Posted , 11 users are following.
hey ladies i have a xmas party coming up this saturday and would like to have a few drinks but im worried it will make my symptoms worse
any advice please
eloise x
0 likes, 11 replies
Posted , 11 users are following.
hey ladies i have a xmas party coming up this saturday and would like to have a few drinks but im worried it will make my symptoms worse
any advice please
eloise x
0 likes, 11 replies
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karenb2018 eloise94644
drink up! I'm realizing that having fun keeps my mind off of the menopause issues.
Nancy2121 eloise94644
The way I see it... you feel worse if you drink excessively, but we feel bad anyway. Might as well have some fun. AND get a good night's sleep. 😉
Guest eloise94644
I agree with Karen. Drink up and have some fun!
Honestly, I never saw any difference in my symptoms when I cut out everything.
Although I do find that wine now gives me a headache. Maybe go with whiskey! :-0
juanita93228 eloise94644
Everyone is different. I had two margaritas with a friend and we laughed so hard. I needed to laugh. Two drink max for me though. Have some drinks honey!
Guest eloise94644
Hey, if you are well enough to get to the party...then why not have a couple!
Pamwhid eloise94644
im not a big drinker, but when i have a cocktail i start to relax, and feel a little at ease, takes the edge off for a few hours.
robin86 eloise94644
Drink up...but...i find red wine makes me more apt to a night if hotflashes .
Sassyr12a eloise94644
Go for it eloise, I'm sure it will do you good. There's no reason you can't drink is there, I do with bhrt, thyroid meds etc you'll be fine. Enjoy yourself! Xx
vicky77852 eloise94644
Try not to think so much about! Don't let meno ruin your life! Life goes on and meno is just a hormonal imbalance and not a disease. I was at a very dark emotional state a year ago but things are much better now! Hope it helps! 😃
eloise94644 vicky77852
thank you there are days when it trys to take over your life but i dont let it
this forum has really helped me with so much stuff
dora_39625 eloise94644
Relax, have fun and enjoy yourself!!
Try not to allow the peri/meno to take over your life... it's really not worth it x