Yet another horrid symptom
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Hello ladies, I really don't like this flippy heart thing. Woke at 4am, usual thing with me and then the palpitations, heart flipping around for a few seconds but feels horrible, I know it's just another miserable symptom but what do you do to make it stop ? Makes me more anxious along with everything else. Can cope with most things but this is very unsettling, thanks everyone x💜
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altaa96585 Fairy28
Yes, this is truly unpleasant experience. I'm haiving this for a while almost 4-5 years on and off. I did all tests they came out fine. But my blood pressure was a bit higher than normal when my heart  feels sick. I do yoga and try to calm down myself. Just in case, have all tests to make sure that everything is fine except hormonal jump. Wish you all the best!
Fairy28 altaa96585
anita31460 Fairy28
I know it seems really cliche to say but calming your heart rate down really helps. I did a course in mindfulness last year and find it really useful when i start to experience unwanted sensations and anxiety. It teaches you to calm the body by doc using on your breath, acknowledging your senses and feelings and being comfortable with them. It really works!
Hope you find a way to cope
Anita x
jamie50513 anita31460
That is a good way to cope. When I feel a panic attack coming on, I try to slow down my breathing and it helps a lot. My heart racing usually leads to the panic attacks. It goes quickly but it's scary when it happens. I have learned to do some deep breathing and talk myself down to keep calm.
Fairy28 anita31460
jamie50513 Fairy28
I hate it also. I've had tests and was told my heart was fine. I don't have them all the time but when I do its scary and sometimes brings on a panic attack so I understand what you mean. I was given a bets blocker for it in case it gets unbearable. Hope you get relief soon!!
Fairy28 jamie50513