Yellow Stool...What does this mean??

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Hey guys,

ive been and vodka drinker for 15+ years now and would usually drink 3-5 days a week. Sometime i would take a week off or more but im pretty consistent. I had an ultrasound done on my liver, gullbladder, pancrease, spleen, and kidneys back in November 2016 and all came back negative for any damage. 2 weeks ago i had a doctors appoinment to do blood work and all my levels we in order, so i felt like drinking and ended up doing so for 6 days straight, averaging 5-6 drinks per night. Then one morning i had to use the restroom and noticed my stool was bright yello/pale and i freadked out!! this only lasted for 36-48 hours until i noticed my stool turned back to normal.

Has anyone exsperienced this before? And if so, what does it mean? Being that it came and went with in 2 days. I feel fine now but im really nervous ive done permanent damage.


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21 Replies

  • Posted

    There are all sorts of reasons for yellow stools and I'm no doctor. I do know that a reduction in bile salts can be one reason.

    Cirrosiss ( always get spelling wrong) could be another explanation, but as your liver and bloods are ok, then I wouldn't worry about that.

    I'd suggest posting your question on the liver forum to get more accurate information on gastro problems.

    The only reason I know a bit about it, is because I've a relative currently undergoing pancreatic, liver and other gastro problems.

    If it occurs again, a visit to your gp may help. I wouldn't worry unduly as it's gone and you had no pain

  • Posted

    Hi jimmy, sorry to be brutal but I hope this is a wake up call. My husband was just like you all the tests were coming back negative, this was about 10 years ago.

    Now his memory is shot, GP wants him to have a liver scan which he is refusing to do as his blood results were poor.

    My point is, alcohol is toxic, you wont get away with it forever



    • Posted

      I've been saying that to people for at least the last year, that results can come back fine and within range, but that is no indication that everything is okay.

      A lot of people won't seem to believe me, and GPs don't seem that great in picking small clues up. As you know, because we have spoken about it, but for the benefit of others, an abdominal unltrasound is the only way to know for sure.

      @JA, if you ever persuade your husband to have a scan, don't ask the radiologist for the result/comment, because they can be brutally honest and straighforward, whereas a GP is slighly more tactful.

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      Whilst I know that blood results coming back fine and within range, is not indicative that alls well, but OP has had ultrasounds which showed no damage.

      Ive only ever had a liver ultrasound several years ago which was fine. Would an abdominal ultrasound be the only way to be sure? I'm starting to worry now.

    • Posted

      If you are asking me, is there not alternative ways, like maybe CT/MRI body scans, then yes there are other ways, but in my experience they are not used (UK).

      If you are asking, can they be sure from blood tests, then the answer is no. I have a blood test every year. I think a normal GP blood test give about six different tests/results, mine has about 22. Every single one came back within range. But I know I have cirrhosis.

      My consultant told me about two weeks ago, that I will now be having an ultrasound every six months. Because they know that they can't rely on blood tests to give an accurate indication (in my case).

      Bloods give an indication 'normally' of what is happening now and now I am not drinking, they come back normal, if I started drinking they would go through the roof.

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      I know you cant go by LFTs, just wondered if an abdominal scan would show any damage that a liver ultrasound has missed?
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      It's the same thing. The same as pregnant women have. But instead of looking at a baby, they go all over your liver, kidneys, pancreas, gallbladder etc.

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      I had a liver scan which was fine, but wondered if an abdominal scan was more detailed. Can breathe easy now thanks
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      Put the cheque in the post.

      Right, that's me done for tonight.

  • Posted

    I know what you are sayingi do need to quit or at the least cut back unti i can finally manage to stop drinking. My main concern is that ive had 2 ultrasounds in the last mmm 7 months? And both showed zero signs of anything. Im wondering if the ultrasound didnt pick up intestinal damages or inflamation. Could this be possible? Both ultrasounds could have missed something from 2 difrrent doctors?
    • Posted

      Have you considered what you ate preceeding? I once ate a highly coloured birthday cake that turned my stools green. Maybe because your aware that you drink too much your fixated on that?
    • Posted

      Sorry Kelly, I know you are being very supportive to jimmy, but I can't help but laugh at green stools from a bithday cake 😳 forgive me, I am very childish xx

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      Glad it gave you a smile😆 can only imagine it was some horrid artificial toxic food colour.

      What made me surprised at the time, the cake was Blue.

    • Posted

      You were the same when your husband had wind from campral and you were going dancing haha. Do you still go dancing?

      Are things still going well with your OH?

    • Posted

      Hi Vicks. Yep still go 💃 hubs still got excessive wind from taking Campral 😂 best of all Campral still working xx

      He starts a new job next month coz he's not happy with their sick policy. He hopes new colleagues will be as forgiving with his loud f***s as the old ones 😳 x

      Everything ok with you? x

    • Posted

      Hi JulieAnne

      I'm doing ok at the moment thanks and life is good.

      I've been looking after my 15 month old grandson all week which has been fantastic.

      Ive had to work really hard to gain my sons trust to have him. I don't blame him one bit, I wouldn't have wanted to leave any of my three kids with someone who's got a history of drinking.

      My family changed their views after watching Paul Turners video last year (my old posts will tell you how and why I changed). My son agreed to one afternoon a week, but any hint of alcohol whilst he was with me, then that would be it. My one afternoon grew to two days over time. However he was sick at nursery 10 mins after my son dropped him at nursery and they wouldn't have him back for two days. However I ended up having him all week! My house is a mess, I've done no ironing, just enjoyed playing with him. I would have lost all that pleasure of having quality time with him if I was still drinking.

      Dont get me wrong I drink socially, I've not given up, I'm just very aware of how much I do have and I can take it or leave it now. I had four alcohol free years and started slowly drinking again after being given the wrong drink at a BBQ. I asked for lime and soda, took a sip and realised it was wine and soda.

      My sensible brain said put it down and go and get a soft drink. My other brain said one wont hurt, I'll just have this one as an experiment. Unfortunately my sensible brain lost!!

    • Posted

      Hey Kelly,

      well i thought about what i ate the 3 days prior to the issue, but nothing i can think that i ate made it change color. I do however tak multi vitamins daily, but ive been doing that for years and never had yellow stool. Ive read that if you over load you liver with alcohol, it will not produce much digestive enzymes to break down what you eat and the stool passes right through you much faster. But as of today all seems normal, other than the occasional right side pain which is very mild. I just have to wait and see. Thanks

      BTW- ive eaten a blue cake before and it turned my poop a blueish green color hahahaha. 

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