Years of issues no answers!

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Hi! I’ve written a few times in this forum. I started having issues about 4 years ago. I was SURE it was gallbladder (felt like a golf ball lodged under right rib and back should pain). Fast forward to today I just hurt all in my stomach area from left to right.  Sometimes if feels like someone blew air in my belly but not always. Sleeping is hard because can’t get comfortable. 

These are the tests they’ve done and all have come back normal (thankfully)

Ultrasound gallbladder ( I believe they checked my pancreas during this ultrasound as well )

Hide scan



Fructose breath test

H pylori test

I’m on probiotics and nexium. I don’t know what to do next. My doc just wants to blow it off and call it ibs. I can’t live like this everyday. Am I missing any other test?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Do a bile acid test......don’t know what nexium is but try  cholestraymine, need a prescription and flora50 billion probiotic from health food store.  I did it after many negative tests for a long long time, now gone.    Let us know how you do.
  • Posted

    Did your so called docs do any scans. Ct or MRI. These tests will help find stones in bile ducts. And stones and sludge. You need to push your doctors to do these . You might get an answer. Good Luck.
  • Posted

    Have you had Cat Scan with barium and dye to check for Diverticulitis or other things going on in gut? MRI, and have a Lactose breath test to check for SIBO, and a complete stool test to check for Candida, parasites and other gut bacterial. Do you have food allergies? Are you regular with bowels? Try IBguard at a store. It’s a supplement. And gasx Used for IBS. Might want to keep a food journal to see what you eat when it happens. And get a test done for food allergies. Could be all about diet. Hope you find some answers. Nexium is not good to take long term. 
  • Posted

    You have had many negative tests.  Do you have change of bowel habit? If you do, it sounds lke IBS.  When  all your tests are clear, IBS can be diagnosed.  If your doctor suggests IBS, I would accept this on the basis of your normal test results.
  • Posted

    I have had nausea and hurting in my right side around my rib for quite sometime - my nausea started about 10 months ago - now it is on and off - Today I sit here hurting in my right side near my rib and I also hurt in my left side near rib - had all kind of tests - nothing has showed up - My GI doctor said he had other patients like me but worse - I am so tired of the hurting and nausea and nothing helps!  Hope you find out what is going on with you!

    I have had basically what all you have had including Glutin test......everything always comes back normal....

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