yellow nail syndrome
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I am 46 years of age, and for the past 2 years have been asking my doctors what was wrong with my nails (fingers and toes) but getting no answer, till finally i was refered to a dermatolagist at hospital, who diagnosed it as YELLOW NAIL SYNDROME which is a rare desease, and only 100 other cases have been known to have it. thats why ive called myself 101 dalmation as i may be the 101 patient lol. I was relieved in a way to find out what it was but curious as to why i have got it. but there is no answer to my question as no one knows of yet where it comes from. So i would like to share this with anyone who wishes to read about it, and ask any questions about it. I have taken photos of my nails for future ness if anyone requests to see them.
thank you for letting me express this out into the open.
101 dalmation
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tracypodgill 101dalmation
lois58127 tracypodgill
Guest tracypodgill
tracypodgill Guest
tracypodgill 101dalmation
lois58127 101dalmation
tracypodgill 101dalmation
helen01813 101dalmation
I have two finger nails in trouble again after two years of being great. Two great toe nails still the same, one discoloured and detached and the other very thick and misshapen. Podiatrist keeps them in check.
tracypodgill, your poor patient seems to have a very severe exaserbation of the disease, must be very debilitating for them. Sorry this was your first introduction. Possibly result of diffucilty in getting condition diagnosed in the first place. I remember I could sense GP was wondering what was I going to come up with next. Started with recurrent chest infections, then the most disguesting perulent sinusitis which turned out to be due to pseudomonus which I now have persistantly residing in my sinuses and chest. Then my finger nails started up, discolouring yellow/green/black, recurrent infections in the nail beds resulting in the loss of nine of them. And then my left leg started swelling! In the midst of it all a dermotoligist I was attending diagnosed YNS. It was such a relief. Yes it is only symptom relief unfortunately but having an actual diagnosis at least narrows things considerably. Best wishes to all, Helen.
lois58127 101dalmation
helen01813 lois58127
Take care, Helen
Virgin19 101dalmation
i am a 56 year old female just been diagnosed before Xmas with YNS. My nails are thick, yellow, tender some are lifting and two are off completely. I have had several chest infections in the past year - even a sinus operation as that's what they thought the problem was. I seem to switch from constantly blowing my nose to coughing. I've just finished a very expensive course of vitamin E suspension which I'm not sure helped. I've been taking zinc and vitamin D3. Also apple cider vinegar (not very tasty) in hot water with lemon which I read somewhere helps and kaloba syrup from the health food shop. Fortuneatlt I don't have any swelling. My big toes are affected too and I don't seem to feel 100% comfortable in anything other than slippers!!
i would love to hear from fellow sufferers (particularly in the uk) with their stories and anything they have found helpful.
look forward to some replies.
Guest Virgin19
Vitamin E has helped my nails somewhat. My thumb nails detached in October and my right forefinger nail is just about ready to detach. I had my big toe nails removed at my own request as I was getting infections under the nails when they were detaching. They look awful but they are comfortable and I always wore trainers or 'sensible' shoes for the majority of the time so it doesn't bother me as long as I can get around OK. I now have to have 2 weeks of antibiotics when I get a chest infection as it comes straight back if I just have one week. I always take the whole dose and don't muck about with them as other antibiotics make me nauseous.
Have you been back to see your GP to get someone to join the dots and get a proper diagnosis. Yellow Nail Syndrome is so rare that a lot of medis haven't evet heard of it so you may need to tale along some literature from the net which shows the three main symprtoms of YNS - Bronchiectasis, Sinusitis and lymphoedema. If you haven't got the swelling yet it may be because it hasn't developed yet. The constant cough is also a known aspect of YNS.
Let me know if you have any questions which I may be able to help you with from my own experiences. I am in the UK.
Virgin19 Guest
thanks for your prompt reply. Mine started with constant nose blowing then coughing. Had already been to my GP about my nails. Kept asking if it was linked to my chest problems - maybe my immune system was low or I was lacking in something. He said no my nails were a fungal infection & to soak them in vinegar!! After about 3 chest infections I went private and the process began. My fabulous consultant referred me to a Dermatlogist and he took one look and said I have YNS. So yes, I have been diagnosed but as it's not curable I'm taking everything I can to stay healthy. Fortuneatley I've always been a healthy eater so I'm hoping that will stand me in good stead. I'd love to hear from more people with this condition and maybe set up a support group. Where are you in the UK?
Guest Virgin19
I live in the North East of England and I am lucky that I have a pretty good GP though he's the same age as I am and will probably retire soon and I'll have to educate the next one at my practice.
101dalmation Virgin19
Virgin19 101dalmation
After reading all the horror stories on here I do feel I am quite fortuneate as in I have no lymphodema. My nails are not good I have 3 detached and another 2 that are loose but I use stick on nails so I can paint them and no one knows the difference!! I have been well all summer I have been seeing a professor at papworth hospital in Cambridge and he's done all sorts of tests. My lung function is good. He has given me a daily antibiotic to take for 6 months over the winter to try and keep chest infections away. I am blowing my nose quite a bit but I can deal with that. Also my big toes are quite tender so certain shoes are a problem.
I wish everyone with this syndrome has a healthy winter!!
helen01813 Virgin19
I found the ugly big toe nails really hard to deal with initially, but doing the above helps. Coconut oil also helps both finger/toe nails and cuticles from a moisture side of things but also has anti fungal and anti infective properties.
Do hope your finger nails improve, Helen
101dalmation Virgin19
My coughing is starting to ease a lot now that i have stopped smoking (light smoker) but i do keep getting a tickly cough with a dry mouth all the time. i suck on boiled sweets in the daytime to prevent my mouth drying up. but night time i suffer.
the last two weeks i have started to get pain in my two big toes, as the nails have been removed permanently, the pain is coming from the actual toes. which im due to visit my doctor soon regarding them. my ankles swell up for no reason like a fluid inside them. and my feet are uncomfortable first thing in a morning, when i get out of bed i struggle to walk at first, this may be circulation i will find out of my doctor. mynose is still constantly disposing gooey stuff. which builds up regular. i can go through a box of tissues every couple of days. i do use a spray inside my nostrels "Avamys" which does help but unfortunatly doesnt cure it. but i can cope with this.
since my left lung operation, in dec 2014. i have developed a huge tummy, its bloated all the time. im seeing a specialist doctor at the hospital for this who thinks it could be trapped wind. ha ha. but ive also been suffering with loose bowels for over a year now. im constantly going to the toilet during the daytime. which is very uncomfortable, and preventing me from leaving home too long at a time.
recently i have had small bruising appearing on my body, to which my doctors have taken blood tests from me. as this is usually a sign of blood clotting. im awaiting results at moment.
antibiotics i usually have to take about 4 or 5 lots a year, due to coughing and colds, i have woken this morning and my top left lip has a cold sore appearing again. though i dont feel ill this happens regular.
as winter is aproaching i intend to take extra care again to try and prevent pnumonia returning in me. as i have sufferd three times now over the years with it.
i hope you are not suffering too much and hope you also have a healthy winter.
Virgin19 101dalmation
i have no swelling at all and I hope it stays that way. I go about my normal life - I go to work and socialise. I do blow my nose a fair bit or I'm coughing but thankfully it doesn't stop me doing stuff. My nails are in a bad way but I paint them and use stick on nails for the absent ones. I am on a daily antibiotic for the winter to try and keep chest infections at bay so fingers crossed. When I read the forum and all your experiences I wonder what is ahead of me. No doctor can tell me as there is so little known about it but if I can stay as I am then it's manageable.
i wish everyone suffering with this all my best wishes for a healthy winter
helen01813 101dalmation
So sorry you are suffering like this. I did read somewhere recently that the digestive system may be involved with YNS, if I can locate the article I will send you the details hopefully before you see the specialist. Understandable in a way as the lymphatic system seems so involved.
Do any of you guys get the flu jab? I usually do and have just realised that the pneumonia vaccine needs to be repeated every 5 years.
Take care and good luck with your appointments,
Just found it. No guarantee it won't be deleted sorry.
Actas Dermosifiliogr. 2007;98:372-6
It is a Spanish Journal but your Dr should be able to access it. If you know a way of PM me, I can send you a copy.
101dalmation helen01813
i get the flu jab every year now, because i suffer from C.O.P.D. which i got diagnosed last year with. my breathing can be really bad when i go for walks. so i have two inhalers to help me breath. i love to walk as well as its good excersise. but also if im on my feet too long they start to swell up. so i cant really win lol..but i still keep smiling.
i dont know how to pm you on here, as its a public site anyone can see what is written. otherwise i would give you ny phone number or address so we could stay in touch more often,
where about you from / im in north england here yorkshire.
101dalmation Virgin19
Just look on facebook for "Yellow Nail Syndrome" and join in.