Zopiclone withdraway

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Very interesting to read the discussions on this forum. And especially helpful for me since I am on day one of stopping zopiclone and feeling a bit wobbly after just one night of no sleep (well, actually about two hours in fact), nightmares, sleep paralysis episode and sweating. I've been on Zopiclone since 2001, having been given it as a last resort after several years of chronic insomnia. I started with 3.75 and have increased roughly every four years. Now I've been taking 11mg, supplementing the 3.75 dose still prescribed for me with internet orders every few months. Somehow I couldn't admit to my GP's that I was doing that. I'm now retired and living a stress free life, so all the presenting circumstances for insomnia A&E way in the past. When I moved to a new life in a peaceful island environment at th end of 2012 I decided to come clean with my doctor about using internet 7.5 doses. But I've continued to take the 11 mg dosage until now. I haven't slept naturally for at least 14 years so I'm very scared of stopping. But the effects of the drug have got worse and now I want to stop. For a long time, my brain has felt foggy, I have a horrible hangover for half the day, really fatigues, forgetful and speech stammer. I've been reading up since last week and this is the most informative and supportive forum I've found. I looked at the CITA site and the adivice seemed to be not to go cold turkey but to do a crossover to an equivalent dose of diazepam first and then reduce from there.

I met with my GP yesterday and he is supportive and has given me 2 mg pills of diazepam to make the tapering easier. He's also going to monitor me and see me once a week to check progress.

i feel really scared about this, for all the same reasons I've read here. Zopiclone has given me the security of going to bed and knowing I will lose consciousness. That's been huge and I've traded that off against the feeling of being dulled, impaired and drugged in my daily life. I've done lots of amazi things over these last 13 years, lots of achievements, but all against a background of feeling crap. 

Last night was my first night without Zopiclone.  I took 9 mg Diazepam at bed time (probably too late I think) and set up relaxation cd I've been using, a radio, a corner of my spare room to curl up in with my book instead of lying in bed sleepless. I was awake until around 3.30, when I think I slipped into a two hour dose. But had mini hallucination about the radio playing ( it wasn't) and me ripping the batteries out (I didn't) I also had a nightmare, which I've never had before, and some sleep paralysis on waking from it. My temperature went up and down too, with some sweating.

i  will go on with this but would so appreciate any support or ideas. Many of you know too well how savage the effects are of acute insomnia and I know I'm in for a rough ride. I've bought some Phenergan but didn't take it yet. I'm also sending off for 5 HTP. 

So that is night one over. Any words of encouragement welcome. I'm not at all sure I can do this, with a supply of Zopiclone still in my bedside drawer. But being sleepless and not on the drug feels better than sleeping badly with it.

I'll keep you posted....


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85 Replies

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    Another update to my Zopiclone/Diazepam tapering. I haven't taken Z since 27th June and have reduced the starter dose of 9mg Diazepam to 3 mg. this last reduction of one mg has been harder, just dropped on Monday and sleep became noticeably more patchy. I'd been getting some sleep, enough to get by, but this week I'm sleeping in small bites of about ninety minutes at a time. Maybe 4 hours or do. I feel really tired now but hoping it'll settle again. Think the first few days of a reduction is supposed to be wobbly. Would really like to hear from anyone who's done the entire crossover withdrawal. Any encouragement would help!The worst thing has been losing the security of going to bed expecting to sleep -though actually, since my Zopiclone sleep was poor and interrupted, that was false security. This is hard. But not tempted to go back. (Hope that isn't famous last words...) 
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      I just wish I could find a doc that would transfer me to diazepam to start tapering off. My GP doesn't want to know - although at least he is still prescribing me 56 zops every fortnight, i.e. 4 a day. I tried Cita and they suggested cutting down really slowly, but I find after about 5-6 hours I'm jittery, feel uncomfortable, don't want to go out etc etc. so cutting down isn't working. I asked Cita if it was worth changing my GP, they said 'maybe not as another might not prescribe you anything'.
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      hi keith ask to see another gp and ask for the ashton plan ! sod that gp!! i was on zopiclone for 11 years and with the ashton plan i havent had zopiclone now for 3 months. 
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    All I can say is there is no way I would ever take dimazipan I have taken zop for years and I can not believe the doctors  are substituting  zop with real old fashion drugs, they are all idiots the people who change what is safe to what is bad are clueless sadly my occupation involved working with the top health pros in the country and trust me they are muppets, I could say a lot more but I will be exterminated .
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    Hi. I'm not a taker but am watching a very much loved mum nan and great grandmother waste away, taking this and other prescibed drugs. She has become an addict and it's killing me watching her. So I beg you throw away those in your draw look in the miiror and tell yourself your worth more than that, that you are strong and will be even stronger without them in your system please. Good Luck x
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    I feel i have the worse insomnia. its to the point where i dont even want to lay down to sleep because i feel its pointless. when i take zop i take 7.5 and it knocks me right out. i havent been taking them very long only about a month. but ill go 2 days on then 1 or 2 days off. ill get 1 sleepless night then the following night ill be so tired that almost any sleeping pill works. All i read is zop is addicting, you get dependant on it. i already feel dependant on it. Im trying to stop before its too late. ive even read that it causes cancer (what doesnt these days)  its now 4 am. i took some stuff called super sleep about 3 hours ago and its not working even though it did last night. ive always had sleeping issues where id go to bed late every night. but as of the past 3 months its as bad as it gets that i just cant sleep. i need help. 
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    I am just saying what I think, I still feel these are the safest sleeping pills around, I tried an over the counter substitute. Never again I slept but the next day I was like a zombie, with zopiclone the affect go,s away and also in the event of an emergency you can wake up and be fully alert , so I will not change them to some thing the doctor has thought up,I seen a different doctor last week and he questioned me, why do you take them? Etc then said do you relise they are addictive I said so is tea and I'm not giving that up, addictive is just a word, but being totally worn out through lack of sleep, is a lot worse addict or knackerd , your choice.
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    I took Zopiclone for years. A frind used to bring mw boxes of it from Spain and it was €4 for a box of 28. I'd have insomnia for years but wouln't truest what was on offer..benzos, basically. When I was about 17, I was studying and a bag of nerves because of a particular very important exam. This was mid 80s. My GP just wrote me a script for Halcion (Triazolam) an told me to come back when I'd run out. He told me that they were the latest innovation and that the they just sent you to sleep an then were out of your system and was thought to be so good  that airline pilots even took it. I knew nothing about benzos, I never assscicted with  what I had with the only the benzo I knew..Valium and I didn't know the word benzo). So, I started taking them and they were very good, You woke up and no drowziness of bad taste in your mouth. He precribed then to me, 1 at nigt (I think the dose was 0.25) for 3 years until I ran out while I was at college an went to see the college oc for a re-fill. The Collge oc went mental asked me if I ha any iea what I was taking, an I admitted that I knoew sod all, except that I had to take 3 rather than 1 for them to work.

     thought he would refuse to give me a script but he didn't. He drew up a tapering plan, so first thing was to cut to 1.75mg. He would prescibe me 1.75 x 3. As i was a student in those days we din't pay for precritions. He would only give me as any as I needed bewteen surgeries an when he decided it was time to lose another 0.25, that's what he did and I went along with it and after 2 nights was fine. He carried on like that till I was having to split it to.0.125. Anyway, It worked and swore I'd never take another

    Then fast foprewar 30 yeras and I'm still an insomniac who ha trie just about everything over the counter. The a friend bought me a box of Zopiclone from the states and said she always stocks up there cos it's only €4 a box. As she went to spain nce a month, I had a reay supply an you were allowed to take up to 3 months worth. As they weren't class C them as came across from a Phramacy which many of you may know off (don't know protocol for naming pharms) but they were a Brtish Company who shipped from abroad. Green flag (i.e. non-controlled) were their speciality as well as Zopiclone. You could buy the Brand box of 28 for £25 but a generic (Not Imovane/Zimovan etc) for £2.50 for a strip of ten, for £25 for 100 tabs then BOOM, the Class C disaster at the time. No where else sold Zopiclone cheaper. I use it for years then all of a sudden your  cheap addiction if terrifying. It was cheper than a prescrition so a lot of people who had prescritions would jus use the money to buy 80 for his £8 prescrition charge or 14 x 3.75. There were someone that always tried to make out the sol fakes..definitely not!!!!

    After the panic attack ensue, the Pharmcy has given plenty of warning so we could stock up, which I did and I decided that now I couldn't afford the things anymore I'd better taper off and used the same method my college doctor used. I gave the whole lot too a friend and wrote down on what dates I was to have what. And I made sure it was someone a far way away because I can't drive.

    What I learnt from the 1st time was that you actually needs a steady stream of regular precriptions, and I would also see f I could get the service of a charitable rehap service if you feel you need to or a chance to get your scripts for free..

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    I know you posted this a year ago was just wondering how you got on without zopiclone I need help in getting of this drug as well

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    I am not sure when you wrote this post jaygee2081 but maybe you will understand my story and I hope you are in a better place now. I didn't just use Zopiclone for sleep - it helped me occasionaly with datime anxietey. I had been on Valium to make me sleep for many years and found the sleep that Zopilone gave me much more refreshing.

    I have now after a very long struugle and stopped Zopiclone abuse, as that is what it was and I am on a Valium taper. I have had the nightmres too which wrere so bad it stopped an ealrier attemts to quit this evil drug. I ma taking 10 mg of valium at nght and will try to taper off this. The nightmares are there under there surface but I have beaten an addiction after many years of abuse.

    I have bad days too but I did when I wans't on mediction. There is a way forward by tapering using valium instead. It has helped my 12 month 'clean' recovery amazingly and its one step at a time' Livg life without such  crutch can be hard but it can be done

    Living with hope and trying to move on  a day at a time hear and it works - I wish you well but PV me if you need help. I don't tthink even GPs understand how hard it is to quite this drug which they perscibed me! We do!


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      Hi, I'm wondering how you're doing Nigel? I'm trying to get off zop using diazepam too. Nikki

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    Interesting thread. I suffer imsomnia amd get zopiclone every now and then to give me a break from it. I Have been using Zopiclone for about 5yrs on and off. My doctor prescribes me 28 x 7.5mg with a dose to be taken of 7.5mg per night. Generally from day 1, just 1 is never enough so first night or two its a minimum of 15mg then by night 3 usually 22.5mg then from about the 4th night 30mg till there gone which is 9 days. I always end up with only 3 pills on the last night. Then its cold turkey for a cpl of nights then about 6 weeks then I go get some more. So far I generally only suffer the withdrawal for about 3 nights. I will say though that this time my withdrawl and intensity of dream/nightmare/sleep paralysis as well as the re-entering the same odd v real dream 5-6 times and I was actually not just waking and going back to sleep I got up drank water and went to the toilet and couldnt believe how every time I went back to sleep I was straight back in the same very strange very real dream. This has never happened before in my life (Im 51) and never has the intensity of weird dream sleeplesnes waking up hot and sweating increased on the 3rd night, its usually better by then. Tbf I quite enjoy the strang dreams and nightmares I get when the zopiclone ends. I awoke during a bout of sleep paralysis yelling at a horrible female ghost who had been pinning me down, but not in a sexual or pleasurable manner “F**K OFF YOU WHORE” except it was my bedroom wall I was yelling at as I awoke and somewhat startled my dog 

    Also alot of people on this thread are saying its out of your system in 3 days but I read the following in another thread on this forum regarding Zopiclone “i read on here a professor on radio four had said that withdrawal from zopiclone is worse than heroine. As it can take up to ten years to leave your system as apposed to heroine which leaves the body in a week.” In this thread here https://patient.info/forums/discuss/zopiclone-withdrawals-and-wtf-help--511884

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    hi Im on night 5 without any sleep ,feeling tired no energy ,but still determined to give this drug the red card.

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