Yet another celebrity making us regular women look like lunatics!
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Did anyone see how Halle Berry celebrated her 53rd birthday? By wearing a wet tee shirt that said "the no bra club". There she is with the shirt plastered to her flat stomach and perky boobs(she's had two kids, one of them at 50, so you know she had to have work done). I know she's a diabetic and takes good care of herself, but just once I wish these women celebrities would come clean and talk about real menopause!!!!
Is anybody with me?
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wendy94366 juanita93228
you can do anything when you have money,we are the real women
juanita93228 wendy94366
Yes we are! But I do wish they would come clean and be more transparent like Hopeful said. 85 percent of women have symptoms, so I'll bet most of the female celebrities of a certain age have symptoms. But Hollywood favors the young and I think they feel like if they talk about it they lose their sex appeal and they will be looked at as old women not hot and sexy.
HopefulTrina juanita93228
I would love for her and other celebrities to be transparent about perimenopause or menopause.. Share their stories of how AWFUL this time of life is..
juanita93228 HopefulTrina
Hopeful, I agree. They make it seem like it doesn't exist. Just the other day I saw where JLo's boyfriend posted pics of her in a white bikini. she just turned 6
50 not six😂😂😂😂
HopefulTrina juanita93228
kelly55079 juanita93228
If I had money I would have my personal chef--- I'm sure she eats well with little carbs. I would also have a personal trainer coming to the house at least 3-4 days a week to make sure I got a good work-out in even a massage afterwards.. And I'm sure I would have access to all Dr's even holistic ones to make sure I was taking the best supplements and healthy foods. It all helps making life easier.
Guest juanita93228
perhaps she isn't going through it yet? I don't think any amount of money could hide that sweaty, podgy, desperate looking appearance we all know and "love" (ha ha - NOT!). As and when she has a meltdown/outburst on TV (which I don't wish on her or anybody for that matter) or she retreats from public view, we will know for sure, unfortunately : (
heather29740 juanita93228
Look she is rich she can eat the best and buy the rest and for all we know she has had a decent menopause nit like the rest of us. I dont think anyone should need to tell us what their menopause is like, mine had been crap and i chose to come on the forum and shsre it with everybody but some people are nit like that.
I have all the anxiety, weight gain, pain everywhere as well as the incontinence thing ( my pelvic floor has slipped into the basement) and anything else i can think of , but i dont see halle berry and think why is she not telling us about her menopause i just get on with life and hope one day everything will get better for me!!!!
Lkl2019 juanita93228
I can't believe they don't suffer like the rest of us! at least some symptom to talk about! even if it's nothing like my weirdness and horrific nightmare. it's such an injustice to women like us. But no one I know suffers or has suffered like me, so... 😦
Lkl2019 juanita93228
oh yeh, and jada Pickett talked about losing her hair but no Dr could explain why. to me it was obviously hormones based on her age. all that money and still no help or awareness. smh
juanita93228 Lkl2019
Now that is sad. Of course her hair is thinning because of her age and hormones.