Worried sick since i had the Covid Vaccine
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I suffer severe Anxiety and have recently had blood tests , some ok some 'abnormal' high cholesterol and high iron levels (reducing) I was invited for the jab on Thursday and had it on Sunday, since then i have not stopped thinking about getting a blood clot, i am 33 years old and the jab is not given to anyone under 30 years old??? this is making me severely anxious and full of regret for getting the jab.
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jan34534 dan97253
people age 16 and up can get the Pfizer vaccine and for Moderna and Johnson and Johnson it’s age 18 and up. So younger people are getting them. Blood clots are not extremely common with the vaccines. it’s usually people who have underlying conditions. The women that developed the blood clots were in their childbearing years so it had something to do with that.
it’s only about 45 people per million . and that doesn’t mean that they all died. Blood clots are treatable when found early.
I really doubt you have anything to worry about. Some people take a daily baby aspirin, 81 mg to help prevent that. but I really think you are over thinking this. I know so many people who got vaccinated of all different age groups and nobody had a blood clot.
theres Way more people who get blood clots after having Covid. so think of it that way. We are all either going to get Covid or get the vaccine at some point. You chose the vaccine which has a better record for that.
when you allow those fearful thoughts to control you, then you feel miserable .
You have to go by the facts which I just gave you. Fear is an emotion . and emotions are not based on fact or reality.
go enjoy your life! do you things with friends or family or things that make you laugh. Stay busy!
Anu.H dan97253
i got both my shots. im a few years older than you. many of my friends got J and J and all of them are doing fine. my friend's son and daughter are 18 and 16. they are doing great too. you can expect temporary side effects.
don't go for the jab worried. i thought of it as better than covid itself!!