Worried sick

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I had a failed Hysteroscopy two weeks ago. So had another one with a general anasthetic on Friday. They removed a small polyp and saw two small fibroids. But I'm really panicking now because the dr thought my endometrium was a little thick. So she scraped the lining and has sent it off for biopsy. I have to now wait for the result. She said by the looks of it it looked fairly normal but wanted to be sure by having the cells looked at. This all started because I was losing some brown mucky discharge between periods. I'm Peri menopausal at 54. I'm so scared even though dr said she would've very surprised if it came back sinister.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi sweetie I know saying don't worry is pointless since you will anyway. But your doctor is right a thickening of endrometrium is not abnormal during peri menopause. You've probably always had it and just never knew. The brown discharge is probably older blood/cells shedding before you hit full menopause. I've had it before at the beginning and ending of my periods. I also had the same procedure you did 3 years ago. I had polyps and fibroids removed. Along with a d&c all coming back normal. I had it because my periods were crazy heavy and long. I was 42 then. I'm 45 now and things are better. You will be ok. Keep us updated 😊

  • Posted

    hi huni im 49 and just gone through biopsy in september they could not do hysteroscopy as i failed too had ultra sound 2 weeks later i have polyp also ive not had a period since july 2015 but everything was fine and im having it removed next january try not to worry easier said i know x take care x
  • Posted

    I had hysteroscopy last Dec and they sent biopsies away, i think its usual practice. i had my results within 2 weeks. I ahve to have a polyp removed as they found one. But they said i will have to ahve a general and Im terrified of the anaesthetic and of bleeding afterwards. Did you bleed a lot after ?
    • Posted

      I spotted for 2 days and I was only under the general anesthesia for 25 minutes. From

      Start of surgery to when I was up going to the bathroom was 1 hour

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      i was in a bit of pain when i came around if im honest. Its been 5 days and im still losing a watery pink liquid and am having cramps like a period, but nothing a paracetonol wont get rid of. Im just so happy im in the clear with my results, anything else is easy fo rme from now on. You will be fine after your op. just ask for pain relief when you come round.

  • Posted

    I'M OK !!!!!!

    I got my results today and everything is all clear. I have made myself physically ill over the past month worrying i have cancer. NOTHING would convince me otherwise until i saw the results from the lab for myself.

    I'm so happy today, but now i am determined not to get myself in such a tizzy over something like that again, so im going to get some CBT for my health anxiety.

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