Zoloft = lack of motivation?

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Hi there - I have been on 50 mg Zoloft for 15+ years but recently experienced a breakthrough of anxiety so my doctor increased my dosage to 75 mg. I'm on day 11 of this new dosage and the side effects were brutal (lack of appetite, bad tummy, sleeplessness) but seem to be improving. However, I am feeling a complete lack of motivation to really do anything physical. Is this a side effect or the new normal? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I’m not taking Zoloft but those are my side effects now 
    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply! Do you think this is the new norm? My mood is good but all I want to do is work on my laptop while sitting on the couch all day. This is NOT me. Do you think this apathy will eventually lift? How long have you been experiencing it?
    • Posted

      I have been feeling this way for a month now my mind and body are just not in tuned with each other anymore. I can’t describe the feeling but it’s a awful one 
    • Posted

      But it's not an actual anxious and/or depressed feeling, is it? I feel just flat - no sadness, no anxiety, just meh. Maybe we have to allow ourselves this time to have these feelings rather than fighting them. 

    • Posted

      Mine is followed by fear I’m afraid that I’m sick or something of that nature my son who is 10 is currently battling cancer so there is a spiral of events that’s led me here so now I’m trying to cope 
    • Posted

      Tanika, I am so sorry to hear of your son's cancer - I can't imagine the stress you are feeling about that. I am feeling for you - it's no wonder you are experiencing the emotions you are feeling. Hugs to you.

  • Posted

    Joanne.  I do think it’s a side effect from the increase.  I’ve recently increased my meds also.  I also went through lack of motivation, almost like a depression. Hang in there, you know it takes time.  Even an increase takes a good 4 weeks to get in your system.  Good luck! 
    • Posted

      Thanks Mary - I keep telling myself that - I have good moments and some not-so-good moments but I really think this too shall pass in time. My appetite is STILL nowhere to be found - have you found the same thing?
    • Posted

      Fortunately or unfortunately (ha) my appetite is back.  I’m still eating healthy. I’ve been on my increase for 5 weeks now. Feeling much better.  Still have problems sleeping and ringing in my ears.  Other than that, I see light at the end of the tunnel. I expect I’ll still have some bad days, but feeling much better. 
    • Posted

      That is reassuring for sure - I intentionally lost weight before Christmas but I wouldn't have had I known this was just around the corner! I am forcing food down and monopolizing on the times when hunger does strike (which is infrequent). Smoothies are a great option. So glad to hear that your hunger is back! And now that you are five weeks in, how is your level of motivation? Your feedback is much appreciated (you answered one of my other posts too which was super-helpful).


    • Posted

      I do think supporting each other is important. Most of the things I read on these posts I have experienced.  It’s nice to get feedback from people going through the same thing, especially when it’s positive.  My motivation has come back. It’s kinda like you don’t notice, it’s gradual.  You just start to notice you’re not as hesitant to do things.  I wouldn’t say I’m 100%, but def better.  It doesn’t seem to happen overnight, just like everything, it takes time. But it will get better. 
    • Posted

      Agreed. It IS so great to have support from people who have been through it before! Continued success on your journey, Mary!

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