Worsening PMS symptoms in perimenopause...
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Has anyone noticed that they're PMS symptoms are worse in peri? I'm due for my period around the 10th and I've noticed the past couple days I'm more irritable, tired, hungry, have trouble falling and staying asleep, getting palpitations and anxiety, depressed mood, I easily get angry, have weird (vivid) dreams. Before "peri" all I had was sore breasts and extreme hunger and cravings. Now I'm just crazy. Oh yeah and I dropped my phone earlier which of course it broke and I cried about it. Uhhh...afterward I laughed that I cried about it. 😏
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Indifferent valarie24431
valarie24431 Indifferent
maddysmom2015 valarie24431
My PMS in peri is bad. I get the worst hot flashes just before and during my first day of my period. So, like you, disrupted sleep. My dreams are so vivid I feel like I'm watching disturbing art films rather than sleeping.
The worst for me in the brain fog. My peri/period brain fog is so debilitating I have to plan around it--no driving, no new work, even the dog has to go to daycare. Last year I did my taxes during my period, chose the wrong item in a pulldown menu, and made a huge financial mistake.(Thousands of $ in the government's favor!) Thankfully, I waited until a few days after my period was finished and reviewed the forms before I submitted them.
I miss my brain.....
valarie24431 maddysmom2015
Oh no, glad it wasn't submitted like that! Yes I had a hot flush yesterday at the dinner table while talking to my husband. I had to stop the conversation and open up the sliding back door to feel the 30 something degree weather. Theye go as fast as they come. It's weird.
Geegemiai valarie24431
Hi there you are not alone...
emotionally I had not felt that bad but for the last few months I feel like if I am at my wits end. A year ago I would go 3-4 months with no period now I get my period put its light pink for a couple of days and then it's done. But before my monthly visit I have the worst symptoms which all seem to be heightened especially the hot flushes and palpitations
sometimes i also experience legs weakness especially when I get up after sitting for long periods of time. I sometimes feel like if my end is near because I just don't feel right. Trying to get a life coach or therapist a PCP or Gyno that specializes in this transition it's rough !
valarie24431 Geegemiai
Oh my gosh, I get the weakness too in my right leg and lower back after sitting for awhile. I can't stand up straight until after about 20 to 30 seconds. When I'm in a parking lot especially at work, I have to pretend I'm texting or reading something so I don't get made fun of...lol how embarrassing. I was told the pain is sciatica. I don't really know for sure but the pain is no fun.
natallia04776 valarie24431
Yes. Just before my periods and when my periods.
I have developed in December constipation and just can't go to the Doctor. Can not see his face 😣
" What's wrong with you now Mrs. Allen "😕
So, after all we have just a little bit time to feel OK.
valarie24431 natallia04776
Sorry to hear Natalia...I've heard a lot of these doctors now just aren't understanding or compassionate. It's very frustrating. I went to the hospital back in July thinking I was having a heart attack. They sent me away with a prescription of anti anxiety meds which turned out to be an antihistamine . I was so upset. Then I went to my gynecologist who said I was too young to be experiencing peri so she denied my request to check my hormone levels and advised I go to an endocrine doctor to check if I have a thyroid disorder. Very frustrating. Hope you feel better soon!
natallia04776 valarie24431
Thanks, I have done checks and only a Consultant at the Guy's Hospital was brilliant. He listened to me and said that my troubles are hormones. He was a Cancer specialist so He was happy that I haven't got Cancer but still explained me everything about it and refered me to different specialist. My GPs are not interested. 😕