Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    Hi All,

    Just an update to how its all going.  Well, I dont think this course of antibiotics is clearing them.  2 months in and I would expect now to be nearly cured of it.  Its defo some sort of bacterial infect that's causing it.  I dont think the cream i was given is strong enough to kill them off. disappointing really.  I think probably, when I stop taking them it will all flare up againt as big as it was.  I seem to be going through that cycle at the moment because I have lots of little bumps under my skin which I know is caused by this.

    For those who asked the parasites were never given a name, all my tests come back negative so the dermatologist didnt do blood tests again.  I just wish one blood test had shown something and then everything, probably would have been cured.  I think the antibiotics are just delaying the inevitable. 

    Will be fun trying to get a referral from the doctors again.

    Anyone one else having a good result with anything they are trying at the moment?  I'm thinking of asking my beautitiion if she knows anyone within her field that might know about it.  When she first saw my skin she thought immediatley it was something to do with all the moscito bites I got in Mexico. I was smothered with them as it was rainy season then this a month after.

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      Your beautician may be able to help cosmetically.  However, this is infectious and she needs to be careful. 

      Skin infestations are a reality and I don't understand the problem you're having convincing medics of your condition and getting EFFECTIVE treatment. 

      EG :-

      Roundworms (nematodes) – the adult worms can reside in the gastrointestinal tract, blood, lymphatic system or under the skin. Alternatively, the immature (larval) states can cause disease through their infection of various body tissues.

      Leptospirosis (as previously suggested) urgently needs ruling out as this is in the face and can affect the eyes.  Google' images of Leptospirosis' and be wary of eye redness. 

      The mosquito attack you mention is a possible cause of your suffering.  They spread more infections than malaria, including parasites.  As you have removed worms from your skin, I recommend collecting a specimen and presenting yourself to an infectious disease specialist. 

      Not to scare monger, your condition may not be the most serious,  which could be why it is so prolonged without proper diagnosis.

      Hoping for postive results soon.   

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      Did you know that you can get them from a Mosketo bite! They carry the larvae! You'll have to google I don't rem. details but Do remember reading that! I took regular antibiotics for 2 weeks and it did Nothing!

      Now two weeks into the ivermectin and I think I'm seeing more! !

      I tried all the antihistamines tricks I read about to clear them out of my sinuses and you should have seen my face. Like a basketball so swollen! Dr tells me to "hang in there and finish the month long treatment!

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      That sounds really awful! Perhaps try cold compresses to keep the swelling down and give your face and sinuses some relief.  Funny you should mention bug bites - I could swear mine all started 8 years ago with a black fly bite.
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      Speaking of cosmetics,

      I used to go to the well known cosmetic place here in Calif it starts with an S, but I noticed that every time after I would go to that place like a day or two later I would gets pimple looking things I was wondering maybe I could have gotten my worm things there? Possibity, right. I don't try on makeup there anymore, just buy it and take it home, if I don't like it I take it back.

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    Hi I am having this same issue and can not find a dr to help me they either dont believe me or say they cant help me i am desperate for some answers I can not continue to live like this please tell me have you found anything out???
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    I am also coughing up whats looks like larva and I pulled a what my vet identified as a hookworm I look 8 months pregnant and have a blind spot in my right eye from this I have pics and video I just do not understand why the drs will not help what did I do what is wrong with me I have a little boy with downs and he needs me but I cant  continue to live with these things in me. please help somebody anybody my parents and vet will vouch I am not crazy.
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      Didnt you take the hookworm to the doctors instead of the vet?
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      buy reese pin worm medicine it is available on line no prescription needed. take as directed and do it again in 3 weeks and again in the near future if you still feel them or they come back. then do this every six to 12 months to keep you free from every being infested again. this medicine will paralize the parasites and make them let go of your gut organs or whatever they leached on to so you have to prepare to get these things out of your gut asap once the medicine paralyzes them. before hand take something to keep your digestive system moving along don't eat like normal eat to flush out your gut only you can eat later your insides may have cuts from those monsters letting go you will feel the injured skin inside. it could be painful at times but just know it will heal and you will get better you won't die from this maybe from the shock of what you will see coming out of your body but not from taking the medicine. ok much love to you all I pray for success in getting your body back and your mind at ease.

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    I read online that canisten works.  I need to try and see the dermatologist again.  Fun n games with the insurance company no doubt.
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      I took the worm to contagious disease specialist in tulsa. he was a jerk didn't really look at it and said it was not a worm I said what about my pics he said too blurry he told my mom it was morgellons a mental condition total crap because my vet said she's been a vet for twenty years she knows a worm when she sees one and my psych I see for PTSD said he would back me that I'm not delusional but I don't know where else to go.
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      What did your doctors say about it, maybe ask them to refer you to a specialist and if not are you in a position to book yourself an appointment with a dermatologist maybe.
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      There is a parasite killer on amazon.  If you just search worm killer, called Elle Belle.  It has good reviews.  I would be too scared to take it myself, if huge worms starting coming out of me I'd freak out, probably bang my head and kill myself lol.  I would freak.

      It says for all stages from eggs to full blown worms.

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      It sounds to me like you both have Morgellons - and I don't mean delusions of parasitosis!  I have had it for 8 years and it has been pure hell.  I have seen so many specialists you can't believe it and at least 12 biopsies. They all come back negative. I remove things from my skin that do look like worms but seem more fibrous and sometimes ropey, so it is impossible to figure out what it is.  I have a microscope and have tons of videos and photos of both tissue and blood and it is very strange stuff that I cannot identify.  I have had major surgery on my scalp because it causes terrible open wounds on me.  Right now I have a giant open lesion on my neck that measures at least 2x3 inches and very deep.  The one on the top of my head was 3x4 inches and right down to the skull bone.  Of course, all I ever get from the doctors is the recommendation to see a psychiatrist and take drugs which I refuse to do.  I went to an infectious disease specialist and he had me on a very strong broad spectrum antibiotic for almost two years with no positive results. Google Morgellons online and go to the Morgellons sites.  You will be amazed at how many people here in the US and across the world have it.  I really am sorry that you are both exibiting the symptoms.  You can try the anti-worm medications but I have taken them numerous times without any change at all.  Even my husband is starting to show signs of having it.  His scalp and face are getting very bad sores that he cannot get rid of easily and his doctor has no idea what it is. 
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      Oh god that sounds awful. Isn't it strange the don't show up on tests. It can be just like Fiberous mush as well. I am trying my hardest not to let my skin get how it was. This has been the longest I've been without antibiotics. Something tells me this thing may not be curable if nobody acknowledges it. I collected samples in a sample jar for a week and a friend of my boss got it tested at a hospital and it come back negative and it was just this stuff. Do you think because they eat so much skin the have the same DNA as us, that was my thinking on it anyway. My skin has cleared up a lot in the last couple of days but you aren't supposed to use canisten on your face. I had a pharmacist refuse to sell me canisten H because she knew what I was going to do with it.

      My boyfriend shows no sign of it and he uses the same towel. I think he half thinks I'm mad too and I've shown him some wierd things.

      How long after it all started did it get really bad for you?

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      Also they say you can end up getting pretty sick if parasites are left as inevitably they will go into vital organs. So basically, them ignoring it is pretty serious for us. All off the back of a holiday, this time last year I was totally parasite free lol

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      I'm not giving up yet and the worm my vet identified was a worm not rope like I use to live in Costa Rica and there is a parasite called Strongyloidiasis it can live in the human body for years undetected anyway a friend that still lives there talked to a friend that owns a big lab company there he thought that's what it is and gave me a link that tells you how to take albendazole it's a cattle wormer and covers a wide spectrum I started on it today I pray it is the answer I will let you know
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      Oh pls do let me know how it goes.

      Do you have any idea how you caught it/them.

      Sorry you didn't get a warmer welcome before, when you said your parents and your vet I was waiting for the punchline :-)

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      Hi I'm 47 and my parents and my vet are my only support with this crap most all my friends even my 19 year old son won't come near me because they are freaked out anyway I think I got them from when I lived in Costa Rica and walked the beach or any where barefoot I was always barefoot there big mistake
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      I hope the albendazole works OK, I believe ivomectin is also good and can  be purchased on Amazon. Good luck.
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      My boyfriend kept telling me to stop saying it or i'd get sectioned.  Not the most helpful support when you are litterally freaking out lol.
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      Good news so far it seems to be working face is healing and small white things came out of my arms yesterday the guy that wrote about using this treatment says ivermectin will not kill the adults if you give me your email I will send you the link I don't think they will let me post it on here it has really good info in it about being sectioned I went to er here and they sent me for a psych evaluation which I passed and drug tested me I really want a diagnoses just to prove them wrong I'm going to one last dr mon and try pray for me
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      That is great news!  I have tried ivermectin numerous times with absolutely no results.  I have wanted to try the albendazole but impossible to get without a prescription and also impossible to talk the doctors into trying it on me.  I wish you the best and please let us know how things turn out!
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      Well its day 6 and  great improvements so far my sores on face are almost totally healed the crawler I felt in the back of my head is gone my vision has improved. Of course the negative is having sensations of stinging. The lumps and soreness under my arms is gone and the bloating in my breasts and stomach is starting to go down and the best new of it all is that I decided to try one more dr my moms dr of course she had no clue what was going on with me and pretty sure she thought I was crazy but I convinced her to do lab on my stool which is now full of visable worms thanks to wormer so by friday I should have some kind of proof that I am not delusional . By the way you said you dont have access to the albenzol I am using a cow wormer called valbazen 3.5 ml every 12 hours for 14 days then 7 days off then 14 more days you must take 7 days off or your hair may fall out. I hope this helps you guys it has been a god send for me. Oh you must have 40grams of fat with the wormer or it will not be effective.
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      How has this worked for you? Doctors friends and family dont believe me.

      They say i look fine. Hair is falling out, my body aches, moved there way up to my eyes after the dr gave me perimethrin cream for mites, but the drs swear scabies doesn't get in the eye. Antibiotics and steroids not helping and i don't want antidepressants and sedatives. Stuff is pouring from every opening in my body and making new holes everyday. My lungs sound horrible. I went into anaphylactic shock for the first time in my life last week while cleaning and passed out in my gargage. I am alone here and terrified of touching or eating anything. I eat less than ever but weigh more than i ever have. family wont come near me because they don't know what's wrong. I feel like i am dying and no one will believe me or help me. They send me for psych evaluations if i even mention worm. I am 23 and live on $460 disability a month because i have over 50in of titanium screwed, hooked, and fused to my spine. I have to pay people to take me to the doctor and my cleaning supply budget is outrageous. I am running out of strength and money to keep fighting this.

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      Hi Pleaseneedhelp - Things sound very bad for you. I feel so sorry that you have to experince this. The fact that you are passing out is not good. The doctors have got to at least listen to that part and order some tests for you (I hope you have medical coverage). Where did the sores and lesions first start on your body? What kind of steroid are they giving you and have they said why? It is amazing to me how these healthcare professionals can tell us we are causing it and it is all in our heads - but meanwhile they give us antibiotics, steroids, permethrin cream, etc. Surely they have an idea if why they are prescibing these things. One dermatologist gave me prednisone and I would never take it again as it seemed to make these things grow even more so and soon afterwards is when I ended up having to go for major scalp surgery.
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      my god thats awful.  I couldnt even begin to imagine.  I hope you stay strong.
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      Did anyone (doctors) ever suggest any problem with your

      salivary glands?

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      Hi my name is Jerri can you help me . I have worms in my face arms and probably my whole body.
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      Hi Michael, I don't believe so. A gland recently swelled up but I was told by somebody it was a lymph node. I went to the hospital and the guy wasn't sure what it was.
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      I thought it was the Morgs blocking my suliva gland. It was a huge lump at the bottom and back of my ear.
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      I feel you, when I asked the entomologist to look he dismissed it as lint ,when I had the bug exterminator do my car he told my family I should seek mental help , because he was also a nurse

      After the car baked in the sun for three months in the heat I showed them crisp dried up bed bugs and small brown beetles.

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      What specialist did you see? I am going to one soon.....sort of wondering if i should bother. I cannot sleep and i am picking them off of me constantly. I was put on thorazine by my primary. No help yet.....
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      You have to see infectious disease doctor. Are fine any African American doctors. They will help.
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      I saw a infectious disease specialist in Tulsa and he was the rudest, most unprofessional dr. I've encountered to date. What in the world is the matter w these Drs? A quick Google search reveals ALL SORTS of parasites which infect humans. Good grief. I've been suffering for a year and a half... The skin on my face may never recover. I don't like to go out in public. No one believes me. I went on a vacation to Mexico a few years ago, we left the resort to go horseback riding and zip lining, I got the most horrible mosquito bite on my foot- literally took a couple of moths to heal. Turns out people get these type of worms from mosquitos- loa loa is what I suspect, but how the heck to find a competent dr???? Don't these people READ??!?!
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      Hi my names Lisa new to the site just found it today thank God. Yes everyone including mother thinks I am crazy got all the same things going on the toilet paper thing I had told nobody about because I knew they would have me committed. I was vwondeing how I could get the link on the medicine please
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      all the different worms take different wormers. 

      look up the wormers for horses on Amazon. 

      there are many, and all needed and used in rotation.

      Fenbendazole is about one of the safest drugs for mammals and birds there is, but it does not kill every worm, but it kills a lot, and is safe for puppies, even collies. 

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      Please look up Bartonella! It's something new that the C.D.C has found. It has a lot of the symptoms people are explaining. Please let me know what you think!

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      diatomacous earth. exterminator. tons of lotion. tea tree oil. tons of vacuuming. carpet shampooing. dehumidifier. a neighbor kid gave us lice, cat mites and carpet beetles. my humid house was perfect breeding ground for them. Try to get sleep to. Don't give up! wash everything you can think of and run your dryer hot. borax great for killing insects and washing too. hope I was some help. allergy medicine too so u don't super itch while cleaning(beetle hairs feel like worms crawling into your skin) maybe its the allergic reaction but its horrible and ugh

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