Worst GERD?

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I have chronic pain in my stomach, heartburn and spasms. This sensation is a nightmare, gerd and h-pylori combined anyone out there with the same symptoms?

I have already tried diet and PPI unfortunately both failed to relieved the symptoms this thing is already worst I believe.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi jarmen I have a sour stomach daily and it is relentless ive lost a stone in weight and its been happening over 5 weeks, it makes me so nausious im ltterally being sick every morning with it. Acid reflux has been a problem with me for quite some time
    • Posted

      Alan. If you are taking anymedications is it possible that any of the are causing the nausea?  My doctor put me in medication months ago and then I got nauseaus and he was talking as if this was a new symptom yet it was the medication he had given me that was causing that.
    • Posted

      Hi Alan, over the past year my body did not change but I gain about 6 kilos lol

      Gerd are still there, one of the worst sensation is chronic pain and spasm. I can endure heartburn but chronic pain is unbearable. Sometimes my hernia is feels like its going to explode.

    • Posted

      Think we need to remember we are all different. It is easy to rorget this. Some are quick to say well for me it was this so it is the same for you!

      Am sorry about your pain.

  • Posted

    Have the bad stomach constantly and burping and it is a nightmare I know.  The cimitridine does not help with it and cannot take the other ppis and they give me awful headaches.  Diet is hard to do and takes such a long time!
  • Posted

    No im not on meds at the mo it started 5 weeks ago, I went to a barbecue and had little bits to eat and 6 budweisers and vomited that night I dont think it is related but ive been on a decline ever since
    • Posted

      If you are sure it is bcause of what you had at the barbecue then you KNOW it is not cancer or anything serious, hold onto that.

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