Would really appreciate some advice on my latest blood work. Thanks guys

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Hi there guys, apologise in advance for the amount of reading I’m about to post but I’ve spent £1300 (2000 dollars to the US forums) on blood tests recently and I just want to get to the root cause of the following symptoms. Im a 21 year old male weighing 13.5 stone (189lb) with no obvious injuries or weird mal-nutrition issues. Eat normally just started going to the gym but have the following symptoms:

- Erectile Dysfunction (including no morning wood in years, Severe P.E)

- Fatigue which worsens in the afternoon

- Depression even though I have nothing to be depressed about but have just lost the drive to do anything at all. Even making conversation is a chore due to the fatigue.

-“Brain fog” which ties into the above.

-Frequent urination which includes getting up 2-3 times in the night.

-Feeling like an old man when Im only 21 and wondering what the hell Im doing posting things like this lol.

Testosterone: 19nmol (around 550ngdl) Range: 8-29 (former tests have shown 420ngdl and 450ngdl)

Free T: 15.8pgml   (4-30)

Progesterone: 2.1nmol  (0.7-4.3)

DHT: 2263pmol (860-3400)

Estradiol 41pmol   (50-200 on wiki)   lab results say 28-156pmol   **LOW?

LH: 6.8    (1.7-8.6)

FSH: 4.4  (1.5-12)

Prolactin 268 mu/L  (wiki range 55,89 – 277,365)

*Prolactin high in my opinion but on a test I had around a year ago still suffering the same problems it was a lot lower.

Cortisol: 676nmol (171-536)    **HIGH


Total T3: 4.7nmol  (1.3-2.7)     **HIGH

FREE T3: 4.7pmol   (3.1-6.8)

Total T4: 20nmol    (58-161)    **LOW

FREE T4: 19.9pmol  (12-22)

REVERSE T3: 38.4ngdl  (9-35)   **HIGH?

TSH: 1.25 mu/L       (0.27-4.2)    (Was 0.50 on test a year ago)

Thyroid peroxidise – Negative

Thyroglobulin antibodies – 2.0IU/Ml   (Normal <280, equivocal="" 280-344,="" positive="">344).   ????

Vitamin D 25-OH: 138nmol  (75-200)

Zinc:  20.9   (11-24)

Selenium: 1.14  (0.89-1.65)

Magnesium: 0.9  (0.7-1)

Vitamin B12: 789pgml  (191-663)        **HIGH

Iron: 33umol/L (8.8-32.4)                       **HIGH

Ferritin: 75ug/L    (28-365)                    **Seems low?

Total iron binding capacity: 64umol/L   (45-70)

Transferrin saturation: 51.6%  (20-50)    *HIGH

UIBC: 31umol/L (20-62)

Folate serum: 6.3ug/  (4.6-18.7)        **Seems low?

WBC: 3.2  (4-10)                           ** LOW

Haemoglobin: 178  (130-170)    **HIGH

MCH: 35.6 (27-32)                       **HIGH

MCHC: 361g/L  (215-345)          **HIGH

Neutrophils 1.8  (2-7)                 **LOW

RBC: 5  (4.5-5.5).

Albumin 51g/L   (35-50)             **HIGH

There are a few more tests that I have never heard of but all came within range. HDL, LDL, Cholesterol, glucose etc all in range too.Appreciate any replies in advance, thanks guys!!

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5 Replies

  • Posted


    sorry to hear about all of your symptoms.

    just wondered do you ever suffer from headaches? how is your vision?

    would advise that you find a doctor who will look at your results from the point of view of your pituitary gland . (to rule it out, not to worry you). need to ensure that it is functioning OK .

    hope you get this sorted out soon

  • Posted

    If you join 'HealthUnlocked' and post these results in the Thyroid section you will find some lovely people on there to help with interpretation of your bloods. Good Luck
  • Posted

    Concern: Frequent urination during the night

    What is your fasting blood glucose level?

    Have you done a urine test? Did they find any glucose in the urine?

    Perhaps you should do an A1C test to see if you have diabetes or not?

    Cortisol test:

                    How was the cortisol test done? If it’s not done in a 24-hour urine, it’s not going to be accurate. Cortisol levels fluctuate throughout the day. If it was a blood test, suggest to your doctor to do a 24-hour urine cortisol test.

    WBC w/ differential test:

    1. Do you take any drugs such as steroids or immunosuppressants? You're a little immunosuppressed. Any autoimmune diseases?

    RBC are normal

    2. What is your MCV? Hematorcit?

    Iron test and ferritin test

    Your ferritin is normal

    Your iron is just slightly above normal.

    Your transferring saturation is also slightly above normal.

    UIBC is also normal.

    You have perhaps some iron overload- which could contribute to fatigue and your other symptoms.

    Stay away from iron supplements and red meat.

    Vitamin B12/Folate test:

    Vitamin B12 can actually go as high as 900 and still be normal. Also vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin, it’s almost impossible to overdose on it, or develop any toxicity from it.

     A possible reason for why it’s high:

    1) You’re consuming waaay too much vitamin B12 (again, excess is usually excreted in the urine)

    2) Liver cirrhosis (iron overload in the form of hemochromatosis can cause liver cirrhosis) – doesn’t seem like you have this however. What are your AST and ALT levels?

    3) Polycythemia vera which is increase blood concentration in your plasma (increased RBC, WBC and platelets; you’ll also have increased hemoglobin and hematocrit)

    You’re right; folic acid is on the lower end, which could contribute to your increased MCH and MCHC.

    Your sex hormones are all normal- thank god right?

    Thyroid function test:

    Your FREE T3 test is normal- which is good. Your FREE T4 is also normal.

    Total T3/T4 is affected by proteins (like albumin) so if your proteins are increased or decreased then your values will be screwed up. It seems like your albumin levels are a little elevated .

    I need you to understand that the possibility of the pituitary gland malfunctioning in just ONE of its hormones that it releases is rare. Often times if the pituitary is malfunctioning ALL of the hormones will be screwed up. That is why, if the thyroid is hyperactive or hypoactive is usually due to the thyroid gland itself. So I would not suggest a pituitary screening test or anything like that. Plus, your LH and FSH are all good, which are also released from the pituitary.

    Now, I’d like to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind?

    1) What is your age and gender?

    2) What is your BMI or bodyfat %

    3) Do you take any pharmaceutical drugs?

    4) What kind of urine are you producing? Is it mostly dilute, meaning is it mostly clear?

    5) Tell me your Na+ value, glucose value, and BUN value, so that I can calculate your serum osmolality?

    6) Do you have anxiety? High blood pressure? High resting heart rate?

    7) What were the other tests that you didn’t include in here?

    8) What was your lipid test values?


  • Posted

    I seems to me useless posting all your blood results and that what you must do is stick to doctors and specialists. What have you been told is wrong? There are suggestions on here already and all I can say is that there does seem to be something wrong with your health and you should consult specialists with your blood results. What does your doctor say is wrong as clearly he must have sent you for these tests in the first place.  Take his advice.
  • Posted

    Before your blood test did you have a cold or any other infection however minor?

    I've suffered from low WBC count like you and every time I had a cold/minor infection my neutrophil count was below 2. 

    However as long as your neutrophil count is above 1.5 don't worry and be concerned with your other numbers.

    BTW to get help from people you need to post ALL your symptoms however minor such a skin problems, nail problems, hair problems and any pains. It will give people more of a clue in what can be wrong.


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