Worried and Advice Needed
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My wife aged 50 has been suffering from blurred vision and floaters since last Wednesday. As she knew the GP would suggest getting her eyes checked out, she visited Specsavers and had their test and they could not find anything. They suggested seeing the doctor next day which she did so.
The GP wants her to have blood tests, which have been booked for this Friday, and will refer her to an eye specialist at the hospital. Not sure how long this will take as I have an eye problem and have just received an appt 4 months later.
Wrongly or rightly the information is there but when I typed in brain tumour, blurred vision and floaters was there as a main sympton. It could be anything of course, but there is a chance it could be related.
She was woken in her sleep a few days before the blurred vision started by a sharp pain in her eye.
I am really quite worried that if it is a tumour days are being wasted and it could be sometime before this is diagnosed.
A scan now would help my fears, but assume these are booked out weeks months in advance. Is there a way I could speed up a process or pay for a scan if it could get one done quickly.
I need some quick advice how best I should take this forward quickly if possible as I fear the clock is ticking against her.
Thank you.
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broadsword Green_Street
I hope this helps while you continue with the tests
Best wishes
Green_Street broadsword
JoyKF53 Green_Street
Hi. I would suggest going back to your GP and tell him how worried you are and why. Tell him that you would like more tests done in the way of a scan or X ray. If you're not happy with the answers you get contact PALS (patient advice liaison service) who, in my own experience, have been extremely helpful. Good luck, I understand how worried you must be feeling.
Green_Street JoyKF53
Thank you JoyKF53.
The first instincts are usually right. GPs are what they are general practitioners and not specialists in fields. Sometimes they need a "push" on what to do.
JoyKF53 Green_Street
Absolutely. I can't tell you how many patients or relatives I've advised to speak to their doctor and be assertive but polite. They're not God and sometimes, as you say, need a bit of a push.
michelle_79406 JoyKF53
You can of course ask your dr to refer you private for a scan . It usually happens in a week or just over and will cost about €200. But it Wil put your mind at ease. But is it a scan or mri that will show up better. Discuss it with the doc he will
Have a better idea . I have floaters in my eyes but the don’t seem to be concerned about it in the eye clinic. The said it happens with age. 😀 good luck
Green_Street michelle_79406
Thanks very much for your reply michelle. No change with my wife so will be having a conversation very soon. Co-incidence but she said it's probably my age as well!