Yeast or something bad
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I just found and treated chlamydia almost two weeks ago, so was told the antibiotics gave me yeast infection, but it doesnt itch theres been some regular discharge associated with a yeast infection but these bumps keep coming and going. horrible burning pain when i pee and hurts to sit. I had sex with a condom and after it was very painful its been 5 days.
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L2341 sydney35561
Hi Sidney,
I recommend to go back and see your doctor as soon as possible. They look and sound like herpes but it can be mistaken with strong yeast sores. A swab test will be able to rule that out and ensure you have the good treatment.
Try to avoid sex until you feel better, it will just aggravate your irritation.
sydney35561 L2341
my bumps are going away with yeast medicine but then coming back later throughout day. i go tuesday to test but i just got tested not even two weeks ago and was negative for everything except chilamydia. which has now been treated. boyfriend also tested and negative for everything. & the burning is more when i pee it hits the bumps that burns so bad.
L2341 sydney35561
I meant swab again for yeast. You might need something stronger than OTC ointment (like Flucozanole). This is why I suggest to double check with your doctor, especially since you're in pain.
so basically doctor said possibly herps, bad yeast infection, or i developed a latex allergy. considering i just tested negative fingers crossed. guess have sex with same condom brand and see if i get a reaction again. (the bump is only white because yeast medicine i put on it) she saw bumps today at exam but said they didnt look like herps but in the picture it did. and basically said theres nothing for her to swab and call her if i break out for her to. kinda annoyed with the whole process. any body have any suggestions for me.
L2341 sydney35561
Well this is good news. I understand it may be annoying but your health and confort are in line. First, I suggest you wait until you are healed and then try the same condom brand again. If you react, you'll have your answer. If you are allergic, every contact makes it more allergic and irritant for you. You'll have to use polysioprene condoms in the future.
purity80783 sydney35561
i also have a latex allergy,,and i have yeast infection,,but i want to go test for herpes
angela38571 sydney35561
any uodate on what it is
sydney35561 angela38571
herps, latex allergy or caused by something else. no flu like symptoms no warts turning into blisters and basically told me idk