You wonderful people have given me hope!
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New to the list, & started feeling unwell last July, achy ,tiredness, tearful, not my usual self.Thought it was my under active thyroid, saw doc, took bloods, came back nothing, just E.S.R. slightly raised.
Went back & forth for sometime,as things got worse,finally he said he was 80%sure it was P.M.R.put me on 15mg Prednisolone, then things started to go really weird, woke up twice with rapid heart beat & breathing fast, hubby called ambulance, had e.c.g s nothing , scans nothing , doc said thought my heart was an innocent bystander.
Anyway next time I was rushed in they said panic attack, I am not a panicky person , but try telling them that !
Doc at hospital did say he thought the steroids were not high enough , so put me on 20mg, then had pain in my back near shoulder, doc thought clot on lung, had scans nothing, by now I am almost on my knees, & feeling so ill.dragging myself out of bed to sit on a chair.So weak. Doc there said \"no not P.M.R\" & stopped the steroids.
Paid to see Rhuematologist, had been having headaches , blurred vision ,& loss of vision in one eye for a few seconds , though seemed ages.he said as my E.S.R. wasnt that high [38] it wasnt P.M.R & didnt pick up on G.C.A either, he referred me to a nuerologist for an M.R.I. scan. again nothing, but this time he said P.M.R. & Temporal Arteritis, AT LAST someone is listening to me!!
He put me on 50mg steroids for 1 week dropping every week to 30, after dropping to 40 it all came back, so doc put me on 50mg again this time for 4 weeks,then dropping to 45, then 40 till I see him again this week.
You wonderful people have given me hope , I have read your letters , & feel there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel, Thank you so much.
I still feel very weak& some days cry , no leg pains now since I took Devils Claw, after 3 days the pain went, I read it does help P.M.R. sufferers.
I have had slight ache in my head , not exactly a full blown headache, but I am hoping its not the Temporal arteritis back again, will know more tomorrow after seeing the doc.
Hope I have rambled on too much , apologies if I have.Just needed to talk to somebody who knows what its like.Thank you
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[color=red:7a675264c7]Granny Moss[/color:7a675264c7] Re feeling neglected: I think it is quite usual to have to 'phone for test results. Our surgery, which I have always thought as being very efficiently organised, has a number to press on the choices if that is what you want. We can always ask for the doctor to 'phone us at home, too. I was always told if I needed to make another appointment. Otherwise it was \" come back if you need me\" and I am happy with that but I certainly would not be willing to wait too long and I have never had to. You are right, I am very lucky.
Perhaps a dip-stick test will be al that is needed to check you UTI and you will get an answer on the spot. Good luck.
Thank you to all , I am beginning to feel I am not alone now.
All your tips have been noted & thank you for sharing with me all your problems with this awful illness.
I felt probably more depressed with it, because I had planned a visit to New Zealand to see my daughter , son & grandchildren in Jan & had to cancel & in Nov, my dear brother on top of this my spirit dropped a lot, but I have a super hubby who with his silly jokes keeps me up on bad days.
I am usually his carer, he has heart probs & diabetes , plus he too had P.M.R. for many years & sometimes I think he still has it.anyway it helped me to understand things a bit better.
i have visited the sites you all mention & hope to join the P.M.R.GCA one soon.I believe there is a d.v.d available when you join.
I will continue to log in & add my twopennorth worth on occasions.Thank you all again for your wonderful support.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear of the additional stresses you have had to endure with the sad loss of your brother and your cancelled New Zealand trip to see your children - as if PMR, GCA and steroids aren't enough to cope with. PMR and GCA don't take kindly to stress and we are advised to avoid them as much as possible but unfortunately through life we have some stresses thrown at us that are impossible to avoid.
BUT, on the positive side, how wonderful for you to have such a \"super hubby\" and one who has also had the misfortune to experience PMR - at least it must be reassuring having someone by your side who knows exactly what you are going through.......but better still who has also recovered.
Yes you will find all the information about the DVD on the PMR/GCA NorthEast Support Group site including an application form to print off - I believe you only have to pay about £5 to cover costs.
Very best wishes and I hope you will now have a smooth journey to recovery and can look forward to re-arranging that trip to New Zealand in the not too distant future.
Grr! Loud shout of \"LOOK AT THE CLINICAL PICTURE FIRST\". Not everyone has abnormal blood values and you cannot say it's not some things just because the lab values don't show it - and anyway, the lab might have got it wrong. It does happen. :roll: :oops:
No headaches today , but will keep in mind your advice.
Saw Doc yesterday, he has told me to start dropping by 5mg every 2weeks, so on 40 mg from today.
I am feeling better , not so many low moods & tears.just weakness in legs ,& arms & sometimes achy hips.
I was wondering how many sufferers , were on Statins?
It seems to pop up now & again.
I was on Simvastatin for a while, & when I became ill , checked the side effects, & I could tick every box, makes you wonder, doc stopped them & I am still not taking them.
Anyone taken Co -enzyme Q10?
Supposed to take with Statins, it gives an energy boost I am told.
Will keep in touch
[quote:03d28c6b61]Anyone taken Co -enzyme Q10?
Supposed to take with Statins, it gives an energy boost I am told. [/quote:03d28c6b61]
I have just responded under Alendronic Acid take a look.
The answer to your question is why do you want to take it.
If just for an energy boost think hard, fatigue is part of the problem with PMR, GCA and steroids. There is a good article issued by ARC on how to cope with fatigue on the North East website.
Simvastatin, the people who have taken this particular statin, which has side effects that mimic PMR symptoms, are numerous.
so sorry to hear of your problems, and then along comes PMR to add to things !
I am on Simvastatin, I had a minor stroke a few years ago, at the age of 50.
When I started with PMR, but before diagnosis, my GP agreed to my suggestion that I stopped taking the statins in case that was what was causing the muscle pain/stiffness etc.
He suggested I stay off them for a month and then if there had been an improvement, we'd try another type of statin.
Well, before a week was up I was back there again I was in so much pain, then bloods etc. taken and told it was PMR.
So I was put back on the statins, what with all the other meds, I would rattle if I could move fast enough.
If anyone finds the answer to an energy boost, please let me know ! :wink:
Best to all,
Julia ( DD )
As for Co-enzyme Q10, I was curious, would perhaps try it , once I am on the mend so to should be taken if you are on statins apparently.
I have a dear friend in her late 80's, she is into homeopathy, magnets etc,& has helped me in the past, she suggested Devils claw, which coincidence or not has helped with the pain in legs.
I also put magnets on painful places, no one was more sceptical than me, but it did work, so I bow to her knowledge.
I guess we all may grasp at straws on times.
Hope you are all feeling a bit better like me today.long may it last!
Thank you for your help & advice & take care
Glad you are feeling a bit better
Never had any experience of statins and hope I dont need them but my husband has taken them for quite a few years ( familiy history ) with no problems
As to the magnets people are used to my horse medicine on here !! but magnatherapy was first used on horses particuarly swellings and sprains and strains There are special wraps you can buy you dont have to stand there with a magnet !! One Vet I knew who had practiced for a long time gave it up to do magnatherapy full time as he was so convinced of its value
Another thing was probiotics over 20 years ago we were told to give our horses probiotics after they had had antibiotics to balance their gut again but they have only been really popular for humans for less than 10 years I would say My 33 year old horse is on a herbal supplement which has given her a new lease of life Agnus Castus for hormone balance and I have started taking it and the night sweats I had through the steroids have just about gone !! ( menopause long gone !!) Something the Vet had prescribed for my horse had a dreadful effect so I would never say no to herbal or homeopathic remedies
best wishes
Mrs G
Then give it a rest, funny thing is it seems to work, so I am grateful.
They are about the size of an old penny.
Worth a try.
Cheers Amycakes.