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Hi, I have been on zoplicone 7.5mg for over 10 years and sertraline for over a year.
I decided I wanted to come off them both so I halved the tablets and did that for a couple weeks then had them every other day and then stopped altogether.
My difficulties were not being able to sleep -it lasted about a week and I was given fenergan (probably spelt wrong) but that made me mega drowsy the next day. After about a week I found I can actually sleep better and feel tired naturally I am so proud of that after all those years reliant on zoplicone.
The sertraline I felt a bit wooly headed and clumsy,and cold for about a couple weeks but I am ok now.
I have found my sex drive has come back to life!!! I feel sharper brained and I have found out I can have an alternative to a medication I have to take for my legs and back as I have a knackered vertebra and whatnot And I will lose weight.yippeeeeeee.
Stick with it if you are trying to come off, one day at a time.
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lattifa7777 debz75
Tezes debz75
i came off sertraline (took it for two years) about Six weeks ago, I tapered very slowly using the this sites recommended 10% taper, it took 6 months but worth the patience. Since I stopped I have lost 10lbs in weight which is roughly what I put on taking them. I couldn't lose the weight while I was taking them so I am very pleased to have come off the drug and got back to my usual weight.
good luck to everyone trying to come off this medication, it isn't easy x
lattifa7777 Tezes
lattifa7777 Tezes
Tezes lattifa7777
im my case I couldn't lose weight when I was taking them
In terms of whether you should come off them ? Only you know how you feel.
i started them at a time of prolonged stressful events and made the decision to stop them as my situation had improved and I felt stronger.
These drugs are not meant to be taken long term and they are not without their downside. In general GP 's don't really understand their adverse effects. They are given out in isolation (eg without therapy) but are very difficult to come off.
if you feel ready to come off them have a look on this site for the safe way to taper of them
kind regards and good luck x
dodo81786 lattifa7777
Let me ask you something , I know everyone is different in how they act with sertraline but I'm experiencing bad emotions nowadays . I've been on this med for 6 months now was on 50 mg then upped to 100 since last January this year .
I feel anxious and not that motivated and whenever I feel doing something like cooking or cleaning or so I feel not happy but I do stuff but not with motivation as I used to . Also I have a scared feeling sort of as if you l fell of about to fall it's like uneasy feeling in my chest . This happened to me like it used to before the med . I don't know what is this blip or what .
I know I should speak to my dr but I would like to ask you if u have any explanation . Thanks in advance .
lattifa7777 dodo81786
and I have had a couple of blips where the depression slips back in, it usually lasts about a week, and usually wen I've pushed my self too hard not slept enougj or had a argument that had upset me.a lot. give it a week or 2 then if it hasn't passed go see the Dr, that's my personal advice to you .
depression is somthing that just creeps up of you don't look after your self.
let me know how your doing in a week .
all the best x
dodo81786 lattifa7777
lattifa7777 dodo81786
but my personal opinion would be to check in with your Dr, ask for CBT Therapy and also really really start changing your life around. start thinking of you, do anything that makes you happy and at ease, even tho you still won't feel at ease just do it anyway, try and be head strong and tell ur self you will beat this.
eat well sleep well , excersize and be with good friends as much as possible.
how long have you been on the meds in total now? mine all kicked off last September too.
you will be ok
dodo81786 lattifa7777
melanie84304 Tezes