Wow, could it be good news?!
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So as you all know from my extremely frequent posts the past few days, I've been a little (haha) on the anxious side.. I went to my appointment today for a simple follow up for meds and was shaking so bad they had to have someone sit on the table with me the entire time. Even then, my BP was 124/76 and my HR was 98.
She was very pleased with both since usually I go in there sky high and I rarely have had a HR until 110 even when I'm calm. So she finally said it's coming back down to normal range and she upped my buspar from 5mg three times a day to 7.5 three times a day.
She also told me to go eat a greasy burger. I have been convinced for 11 months that I will immediately die if I eat certain grease. So I had a burger and fries.. Not all of it because I had a panic attack halfway through lol.
Anyways, now i just feel disgusting on the inside and realized maybe I won't die from it, but that doesn't mean I should eat it anymore. Now I just feel blah.. Last nights events were insane enough to make me almost go to the hospital b3cause someone from my past popped up and the chest pains and panic began.
I had a lot of you who messaged me the past few days and said to keep you updated with it all, so that's what this is. Hope you're all well.
I have to go lay down now because my heart is going a mile a minute thinking about what I've just ingested haha
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borderriever anxietysite123
Life sometimes allow yourself some good, bad things all I will say enjoy and have a whale of a time, also do not worry
Always aroundÂ
phil76209 anxietysite123
But remember u didn't die. Are u beginning to believe you will be ok?
anxietysite123 phil76209
Well.. A little. But last night I was still anxious (basically coming down from the panic attack) and I fell asleep on the couch. All of a sudden I woke up gasping for a breath.. I think I had to cough but then i woke up and panicked that I wasn't breathing. So that's started an entirely new issue. I finally slept from midnight until 6am though without waking up so hopefully my nerves are starting to go back to normal.. The past few days have been an absolute hell to say the least.
phil76209 anxietysite123
I'm so sorry to hear that.