Worried sick

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For the last three months I have been experiencing spotting randomly through out the past three months. I don't even know what to answer at my Dr's visits when they ask " when was your last period" because I am constantly spotting. I recently had a pap smear done, results came back negative(thank God). My gyn order blood work to see if I am perimenopausal, turns out I am not yet. I am 50 yrs old with a TSH reading of 1.71, and FSH of 3.2. She also order test CA125 which was a 6. Now what has me worried is that my periods have not been regular and I only spot, sometimes passing small pieces of bloody tissue when wiping. Has anybody experienced anything like that?

Thank you in advance❤

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    my friend experienced this and was put in a low dose BCP she stopped taking it as worried aboyt weight then she started spotting again . i think its quite common at our age

  • Posted

    Hi Maria,

    I experienced something similar about 5 years ago and am now 53. The spotting was caused by benign polyps that showed up on an ultrasound. The doctor did a DC and removed the polyps. That stopped the month long spotting. Your doctor may take a uterine tissue sample. If they do, make sure to take several Advils or request an Rx prior to this procedure as my friends that had it done without painkillers said it was very paintful.It didn't hurt me though.

    I agree that the spotting is common. I took Lo-lo Estrin birth control pills for about 3 years. It totally helped the heavy periods and leveled out my hormones.

    A few of my friends including my OB have the Mirena IUD and rave about it. I wish I got it as it is supposed to help glide into menopause without all of the heavy bleeding, cysts and hormonal ups and downs.

    I worried too but the best thing to do is just get the ultra sound, uterine biopsy etc. Chances are high that everything is fine and you will then have peace of mind.

    Take care,


  • Posted

    Hi Maria what do you mean your GYN says you re not in perimenopause? You are definately at the age of perimenopause and the blood test are useless. With my first test it was also normal range but had symptoms..then my next test it was not normal. So you see with perimenopause the hormones fluctuate ..so there is no such thing as hormones testing normal. Personally , I would say that your symptom is just a typical peri symptom. I have read many other women having the same symptom of spotting. But it is wise to check it out but I think yes most likely you are in perimenopause.

  • Posted

    Dear Maria

    This was one of the early peri symptoms for me, i spotted endlessly. I had a transvaginal ultrasound and they picked up simple cysts (which was nothing to worry about) whether these caused the spotting I dont know

    • Posted

      I wouldn't rely on those tests to say whether you are in peri or not. You are at that age to start, I knew in myself that i was, with the change in periods, prior to the spotting, i had bouts of heavy periods.

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