Zig zag lines in vision
Posted , 9 users are following.
I have been having zig zag lines in my vision for a few years and they come in spurts! I sometimes get headaches afterwards but not always. Lately I am very forgetful as well. Is this also due to menopause?
1 like, 8 replies
susane84679 Madracquel
yes ma'am it is. they call it ocular migraines. while the actual eyes dont hurt, just really annoying, it can bring on headaches. hope you feel better soon!
beth1873 Madracquel
I don't know about the zig zag vision but if I don't have it write down I don't do it! LOL!
lana07071 Madracquel
Karatemom_44 Madracquel
Sochima822 Madracquel
Yes, it's a common symptom of perimenopause. Called aura's, where migraines can follow. I would get silent migraines, where I would feel a throbbing in my head but no pain. Now, that aura's have passed, I'm on a new one called Flash without Gordon. I see flashes at the corner of my eye, usually the left. Now, isn't getting old fun?
pinkcatfairy Madracquel
Sassyr12a Madracquel
Hello there
Yes, as the ladies have said it's a type of migraine. If you get it in one eye, it's an ocular migraine, if you get it in both its an aura. Both may/may not come with a headache. I've had them a few times, they're scary! When I saw my gp she said it can be caused by a peak in progesterone. They're quite common in some ladies when they're having their period. You are meant to get it checked out though Xx