Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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  • Posted

    Hi nicolamc, i am a 30 yr old female from Australia and you are not crazy...exactly the same thing is happening to me..my facial skin has holes everywhere and when you touch them even to dab lotion on them, they feel like they have glass bits in them...so painful to touch. And they take forever to heal leaving really bad scaring...i can actually feel the worms moving about in my face/skin. And no doctor believes me. I know it is really happening so i just wanted to share that with you.
    • Posted

      Aww thanks Robby.  Its awful isnt it, when you are at the mercy of doctors and nobody is listening.  It just shows how vulnerable we are.  I do hope you get it sorted.  You should tell your doctor about my case, say its the same and see if they can treat you with the same antibiotics.  I have a month left still, I'm hoping after that i'll be 100% cured.  I'd say I'm 75% but its like you can just get a breakout out of the blue.. The dermatologist that gave them to me is quite well known apparently.  Obviously not in Australia but they might take you seriously you never know.
    • Posted

      The tablets I have are called Acnamin. Used for acne and bacterial infections.
    • Posted

      Thanks for the info on tablets as i am trialling so many different treatments none of which are working very well. I have an appointment with infectious diseases dr next week but he is probably going to tell me it's all in my head and that i have mental issues...pathetic i say
    • Posted

      Hi there - I am so glad to hear you are feeling better and even healing. I looked up the Acnemin tablets you are taking and they appear to be isotretenoin (Accutane) which does have the potential for bad side effects you should stay aware of.  It is metabolized through the liver and it might make sense to ask your doctor for blood and liver enzyme testing while taking your course.  I am certainly not a doctor, but after reading these side effects it made me think it best to at least ask your doctor. Here is the site with the drug information: http://www.medicatione.com/?c=drug&s=acnemin&ingredient=isotretinoin

      The Fucidin H is a cream that contains two active ingredients, hydrocortisone acetate and fusidic acid and considered to be an antibacterial. Are you also taking antibiotics and if so, which ones? Thank so much for sharing so much information with us!

    • Posted


      my partner and I are also from Australia, NEWCASTLE NSW.

      we have been going through the same thing for roughly 9 months now. Appointment with infectious disease specialist on the 12th of may which is probably just after you have your appointment. I would very much like to hear how you go with this and any advice you may think would be helpful for us prior to our appointment. We are just so worn out from all of this, tired of doctors and dermatologist not even examining but going directly for the delusions of parasatosis label and basically recommending a psychologist. We don't need a psychologist we need medical assistance! 

      Fingers crossed for you lets hope there is finally an answer to eradicating this dreadful issue.

    • Posted

      Thanks what Infecious Deseases told me! All in my head! Told me "many dr, lawyers people on wall st have this condition, where they think they have worms crawling under their skin" complete insult to my intelligence! Then I get angry and look like the crazy person their assuming I am!!!
    • Posted

      I'm sorry your partner has it as well but it must be some comfort to not be alone! Can not believe they don't believe when there are two of you saying the same thing!! Incredibly arrogant!
    • Posted

      Hi Rachel

      What did the infectious doctor say

      Are you healed

      Please respond



    • Posted

      Colloidal silver. Although what you all have, is highly resistant to this- it will kill any and all co-infections. It's amazing

  • Posted


    So glad to head you are on your way to healing.

    Did your doctor tell you what parasite/worm you were infested with?

    Thank you for posting this. I'm going through very similar and hoped to get the name of parasite for my dr as well.

    Thanks in advance

    • Posted

      Hi Cjd, sorry for the late reply.  I am no further with it really.  Defo not cured.
    • Posted

      I'm not sure how to post a pic on here. But I can e Mail them to you .

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