Zopiclone withdrawals?

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I was taking zopiclone for about 13 days 7.5mg every night fofor insomnia. I found out my insomnia was cause by very high bp. Now bp is normal range. No need for zopiclone. I fall asleep every second night without it bringing it to a total of about 18 days over the last month....now I feel very anxious, cloudy thinking, cant focus, shakiness...has anyone experienced withdrawals from a short period of time? And if so, how long does it last? And should I worry about seizures or all the scary stuff about delirium, convulsions, etc. ?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    I once tried to come of Zopiclone after taking them for around twenty years.

    i felt like a complete zombie. Coukdnt sleep,of course.

    i Must say I felt quite ill but I didn’t experience sezuires or delirium.

    yiu will feel ill if you don’t taper of them properly.

    get a doctors advice.


    • Posted

      Thank you for your comment. It's been over 30 hours since I last had one and I'm shaking like crazy. I have no more pills and the dr said he didnt want to prescribe more in case I get addicted. I did not know a short amount of time could make your body dependent on them. I feel so awful. Never felt like this in my life. 5 days ago I stopped taking them and then took one the other night to fall asleep. I shouldn't have, I experienced withdrawal symptoms after I stopped the first time...now these withdrawals are even more intense now. Not sure what to do. I feel like I'm dying.

  • Posted

    You wouldn’t get withdrawal symptoms like that after only taking them for two weeks.

    it must be something else causing that.

    go to your Gp and explain.

    • Posted

      I was researching on this and it said your body can physically become dependent after a couple weeks. I had many tests done in the ER and with my family doctor the past couple days and they cant find anything. I told them about taking zop but they didnt really seem to think anything. But my body feels otherwise. Shakiness has settled here and there but the feeling of unreality is very bothersome. Anxiety was through the roof a little while ago.
  • Posted

    Hi I was addicted to Z for 6 months and the side effects were horrendous. I had a nightmares, uncontrollable shaking during the day, forgetfulness and suicidal thoughts. Please come off these as soon as you can- I will never touch one again. I changed to Sertaline which helps me sleep but more importantly, I don’t have the crippling anxiety I felt on Z. Good luck 

    • Posted

      Thank you, I was off them for about 3 weeks...and it was all good. But then an insomnia spell hit and I have in because I've been up for 3 days now. Ugh I am not looking forward to going off again. Clonopin doesnt help for sleep. Not sure what else could help me sleep. I just dont want to go through all this anymore. I hate it all. I hate this life.

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