Would You Like to Share Anything That has Helped You At Home?
Posted , 6 users are following.
Has anyone had any luck finding something we can all do at home that has been helpful to you?
For example, I love taking a really hot bath with Epsom Salts and draping a really hot towel over my FS. For me that helps a little with the pain. Is there anything that helps you that we can all try at home? Or Tigers Balm? Or?
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teresa59318 Je_n
cindy_45475 Je_n
For me , the saviour has been my trustee hot water bottle, although I must admit it did tend to go cold on me in the middle of the night!!! So my husband bought me a heat mat which you can sleep on which was great. I agree with Teresa the TENS machine is a life saver throughout the day. Other than that I relied on paracetamol and ibuprfen (together with the Tens), when the pain was intense 😳 . Oh I did also start taking magnesium and tumeric capsules for bone strength and anti inflammatory .
I'm pleased to report that the pain is subsiding , so I may now be "frozen", although I have stated this before several weeks ago and then took a painful set back , so watch this space. Wishing us all speedy recoveries x
FSconversations cindy_45475
here, but it was great for long hard nights of pain too. I'd make the circuit to the couch, recliner chair, guest room, and computer (including this forum!) and then back into my warm bed...
Je_n cindy_45475
the pain is subsiding a bit? That's GREAT!
studiobaron Je_n
I am not a pill popper, and have suffered for nearly a year, nothing has helped, but I am now firmly convinced this condition is triggered by estrogen/hormone changes. Hormones affect soft tissue in your body. And within 3 days of beginning these supplements, which act similarly to hormones, my pain has subsided from : barely able to get dressed, basically stopping my life as I knew it just to cope with the pain, tearfully crying myself to sleep to, Oh yeah I forgot I still can't put my bra on easily but otherwise I can forget abt it most of the time
Je_n studiobaron
Interesting that no one factors our age and possible hormone connection into FS, isn't it.
I think unsweetened tart cherry juice and also in additionm I'm taking tart cherry pills . It has seemed to help just a little with the inflamation, better than anything else so far. Sure you are likt the rest of us and get so sick of pills, but can't help but to take something with is challanging condition. Without cherry products and Norcos, I couldn't function.
cindy_45475 Je_n
That's interesting Sudiobaron , that combo of vitamins certainly worked quickly, I also believe this condition is down to hormones, I'm 48 and have memopausal symptoms!! , as you can see ive tried different combos with similar results. I'm no longer in constant "toothache hell", which is a relief.. I still can't do up my bra or shave my armpit but I can function throughout my day, the nights .... I still do not sleep for more than 4 hours and once I wake im tossing and turning trying to get comfy but again this is a blessing compared to 3 weeks ago ..,
I find it interesting that we all seem to find what works for us, the one true correlation is TIME as this condition will not be rushed the stages need to worked through, and we all work through them the best way we can.. I am pleased you are also near the end of your journey studiobaron.
midonda Je_n