this is controlled through relatively minimal medication and I can still enjoy all the personal experiences most other men do.
If I can benefit other people (male & female) who are experiencing Genital Skin Disorders then I am quite happy to spend between half an hour to 3 hours a day doing this.
Okay, I just grabbed this on Daktacort ...
" Daktacort cream and ointment are prescribed to treat inflamed, infected skin disorders. These include infected eczema or dermatitis, ringworm, Candida skin infections and intertrigo (sometimes known as sweat rash) which occurs between folds of skin or areas of skin that rub together, eg between the buttocks or thighs, or beneath the breasts.
Daktacort contains hydrocortisone 1% to reduce the inflammation, and miconazole to treat infection with fungi and certain bacteria. Once the inflammation is reduced (usually after about seven days) your doctor may prescribe a medicine containing just an antifungal, eg Daktarin cream or Daktarin powder to treat any remaining infection. "
You may need to switch to a pure steriod after you have completed the course of medication suggested to you by the Doctor. As I said, this could be a steriod of reletive low strength in comparison to the Daktacort - the one I use has a Steriodal strength of 0.05%, but the Doctor you have seen, or a Dermatologist can advise you further on this.
So what you also need to think of is how long the treatment and hygiene practice has been in place in terms of days? Opposing this is a likely accumulative effect of the impact of washing with soap and suchlike, and with the skin of the head of the penis and foreskin having exposure to chemicals across your life time. For most men, this will take some doing - so in practical terms, while some improvement may be relative immediate, noticable difference may take 2, 3 or even more months - and this is obviously dependant on the severity of the condition of your skin.
If there is anything else you want to check with me simply get back to me ......
johnadams1 worried422
Did your condition resolve?
jon74272 worried422
did you resolve this issue ? im having the same problem
Lostdog2.0 worried422
Can u please provide an update? I'm dealing with the same thing, my penile head looks pale and dry.