zofran for tramadol withdrawal

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Hi I have posted on here a few times... While I'm struggling with getting off tramadol. I finally went and talked to my doctor and she advised a weening program to come off of this horrible pill. I ween some days and other I give in because I feel horrible and take my normal amount which isn't too much about 150 mg a day. I have gotten down on some days to 100. While weening is probably my best route... I just don't see myself following through with it because I just give in to the horrible feeling I get. I also did go 3 days without any tramadol and took one vicodin daily and was doing good until day 3 and bam the withdrawals hit. So my doctor gave me zofran and told me to take it if I dont feel well while coming off. Has anyone had any experience with taking this? She also gave me very strong muscle relaxers to sleep which I'm a lil skeptical on taking. I am starting to take one pill a day and in 3 days I'm taking the leap giving the pills to my husband a and getting off these SOB's . So i just wanted to see if any one had any positive feedback on the zofran?? I also got 5htp... Has anyone used this does it make you sleepy?? Thanks!

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Zofran is the best thing you take if you go cold turkey. You have a great doctor. Those pills cost about £8 each.  If you are down to 150 or 100 a day, then go off the rest all at once. Take the zofran when the nausea kicks in. I dont think they cause sleepyness. They are steriodal anti-nausea, and so can't be taken long term, but are the perfect help for coming off an opiate. 

    You can come off tramadol if you convince yourself you are going through a bad bout of flu. Take it to the pharmacy and give it to them and then you will know you can't have any more. 

    Be honest with yourself - coming off tramadol is a really hard thing to do. FAce it for what it is, and do it. You will feel so proud of yourself whe you have. Most people may not know what you had to go through, but you will always know you had the strength. 

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your positive feedback. I think most of my fear is in my head.. I get myself all worked up especially when reading some horror stories people have said about their withdrawal. I know I can get through it I just have to do I believe I will start tomorrow ...the quicker this is all over the faster I can move forward. The best thing I did was tell my doctor.. She was very supportive and it's about the best advice I can give anyone... Don't be afraid to ask for help.. It makes it so much easier!
  • Posted

    Okay, start and dont look back. Knowing it is going to be rough can be helpful. It wont be easy, but it wont be a horror story either, as you are already down to a lower dose than many. The worst thing is the restless legs. I was prescribed iron. Go get some from a pharmacy or ask your doc. 
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      Thats the worst for me the rls. I get all over, hands, arms, legs, misery. Does the iron really help and how much? The rls is what keeps me from trying to quit againsad
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    ferrous fumerate 210mg twice a day. 
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      It's been 24 hours since I took my last tramadol. Last night was a little restless I didn't sleep too much I did take melatonin so i got a little sleep. I woke up with a really bad stomach ache so i took the zofran and I felt better. I did take half of a vicodin this morning just to be able to get through the am with the kids. Is that going to stop my withdrawal and start it all over again? I feel like if I'm not taking the tramadol I'm good because that is the goal to get this nasty drug out of my system. Last time it took me two days to start severe withdrawal. So we will see. But today I don't feel too bad just cold all the time... Im hoping this is over as quickly as possible!
    • Posted

      ~HI Brandi- you are right about two days before the WD's really kick in - the problem with Tramadol is it is a synthethic form of opiate- it's pharmacolgy is unique therefore it is very hard to use anything to replace it and therefore reduce the WD's- i was on 1000mg of Tramadol a day- i quit last september- i did it cold turkey- it was horendous - i have quit codeine and alcohol before so i am fairly used to WD's - this was the worst-  but you have had the sense to taper them down so it should not be to bad for you- do it as slowly as you can- extend the length of time between pills and even split or open the pills and split the dose (do not do this if they are slow release pills or capsules) the more gradual the reduction the more time your body and mind will have to adjust to this. remember that tramadol also contain some anti-depressant properties and the loss of these can affect your mood-just be aware of what is causing this- remember you will only have to do this once- once you are clean -you are done with it-stay strong - best of luck -
    • Posted

      Taking vicodin will slow the withdrawal and let you go through the mental anguish with less of the physical symptoms. Be prepared to feel like life is not worth it, and just tell your self it is a feelingand will go away. You might weep as if all your loved ones had left you, but let yourself weep, as it will pass faster if you do. Day three is most peoples worst day, but that does not mean day four and five are easy. Day six is usually over the hill and coasting back to feeling alive again, but you may find restless legs continue for months, unless you take iron. Vitamin C in copious amounts is good too.

      Take the vicodin as you need it. You will appreciate its help with the aches and pains, and it might help lesten the restlessness too. Up to a week of taking it should be fine. I am not a doctor. Sound like you have a good GP, so keep them aware of what you are going through. One tip - if you are awake at night, get up, don't try to sleep - it is torment. The best distractions are flow tasks. Knitting worked for me. 

    • Posted

      Thanks for the support! After having a small melt down after I wrote in her earlier I called my physician to make sure the vicodin wouldn't hinder my withdrawal. She wasn't happy I just stopped and urged me to continue my tapering program.. Sigh... This just stinks..so i took one 50mg pill and will continue to take just one daily for a week.. I mean I just don't know how much lower I can go.. I guess after that she suggested I cut back to one every other day.. Yeah one day sick.. One day better for weeks don't sound like a great plan.. But will follow her instructions as she has been very helpful
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      it is good advice. No need to go through cold turkey unless your body has developed a dependence. It does prolong the feeling grotty, but it can lessen the long term effects, and should protect you from bad depression. Just do what she says. There are different ways to come off, but it is always best to have a doctor invloved. 
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      My thought is will I still have the same withdrawal when I finally stop the lowest dose?? Sometimes I feel like hey if I can get down to one a day and they help my pain why not just keep taking them... That's my problem because eventually one will lead to two and I will be back up to 5 a day. But I'm really going to stick to this and hopefully it all works for the best! What a nightmare if I only would of known!
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      yes, hindsight is often what we wish we had. It is best to get off the tramadol. The longer youare on it, especially if you mess with the doses, the more likely you will develop dependency and the harder withdrawal will be. And your doctor is not going to prescribe you more if she is helping you come off it. When you are off, you will  find that you will have pain days. Your brain is used to blocking pain, and it will treat what should feel like ordinary soreness as pain. Take nothing more than paracetemol when you are off tramadol, for over a year. Let your brain adjust. A pain clinic doctor told me this. If you need an anti-depressent, ask for the least addictive one. I had to come off tramadol twice. The first time was from 400mg. That was hard. The second time was from having been put bacl on 50mg a day. That was a much worse withdrawal as my body really wanted it. It lasted 10+days, and then went on in some degree for a couple of months. COme off it now and be done.
  • Posted

    Coming off of Tramadol is extremely tough.  The withdrawals are horrible, and they last for weeks.  But it is possible to stop taking it for good.  I was dumb enough to do it twice.  The only way to come off of Tramadol is to slowly taper off a little at a time.  If you have withdrawals, coming off cold turkey feels nearly impossible.  One of the worst withdrawals is the extreme restlessness, making it nearly impossible to sleep for weeks.  Tramadol stays in your system for a long time.  You will need to taper off slowly until you are down to a half a pill a day.  Then you may need to take that 1/2 pill for over a week until you are albe to come off it 100% and not have bad withdrawal symtems.  Or you can see how long you can eventually go without taking a pill, and then only take a 1/2 pill when you feel the withdrawal systems coming back.  Again, tramadol stays in your system a long time.  This is not a quick process, but I promise, it's doable! 

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