Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    You poor thing, one does wonder about the ability of some of our medical profession. I do hope your dermatologist sorts things out for you. 
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    Thanks all,  finally light at the end of the tunnel.  I'm very happy :o)
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      Also one more thing when it would start in my eye it would seem like I had a sleep a booger would wipe out then eventually get more and/or be covering my eyeballs where I would pull stringy stuff out or be really really greedy like somebody dumped and on my eyes this is a very weird thing but luckily for social media
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      My eye doctor told me its bleferitus! They have an answer to everything! My "bleferitus" acts up when I put salve or Tea tree oil on the lump at the back of my head!
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    Hi Nicolamc - I am really sorry to hear about the problems you are having with your skin and the very unprofessional way you have been treated by the medical community.  Reading your explanation of the way it feels and from your pictures makes me think you have Morgellons Syndrome. The way you have been treated is so similar to the way many of us have been treated by physicians.  I have had this problem for 7 years and it leaves huge lesions in my skin.  Some so large that I have had to have surgery with free flabps and skin grafts to fill in the holes and cover the area.  I have taken an enotmous amount of antibiotics and even fungal medications to no avail.  Some of my doctors have also summarized my problem as delusions of parasitosis in my records and claim I am doing this to myself.  I am curious and also hopeful about your treatment regimen and how it has worked.  Please le me know...
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      Wow Ruby thats dreadful.  When they say you are delusional and you are totally sain its not only insulting, but its frustrating.  The more you try to convinnce them what you are saying is true the madder you sound.  I did look niot Morgellons but from what I found they were more colourful and didnt resemble tiny white worms.  I used to google spikes in the face that move around because that's what mine started out as.  They would leave tracks under my skin and travel so far infecting the entire route so my skin was like plasticine, it was like they killed the skin as they moved through it. Every explanation a GP or hospital come up with  didnt tie up with the symptoms.  Little white heads for example dont travel around under your skin. I was told burst cysts etc.  One GP even said to me it was impossible and that there was only one worm that could travel around the body and it would have to go through the throat area and the person would have a bad cough.  God knows what she got that info from lol.  She was the one refusing to refer me even though I'd been told at the hospital I needed a referal.  

      All I have at the moment is a slow release antibiotic and fucadin H cream.  I told the dermatologist I though it could be Candida because you can get parasites on the skin.  I could smell the yeast on myself from so many antibiotics.

      The only thing that was anything like what I had on Google was Candida.  The Morgalons were very different, the symptoms and how they looked. 

        I do think the original infection was something laid soemthing in my skin and it progressed to this.  I was constantly on 7 or 10 day courses of antibiotics and i've always hated taking them because it destroys your immune system and it wasnt dealing with the cause.  I was asking for antibiocs my skin was so bad.  Fighting with the worms didnt help and made a terrible mess of my skin.  I'd get so angry though because i was scared of them and I'd decide enough was enough and they were coming out.   I will give you the name of the antibiocs later, i'll check what they are called.

      Do you live in the UK.  I wonder if your GP could refer you to the dermatologist I saw.  He was the only person that actually listened and didnt dismiss me with a silly theory.  I'm supposed to see him again when i finish this course of medicine.  He does private and NHS.

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      I had those Lil white worms even inside of my lops it was disgusting what has been the end result of all this
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      I was told by a specialist doctor when he failed to cure me that it was all I'm my head, then a few years later I pulled a botfly large from my nose...

      That was the one thing this doc got right..

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      Ok how did this but live a that time my nose is mangled I'm going to die from this I can't find any answers I have a huge hole in nose n a huge scare that has I fee5 been there home my entire for has stop ed son that 17 and I stay homebound he only has me that's it for him no other family this is kiing me

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    Antibiotics fight infection and hence reduce inflammation caused by it.  Parasites are treated by a drug group called Anthelmintics. This kills the worms, but has to be staged to break the cycle.

    Tiny worms can be destroyed by the correct dosage of anthelmintic at correct intervals.  Ivermectin is a common veterinary treatment for skin mites (which are superfical) but also people.  See the link above.

    Some of the tropical infestations suggested here seem unlikely. 

    Leptospirosis  however,

    can be transfered from dogs. It should be ruled out as can affect the eyes. 

    I hope you find the right medicine.


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      That sounds so right, the antibiotics just stop your face from looking dreadful.  The cream i have is fucadin H, which I believe is an antibiotic and low level dose of acid.  I still havent worked out the pattern of the cycle.  Picking them defo seems to produce more of them fast.  Any cuts does and easily infects your hands.  If i'm not fully healed by the time i finish this course, I'll suggest to the dermatologist your recommendation.  I have a feeling that fucadin H isnt going to get rid of them.   Whilst i'm not seeing worms, the bacteria is still there for sure, so they are.  Spots that arent quite spots and take ages to heal and little black dots that appear where they are.

      Thanks for the info Sue.

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      Threadworms infest the intestine, the cycle is about 10 days.  A dose to kill the worms, then 10 days later to get eggs hatched.  If the dose is insufficient or administered at the wrong intervals, both doses must be repeated. 

      Leptospirosis is treated with antibiotics, severe cases Intravenously.  Scabies are treated with Quellada lotion, but I'm not conviced an oinment is going to eradicate a subcutaneous infestation. 

      A vital point is that worm infestatations are infectious.  Care should be taken to protect others from cross-infection.  Close physical contact and hygiene are of concern.

      I suggest you obtain a small specimen bottle and next time you remove one (or part) of these parasites, collect it as a sample for investigation. Perhaps email photos of skin eruptions to a tropical medicine lab.

      Emis Moderator comment: I have removed the specific company name/details as we do not allow posting of these in the forums. If users wish to exchange these details please use the Private Message service.


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      Moderator recommended tropical med lab.after removing the ending.  This is not my meaning as out of context.
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      i have followed this discussion all along.  We have talked before.  I have info too much to type right now. but, i am nearly positive what you have is a facial fungus little recognized by dermatologists.   I have had this for twenty five yearss and the wormy things you pull out may actually be fibers from the fungus that do react to things you apply.  You mentioned those black specks that come out of bumps.  You mention glass shards it feels like.  I had all of this and was even treated with anti parasitics ivermectin and mebendezole.  To my dismay, no real improvement.  Fungus is alive and actually tries to survive.  it coils away from you.  it becomes really defined if you put peroxide on it.  Peroxide helps but won't kill it and neither will the stuff for common funguses ringworm, jock itch and athletes foot.  This is a skin fungus and mine was moving around on my face.  worse when i tried to pick them out.  They seemed to multiply.  No doctors ever helped but my nightmare is over and if you are interested, contact me because i think over half the ppl in here may be suffering from the same thing.  It's worth a try.  I am ecstatic  ; when i've been near suicidal over this terrifying ordeal.  The doctors are ignorant on these types of funguses; dont recognize them and are so arrogant and quick to call us crazy.  Well finally my 25 yrs of research and trying everything under the sun including turpentine has paid off.  My skin has some scarring but the decades long issue is GONE.  Alot of ppl prolly won't listen, but what have you got to lose?  I can list some inexpensive home remedies. i am a walking encyclopedia on this now . lol. 
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      Please, I would like to know how to get rid of this please! I am scared for my children I don't want them to get it, as they love to be near me and climb all over me, and I'm scared to be around them when a flare up occurs . Help! I am very sad over this and hve cried many times about the sores as they are just don't seem to go away. It takes months sometimes. I hate it. I hve to get rid of this. It is also embarrassing. What do I do ? I am very poor, no money barely, doctors around here don't understand. I cannot travel far and my insurance doesn't cover dermatologist. Any help would be appreciated greatly. Thank you.
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      firstly i would like to say that we may not all have exactly the same thing except to be mistreated n left untreated by the medical profession.

      I also have not yet beaten them. what I do know is that they are a nematode prob a type of hook or whip worm. confirmed by 11 vets.

      I had success with ivermectin. It was quite clear from the masses I excreted I was infested. however I believe I became reinfected. the doc will not write another script for ivermectin yet.

      on the nicobate patches for three days n they are exiting my body they do not like it. they are coming out every where including soles of my feet n fingernails.

      I wash head to toe in selsun gold twice a day. I smear vaseline over my legs which I keep bandaged I wear long pants even though I live in the tropics. I have learnt to recognise the odour from those infected.

      get a magnifying glass, a journal,record everything relevant take photos enlarge them. provide evidence as to why you believe you have parasites. remember pathology dept do not know what they are looking for.

      good luck

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      Hi Sherry, Sherry

      I am listening please tell me what you have learned and share what you have been dealing with for 25yrs.

      I have a question as well

      Did you feel crawling around your face going in nostril, and up to eye, and was the itching madding?

      Thanks for any information

      Have a great Blessed Day

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      do you live in the united states? if so there is a parasitologist who specialises in this field. check out parawellness on the web. people can have more than one parasite.

      they are difficult to completely eradicate. they can lay dormant for years. pathology labs predominently give a false negative result. doctors prefer to diagnose you as having psychological issues rather than having parasites. modern medicine ivermectin orally n ivermectin lotion. herbal remedies - black walnut, wormwood, coconut meat mashed. other non standard approaches diatamacious earth, magnetism, nicotine. also look at the protective diets of non developed countries. the toxic waste of parasites are carcegenic. check out worms and cancer on the web. start a journal gather evidence photograph refuse to be disempowered by the so called professionals change your diet to a 3rd world protective one oxygenate your blood (exercise).

      hope this helps the journey is unfortunately a long one.

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      please,I am open for any suggestions to help get rid of this...Im unaware how long ive had this but thought for a while i may be having allergic reactions to something. ..then i noticed some bump that started out looking like bug bites appear from no where and then the itchy crawling started afterwards..thought it was all in my head until i tried peroxide. .Wish i wouldnt of...Scary whitr tails poking out everywhere ...
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      Hello Sherrysherry.

      I'm new to this thread and site, but NOT new to this "epidemic". I spent this evening reading all the posts from this particular "worms in the face" thread and ONLY decided to "sign up" after reading this post you made 4 months ago.  I agree with you 100% that many here are suffering from a fungus as the primary issue, which in turn leads to other secondary problems and infections such as mites, morgellons, worms, ect.  I would greatly appreciate any knowledge that you feel you could pass along to a stranger, one who has been silently padling along-side many of other sufferers in isolation and silence looking for any ray of hope.  I'm praying you'll be able to pass along some knowledge, and God knows, many need it!

      Here's looking for the Blessed Hope and may He not tarry much longer.

      Thanks in advance and God Bless.


    • Posted

      Please give me information on how you overcame your issue. I have a number of different parasites from liver fluke, threadworm, etc. Along with these little black bugs under my skin. I can see balls under my skin especially around my throat area. I bought some herbal parasites cleanse and it's working a little. Now I have little balls that look good raisins with goey yellowish stuff inside.. Please help

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      Hi Sherry

      I to have been suffering for 3years now and wondering what you had used to get rid of these or manage, If u could help I would really appreciate thank you. I have tried many things including perscriptions, nw

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      Hi please look up Bartonella. It's something new that the C.D.C has found. It has a lot of the symptoms people are having. Let me know what you think!

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      Sherryjerry I have just signed in because my husband has been suffering with this exact problem for over a year now and he is suffering horribly. The crap is moving around infesting his entire face and nasal/sinus cavaties.  We are desperate for a cure... please please message me about your years of research, we desperately need your help and knowledge about home treatments that TRULY do work.  please HELP US!  THANK YOU 


      Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.

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      Hey Patsy for 2 years i have a nastey critter with complete access to my body. i live on suisides edge every day whatever they are they chew on the backs of my eyes relentlesly move around in the back of my throat cause me extream duress and one of their main nests is in the back of my neck It causes a endles ringing which increase and decreases with activity..I ask the lord to take me out every night before i go to sleep. Im still here. when i approched hospital in australia they locked me up told my family it was deloutional parasitoses. The pain is crippling but im banned from seeing anyone as they always threaten to lock me up again I cant do it much more. i was a big fit builder who worked in costa rica and many other jungles around the world. Does anyone else suffer like this
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      Mark I just was going to tell everyone that I to discovered more than one critter living on my face neck forhead neck and who knows where else. I used  a  tissue to go over my face and try to focus   I am a nurse. So I examined myself carefully. Instead of putting out fires. I payed close attention to my skin there were glass like chards in my face. I tried to pull them out and found out they were attached to a body but small. They were all over my face like shingles on a roof.  All different sizes and then I saw the outline off one about 4 inches long next to my nose. They are under my skin and chin neck and now notice on body.  They outline of this is so clear they look like a lobster but white with lots of tentacles that hurt. Yes they like certain spots I just bug them and the move. I am seeing the Dermatologist Friday for the biopsy. But, once you see this there is no unseeing it. I am freaked OUT. But obviously this has been in me all this time three years
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      hey Donald  i have tryed everthing to get help But the denile is dumbfounding. what i have is a little diffrent but that does not matter. There is a bush that grows in the deserts in the US called creosote bush.

      The American indians and Mexicon indians used it to treat parasites with great results do some home work its easy to find  For skin parasites they used it as a pultise Good Luck Hope it fixes it Cheers Mark

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      I had that same thing happen and I begged Stanford dermatologists (4 total) to use their dermatoscope and they felt the need to remind me who the patient was and who the professional was. My skin was pulled so tight that layers would overlap like shingles on a roof and hurt so bad when parts would coil up and parts of it felt like glass pushing through my skin, then spread to my hands and feet. Not to mention the scurrying across my skin (especially when it was warm).  My hands constricted and I could barely walk as I felt like someone took a bat to my feet. Many punch biopsies turned up nothing and I was told to put lotion on my skin... I thought I was on candid camera. 5 years I’ve been dealing with this and it has been “dying” the last two years. My scalp is very reactive to any soap/shampoo since, , , wait for it.. the organism is PROTIENACEOUS (just don’t use big words when conversing with your doctor- they tend to get offended).  Only in the animal kingdom does this occur.  I was told this was impossible but when I tried to show them there was no time, then of course I was referred to a psychiatrist.  That said, I would demand you receive every test (not just stool) there is- it’s your health. I lost everything which includes money, respect, friends, family, job and joy in life. I’m angry and disgusted but I’m getting my health back. I can’t wait to confront these “doctors” (29 total) and if one person doesn’t get treated as I did then all this was worth it.
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      You can see the bump and outline of the bug on my face and forhead. Do they feel like they are grabbing on with their legs. The tail is hard like a crustaion.  I am an ICU nurse I hope I have some credence when I talk to the doctors. There is a scope they can see with?
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      Hey Mark I am getting a biopsy and I am going insist on removal of one it is huge on my face. I will keep you posted. 


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       Honestly I’m dealing with something very similar after being in an apartment with mold I was attacked itching like crazy crying my eyes out stuff morphing everywhere mostly leaves and grass and stuff I would take my bra off and I would see grass and leave take things in my bra this is been going on for almost 3 years and I finally used oregano oil in my tub with black seed powder and I drink it in my tea every morning believe it or not the itching is gone  The sores are leaving and I feel so much better. Sorry for the run-on sentences but just eager to get it out I’ve been to the doctor over and over of course they thought I was an avid drug user then they told me that I had delusional parasitosis and I needed to see a psychiatrist they did biopsies and told me they found nothing the results came back as if there was a person continuously meddling with that area of skin.  I was told by the dermatologist not to touch it I tried but the patches continue to grow on my face and my arms and my legs but after taking the baths with the oregano oil and the Blackseed I would wipe my skin with paper towels and it would be like mud coming out and I would squeeze the black marks on my face and it looks like worms the more ice squeezed the smaller the patches would get. I also did the toilet paper And cotton like stuff would come out and yet the black marks would get smaller my skin is getting clearer I can see it and everybody else Can too. But I noticed when it gets down to the core there’s one really hard piece that doesn’t want to come out so I put Blackseed oil sorry Blackseed powder on that spot with coconut and oregano oil and let it sit and they come out then I take a wet paper towel and pull as much as I can out and then I give it a rest it is truly working I swear.
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      Before the oregano oil and black powder the first thing I did was stop eating meat within two days the sores started to disappear But I still had the itching
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      This is sounding very similar to what I'm dealing with. This thing morphs and is so fast and the remedies only seem to work for a few days. Like they build a defense. Honestly. I've come to the conclusion that this thing is "Morgellons" for lack of anything to call it. From research I've done, it seems to be very prevalent in Canada and is linked to Borelia bacteria and Lymes disease. I have seen parents from the 50's that deals with bio warefare. I never thought I'd say it- but this is the most bizarre and unbelievable thing I've ever seen. I can't even put it into words 

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      Yes yes yes Absolutely in saying I begin telling people about it that I knew and then you could probably guess that I had to stop saying or telling them what I was experiencing. Morgellons Was my first guess it also comes from mold and that’s where everything started. Have you ever witnessed the floors being sticky or white stuff growing out of your wash clothes.And another really important thing I saw was blue and red lint all over the bathroom walls in that apartment. Sometimes my scalp or hear itches and feels like a little movie and when I comment with the finetooth comb I wipe it on a white white or wet paper towel and it’s tons of the blue and red lid that I witnessed in the bathroom.
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      I've seen so many unbelievable things that I couldn't list them. It seems like it's electrical. Magnetic. It hurts. Fruit flies disappear in mid air. All sorts of things. My car doesn't work properly, my electricity flickers when I am probing my face. The list is endless. And so severely and depressingly isolating. It's a scary time we live in

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      And yes. Mold was when it started manifesting for me. It closes itself to CO-infections. I also had an overgrowth of Candida. They can't test for this. Because technically it does not exist. So frustrating

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      I strongly recommend you to google colloidal silver and start taking it. It will eat rid of any other infections in your body. I have started to think this is an auto immune type thing that is not organic in nature. 

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      Yes , all too familiar I had to totally get rid of my car are used to have to drive with garbage bags on my seat back and the seat. Like I said it’s been almost 3 years and the one thing that started dissipating this night Nightmare was when I stopped eating meat and dairy. A few months following that is when I heard about the oregano oil and Blackseed oil this has been going on well I’ve been using those two items since October 2017 and I feel almost totally free.
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      Will be labeled me OCD and told me that’s all they can do for me and referred me to a psychiatrist for meds
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      It’s called a dermatoscope. It just showed a magnified image on a screen as it goes over your skin. Can you send me pics? Yes to all of your questions except I originally thought it was démodex mite because of the individual localized movement I felt. I wanted it to be anything but tapeworm. Anti fungal cream it’s adverse to but doesn’t kill it. As It dies and released I can see where it’s track is/was and I’m in disbelief every time I shower at the amount of thick debris that is released. I am in the shower at least an hour a day and is down from the 3 hours I spent prior. It’s exhausting.  Sometimes it’s at thick as pus (creamy in color as well) and other times it feels like scabs are coming out. The pressure on my temples gives me the worst headache that I get sick to my stomach. The water against my scalp provides relief and the swelling has gone down. If I listed every sign and symptom I’ve had I’d be here a solid 2 hours.   I am sure I sound insane with my descriptions but I just cannot wrap my mind around a doctor telling me what I’m experiencing is impossible and then refusing to witness or grant me a grand rounds. Consequently my psychiatrist believes me and wrote an infectious disease physician a letter requesting she take me seriously. In the nicest way I can say she was the most incompetent, unprofessional, condescending of all of them. She said I’m allergic to sea air?? I told her I’m from Santa Barbara (now I live in Monterey county)- she completely ignored me and wrote “definite delusional parasitosis” in my chart.

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      I keep being told that this can be fun gi but no one says what kind or how they came to that conclusion
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      i have had very similar symptoms for 19 months. More info on the fungus and treatment plz, thx kindly

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      Thank you so much for your post. Your words are full of hope, strength and inspiration. I commend you for battling this for so many years. Quite remarkable! Your strength and perseverance are quite admirable to say the least.

      I have this as well, and it's pretty severe. Its in my eyes, face, neck, hair, & various other areas of my body. I can barely open my eyes, the swelling is that severe. My face is extremely distorted as a result. I feel like everyday the symptoms get worse, more severe, and I get weaker and more sick.

      Regretfully, I no longer feel like I'm making progress, in spite of consistent daily pursuits in this battle. It was up and down for a while. I'd experience minor improvements here and there, and enough hope to keep up the fight. However the past few months there have been very few ups. Feels more like a downward spiral. I am a strong person by nature. Unfortunately this has been the biggest battle of my life both emotionally and physically. I've done a lot of searching and researching trying to find answers & successful treatment strategies. I have had some improvements holistically as well as medically, even if only temporarily. Unfortunately, it's if these things have built up a resistance to treatments, various applications etc. I just don't know what to do any more, and feel and fear each day could be my last. Each day seems worse than the last both emotionally and physically, no matter how positive and strong I try to be. Unfortunately, our medical/ healthcare system is of very little help in this regard, as I'm sure you're very well aware of.

      Any insight, feedback, or things you're comfortable sharing that has worked for you, would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance! Stay safe, stay strong, stay well!

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      omg, I just wrote you a detailed lengthy message. Unfortunately I just realized it must have posted at the end of this thread or something. I can't even find it now. it's total brain fog. this thing has really taken over my body and mind. I so hope you can help! Please! Thank you so much in advance!

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      I've been suffering from this since August 2022. My doctor referred me to a dermatologist and the dermatologist referred me to see a psychiatrist. That had completely broken me down after 3 visits to the emergency room and 1 hospital stay from developing ocular preseptic cellulitis in my left eye. It was so bad from the parasites going into the tissue of both of my eye lids and behind my eyeball that my eye was bulging from its socket. I literally could see them crawl over my eyeball, which scratched the lenses, and seen them move underneath my skin on my face, neck, abdomen, legs. Truly is the stuff of nightmares. I am at a loss for treating this. I've been prescribed antiparasitc cream and ivermectin to no avail. So I am treating it with essential oils and herbs

      This is only the beginning for me and any advice you may have would be greatly appreciated. Has this effected your joints and given you any type of arthritis symptoms? Any numbness in your fingers or t? Anything that resembles carpal tunnel symptoms? I have those symptoms and I also have ringing in both ears like tinnitus. All replies are welcome.

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      i have the exact same thing and the Carpal tunnel and numbness is so painful i wake up crying in the middle of the night. i can’t do anything thati used to. and the stuff on my face has left scars sohorrible. i have never had acne in my life. it’s killing my self esteem

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      please i would like to know, i believe i have this problem fir over a decade now

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      please help me they are devouring the side of my face and I can't get any help from health care because I'm in lawsuit I had with them 10 years ago. they are absolutely devouring to the left side of my face so please list what has worked for you thank you

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      I was reading through this discussion and saw your post. This describes to a T what I am experiencing. I was treated very badly by numerous providers and no one is helping me. I thought I had a worm infestation, but I’m thinking it might be more of this fungal thing you’re discussing. What are the things you used to help? Thank you.

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