hyperthyroidism :(
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hello all,
been diagnosed with having hyperthyroidism for the past 6 months now. i've had 4 blood tests since and have been on 40mg carbimazole everyday.
just had another blood test last tuesday and awaiting results, hopefully i get sent to see a specialist as according to latest doc i should have seen one a while back.
my resting heart rate has dropped from 126bpm to 80's bpm which im very happy with but it's the sweating, especially on my back which isn't getting any better . really embarassing!
im off to vegas this sunday for 10 days lol, my back should love that!
hopefully my recent bloods are in tomorrow and i can see the doc, is there anything i can ask for that will maybe help with my sweating?
and is there anything i can take to help my eyes? i recently got the nickname bugeyes at work (standard banter) so looking to ask doc for something for this too?
i'm 26 male,
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I hope you get referred to an endocrinologist, GPs don't seem to know an awful lot about thyroid problems.
I have slightly protruding eyes, and I was referred to a thyroid eye clinic. I had to travel quite a way to get there, but I was reassured that they weren't getting any worse, and I can go back if I'm worried at any time. My eyes tend to be dry so I use artificial tears that I get on prescription.
I hope everything goes ok for you. Keep in touch. I've found the forum to be a great help. We all support each other.
Take care.
I can really relate to the sweating with GD and know it's no fun. For me it's loads of spots on my forehead and chest, the GP said it was acne (at my age) caused by sweating. When I was euthroid it just went as quickly as it came. I'm back overactive now and the spots are back although I havn't noticed bieng really hot as much.
I've been diagnosed about 6 months too and am still waiting for RAI to do it's stuff.
This website is fab as there are loads of others who have been where youre at and can help you realise that you are not on your own.
i just got back from my review, latest bloods came back good, they only measured T3. the doc i saw said they should have measured T4 too.
i'm still getting the sweating and had a good chat about that today and the doc precribed some propanolol, she was debating between that and citoplam?
ive never seen this doc before but she was really good, shown lots of interest and said she will book me in with the specialist.
so hopefully onwards and upwards.
for my eyes i got some opticrom eye drops seem ok, i just seem to have on and off days with them.
vegas sunday! :lol:
hope you're all well,
got a eye specialist appointment and an appointment to see thyroid specialist, things are looking good. will update once seen specialist, hope you guys and girls are all well...
Glad you had a good holiday, and the sweating wasn't as bad as expected.
You'll be pleased you've got appointments with the eye specialist and endocrinologist. It helps if you see someone who knows what's what.
How are you feeling? I'm feeling fine, a bit tired, but definitely back in the land of the living.
Keep in touch.
i just come back from another holiday
was pretty amazing.
anyway just an update to say i have vistied the eye specialist who has sent me for an MRI scan which is tomorow as there maybe some muscle build up behind the eyes, he did say though that visually they didnt look bad at all which is nice to hear.
after the MRI im off the see the endo and see what they say, then its back to the eye specialist 4 weeks later.
so far so good, still suffering from the back sweats but im back in cold uk now so it has some benefits haha!
i think it could be anxiety related, will have to wait and see.
hope everyone is well- hopefully we get some sunshine soon
I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday. I have problems with my eyes too. They both protrude, the right more than the left. I don't think they look too bad. I saw a thyroid eye specialist last year, and he was trying to talk me into having an operation on my eyelids. They're a bit droopy and he said they could cut the excess skin off. They have to do it under a local anesthetic as you have to be awake otherwise they wouldn't be able to tell if they were going to remove the right amount. I said no thank you. The thought of it gives me the creeps. :lol:
Let us know how you get on with the MRI scan and the endo.
Take care,
just phoned the eye spec, they said i have a appointment on the 1st sept to discuss results and go from there.
endo is on thursday so not entirely sure what will happen there...... i deffinetly feel better these days.
anyone have any info regarding this... i work nights from 10pm-07:00am, my endo appointment is at 9am, its around an hours drive from work, can i be expected to work still?
i will have to then return to work that folling night, how long roughly will my appointment take?
sucks as we are under new management and my old manager was good as gold and completly understood as his mum had over active too!
my work bring out all of these stupid rules with 12 hour minimum rest and so on and whenever you try to use it they arnt happy one bit.
anyway, that's my rant over for now.
how is everyone doing? all good i hope.....
bess can you cook? ha-ha
When I went to see the endo he started by asking loads of questions, then he examined me, then I had to go for blood tests and have an ECG and a chest x-ray. (I had an echocardiogram another day). It was the hanging about in each department that took up the time. There won't be anything that makes you feel ill or anything. I hope not anyway.
I hope it goes well for you.
We don't tend to get a lot of sympathy as most people have never heard of Graves Disease or overactive thyroid. I explained to a friend one day that I had an overactive thyroid and she said 'oh, our cat has that'. I thought charming how's that for sympathy. :lol:
If you take Bess on holiday with you to carry your cases hide your biscuits.
Take care.
glad youre good. i will update this thread again after thursdays appointment and go from there. hopfully work see sense and allow me the night off rather then turning up all tired and wanting to sleep! :lol:
did you guys notice a yo-yo effect in weight?
just got back from specialist, i went to the diabeties centre, bit strange?
he said my last blood test results the tsh was all normal. he sent me to have some more bloods taken today and another blood test in 7 weeks time then see him 1 week after second blood test.
he looked over my MRI scan said everything looked fine and not to worry.
next step is to drop down to a 5mg carbimazole dose and then slowly taper off, then see if it comes back, if it does he said it would be iodine treatment.
i must admit i do feel loads better, lethargic if anything like i'm going under?
hope everyone is well