Would really appreciate any advice on best way of tapering off tramadol and cocodamol.

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I'm on 100mg 4x daily tramadol and 2x 30/500 cocodamol 4x daily for about a year prescribed for compressed discs and nerves lower back. Naively didn't think about being addicted to something I wasn't intentionally abusing until recently when I started getting these zappy things and generally felt really sh*t when I forgot to pick up my perscription one weekend. Done a bit of reading up etc and now I'm panicking a lot! I'm concerned about seratonin overload etc the thing is I also suffer with cluster headaches and every two years have a really bad cluster period lasting several months during which I need to use (and abuse) imigran injections (2 daily for the duration ) apparently another seratonin danger. Already my headache season is starting and imigran are my lifeline. I can't do CT but I do need to get off both these meds as fast but as comfortably as possible. I honestly don't know how strong my willpower would be if it was as hellish as some of the experiences I have been reading but I can't survive a season of clusters (aka suicide headaches) without imigran injections. I also take daily 400mg gabapentin 200mg modinfinil and use high flow O2 to help control the cluster headaches when possible. Sorry I think this is probably very garbled and longwinded but I would be so grateful of any advice that could be given.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Tramadol will increase your headaches. My migraines stopped altogether once off the opioid/opiates. Coming off is hard, but worth it. Stay on the co-codomaol. Decrease the tramadol by 50mg every week until you get to 200mg a day. There are a number of ways to do this decrease. One is to have longer between doses and have the doses spread evenly. Once at 200, you can continue to cut down, or just stop. If you just stop, be prepared for 5 to 7 days of withdrawals. Take iron, multi vitamins and extra vitamin c. If iron makes you sick, do not take it. Prepare for for the flu. Imodium, rehydration drinks. Expect to be up at night. Expect to cry like someone has died. Have help. If you can have someone with you 24 hours for the first 5 days, that will help. 

    You will feel empty when you are through. Your brain will settle but it will take up to two years for full recovery. If low moods persist, get an anti-depressant. 

    Life after tramadol is really good. I promise. If you stay on it, it will become a physical need, and help less and less with the pain. I find I am actually in less pain off tramadol after three months. Great not to have migraines as they took me out for days. 

    • Posted

      Last night i experimented by cutting out my last 100mg tram, I think it was too much too soon and now I understand why my stomach feels like it's being tied in knots ..wish I had seen the advice re Imodium sooner! Going to reintroduce 50 mg tonight hopefully will be more 'settled' by tomorrow!. CT isn't a option as I need to ok to carry on work and looking after my family but am going to give dropping 50mg a week a try and thank you so much for your advice x
  • Posted

    I think since you are on so many meds, you might need to ask you physician on a tapering schedule.  SLOW VERY SLOW. Faster you go, the more withdrawals you will suffer.You are on the daily limit (8 a day ) of the Tramadol.  I'm a recovering. I'm a recovering Tramadol addict.  Took it for 7 yrs an the last 2 was upping the dosage because just 8 a day wasn't doin it, then 12 a day, then 16, then wound up to 20-25 a day. Dr's are wrong about this drug. It is addicting physically an mentally.  I was using it for pain in the beginning but it became an antidepressant for me. I've researched it. It has Antidepressant/anti-anxiety properties about it. We had lost our daughter an it seemed to help deal with anxiety an the pain. In May of this yr went to detox for 5 days to get over the physical symptoms but still dealing with mental but other issues are going on. I just found out Im starting menopause!  I'm 46! While on Tramadol I didn't have period for a yr in the last yr. It can cause that at high doses. Then when I quit I started periods again two wks later until Aug. Then nothing since. Had testing done an showed menopause.  So fixin to start bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.  I feel horrible. Another reason I feel bad is to get off the Tramadol they started me on Clonazepam (generic for Klonapine) anti-anxiety med. Then two wks later started on Zoloft.  Horrible! It went toxic in me. Took it for 2 1/2 mnths. Lost 15 lbs Diaherra. Headaches. Body aches. So fast tapered off that. That was horrible to. Brain zaps an all the above symptoms.  Still was on Clonazepam.It's the devil! Your body get addicted to Benzodiazepines very quickly (aka-xanax, atavan, valium, Klonapine) & I went to a pharmacists a got a good slow tapering schedule.  Started on Sept 15 @ 2 .5mg pills. Now on 1/4 pill once a day. Almost off! I went to Na meetings forr a while. Also saw psychologist for 3 mnths. No more Tramadol for me ever! Horrible drug. Messes with neurotransmitters. Slow tapering is required.  Hot baths for restless legs, magnesium, stay hydrated cause ur gonna start urinating alot. Electrolytes. It will take months to get off but just keep remembering it will pass. Stick with your goal of getting off. Don't let the drug win! You can get off. Just keep saying"I CAN DO THIS!" Health food stores might have suggestions on supplements but be careful about those. Some increase Serotonin.  Research tapering.  Lots of info out there. Goodluck! You can do it. It might not happen as fast as you want but the goal is a smooth taper an you will be off!
    • Posted

      Thankyou for sharing your knowledge and your story, I am sorry for your loss. I was so grateful to be prescribed the pain relief, that now i am beginning to hate,because like so many others it enabled me to control my physical pain enough to not only just deal with the emotional and traumatic events happening at the time but also to support my closest ones. You are a strong lady and a inspiration x
  • Posted

    dont even dream of  CT Tramadol - i have recently come of tramadol and solpodol doing just that- worst experience of my life- it nearly killed me- mentally and physicaly- get proper medical advice either from a doctor with experience in addiction-alot of GP's know very little about the WD's from tramadol- tramadol is a synthetic form of opiod- it has an exteremly complex pharmacology and has recently been reclassified in the USA because of its rate of addiction- or talk to an experienced pharmacist both will provide you with the advice you need- some people react badly and go into siezure while withdrawing from this drug- it needs to be done slowly and properly especially considering the amount of other medications you are on- some of which are counter indicated- 
    • Posted

      Thank you for replying I do understand what you are saying..it's concerning that. GP hasn't noticed the combination of meds I'm on. But tbh I don't really want to alert him to it as I fear his response will be to withdraw the imigran ( Possibly only someone who suffers/witnessed cluster headaches would understand my seemingly over dramatic fear re that). I am so relieved to have found this forum and find that I am not the only person who ended up in this pickle just because they genuinely wanted a pain free life I am also grateful to have access to the sharing of so much knowledge and experience x
    • Posted

      Also like the other poster said Immodium AD is your best friend!  Remember, Tramadol increases serotonin an norepinephrine in brain.  Do not take anything else that increases those neurotransmitters until you are off completely of the Tramadol. Tramadol also causes hot flashes an flushing or a warm feeling.  You may start noticing sinus issues to. Runny nose, sneezing. You may have palpitations an high blood pressure during tapering.  Thats why one should go slow. A good reliable pharmacist, one you can trust can give you a taper schedule.  Have them write it down an go over it with you. That's if you dont want to ask your Dr. But be careful with the other meds your on also. You can't taper a bunch of meds at same time. One @ a time. Exercise as much as you can. Your gonna feel like poo but try it anyway. An get sun at least 15 min a day. Just some more tips. Goodluck!
    • Posted

      i understand your concern about the imigran- my ex-girlfriend suffered from similar type headaches- just be careful with this drug- it is truly a nite-matr to get off- sorry but that is my experience with it- and i have de-toxed from both alcohol and other opiods - this is by far the worst- take it slow- be strong and good luck- keep reaching out -
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      i am refering to the tramadol WD's
  • Posted

    Just starting 4 th night of reduced dose (-50mg) apart from the stomach  cramps and owning  shares in Imodium so far not to bad ...well as long as it don't get worse. Thank you for all the advice given  

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