Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    I don't have this, but I do have systemic worms and the larvae get all around my body.  I have never seen them, but I have seen evidence of their presence, and of course I can feel them.  Writhing, wriggling, slithering, biting, etc., are not normal bodily feelings.  I am not delusional, neither do I have Formication.

    i have thrown everything natural I can think of at them to no avail.  Sometimes they go quiet for a day but then come back with a vengeance.  

    I have even tried turpentine.  Some people have had good results with it, but although I took it every day for a month it didn't touch my infestation.  Currently I am concentrating on building up sulphur, and sulphur-based elements in my body with raw garlic, MSM, tiny amounts of flowers of sulphur with molasses, black salt, cabbage, anything I can find with sulphur in it.  I also take lots of vitamins to build up my immune system including B-complex plus extra Thiamin, Biotin and Pantothenate, all sulphur-based B vitamins.

    Yes, some of it might get used by the worms but I hope I am taking enough that my body might get enough to fight back with.

    i have heard that Fenbendazole can help.  It is in the same family as Mebendazole and Albendazole, but stronger than Meben and kinder to the liver than Alben.. I haven't gone that route as it is not that easy to obtain here in the UK, but as sulphur is very healing I am hoping that over time it will help my body win out in the end.

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      I noticed mine would come back with a vengeance when I would apply something that was eradicating them, they would come back trying to have more babies faster, so that their breed doesn't die off
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      I have actually seen the larvae. i have also found wierd blackish brown bugs under huge lumps in my skin. my daughter pulled three out of her ear one day. Does anyone know what the crap they are???? I never see an end or healing. It is frightening. Someone respond.
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      Pork tapeworms. You have to get to infectious disease doctor. It took 7 months of Albenza to get rid of them.
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      To show that I was anemic and vitamin b12 deficiency. And a positive ANA. The only thing I found that works in the skin is peroxide. You don't want to kill them in the skin because they turn hard and into calcium. Prox I will blow them out of your pores. Good luck.
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      I'm sorry. Peroxide , it will pull them out of your skin.
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      Rub your Skin with peroxide and you'll feel them coming out.
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      I know that the invermectim is

      supposed to kill the larvae and not allow them to reproduce...im thinking I. Have river blindness...tell me what to do think?

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      Do you have a local health department
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      Already seen the opthamologist but im in buffalo so i don't trust diagnosis said he seen nothing..but they have finally come to the surface not to long ago so i don't know if it is that advanced yet..i put antibiotic cream on any part of my body they start to come a little out and move around...im also in buffalo so im at the point of trying to find a scientist..any other suggestions???
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      You have tosee an infectious disease doctor. I've been someone for 7 months. Or an African American doctor.
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      Sorry I've been seeing an infectious disease doctor for seven months.
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      Hope I'm not too late to the party here. I believe everyone is describing SUB-CUTANEOUS FILARIASIS. I also had to pick up where medical professionals left off. Fortunately, I have a doctor who is from the Philippines and could identify this immediately. I'm currently being treated with Albendazoale and antibiotics.

      I'm not sure of the cost as it varies GREATLY.

      Best of luck everyone!

    • Posted

      Hello- I've been suffering from the exact same affliction/ symptoms described originally by Nic for over a year!!!! Unfortunately, the symptoms began after moving to a new city where I had no regular PCP or dermatologist. I believe my complaints would have been taken more seriously had I been treated if initially by docs familiar w me. I received the WORST TREATMENT from infectious disease specialist. Basically said I am suffering from psychosis- which I most certainly AM NOT!!! Why is it so incomprehensible to docs in the US that one could possibly be suffering from parasitic infestation??? We are not immune! I've almost given up bc I am so tired of being treated as if I'm out of my mind. My skin continues to scar, and whatever this is continues to flourish, while I continue to deplete. All the symptoms are the same as described above- sticky waxy skin, tiny SHARP granuals tearing through skin on face, sensation of movement under skin, whitish sections of wormlike material coming from skin after topical antibiotics relieve swelling- which, of course, show as "normal skin cells" under microscope. Skin on my face has darkened, the makeup I've been wearing for years all of a sudden does not match my skin tone, dark circles under eyes and just an overall "unwell"

      Appearance. Has anyone received relief? Please help.

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      Haha its crazy isnt it.  When you are totally sane and they say you are mad and treat you like an idiot even though you have no previous of mental illness.  Too much to be coincidental I think.

      Did you look at your own skin under a microscope? I wouldnt believe a word they say, do you own tests.  I would love to know what they do with our blood in the blood tests... file B for bin i reckon.

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      Where are you located? I would love to see your dr!!!! I googled subcutaneous filariasis and it fits the bill EXACTLY... I can't believe it. Thank you for posting. Now to find a doc who isn't ignorant...

      I'm so disappointed in the quality of care I've received.

    • Posted

      Hello Nico, I was finally convinced to make a post after seeing many people post about this, but none pointed out the obvious: ABENDAZOLE is not transfered into the blood very easily from the stomach/intestines! only about 5% is released into the blood, the other 95% is passed in feces.

      In short, this means that abendazole and most other drugs can only kill worms in the intestines, which is why they are surviving in your skin. I do not know the answer to curing them (i wish I did).

      since I decided to post, might as well add my story in hopes in helps you. In January, I went to KBBQ (Korean Barbeque) which means you COOK YOUR OWN MEAT. I noticed a little red spot in some pork, but shrugged it off and cooked it.... but definitely not long enough. a few weeks later, i noticed a cyst on my chest. It felt very.... odd. I used a heating matt and accidentally INTERNALLY burst the cyst, I could feel something moving around after bursting it. I don't know why, but my first thought was parasites.

      Only after that, did I google "Parasitic cysts" and lo and behold they existed, my subconscious sent out the right messages. Within the past 3 months i have become anemic, developed muscle spasms/palpitations, and at one point i even found one of the suckers in my bowel movement.

      After taking Abendazole for 3 days (stupid doctor didn't know how parasitic cycles work. THREE DAYS OF PRESCRIPTION), my stomach felt better. It's been about a month and a half, and the nausea has come back.

      I don't know for certain that I have worms, and I'm willing to admit I might just be insane. But I am very capable of losing the paranoia of parasites, yet I still have a nagging feeling in the back of my head, telling me there is something wrong.

      The biggest thing I found in convincing doctors to treat me (I did get a single dose of abendazole) was to make up a story, "My pet just had tapeworms and I'd been kissing him on the mouth.", "My cat had flees and then got pinworms, now I feel nausious." etc etc. In fact, telling them ANOTHER doctor thought so, but said he didnt have enough experience with parasites, seemed to get them to think about it. When they feel a PEER confirmed it, all of a sudden the idiot doctors are willing to act and help you.

      I'm not supporting the idea of lying, but I'm also saying that doctors dont want to give anyone the time of day, and sometimes you need some sort of story in order to get help :\ Unfortunately even with a story, many doctors don't know enough to do anything (example: none of the ones I saw seemed to know that abendazole is barely transfered into the blood).

      I'm sorry for what you have gone through, and I am a firm believer that many people become paranoid of parasites BECAUSE of parasites, but be aware that googling about it can also cause you to become paranoid of it (im not implying in your case, but in mine that is the key reason i doubt my intuition... I have googled it so much that sometimes i wonder if that's why i feel this way).

    • Posted

      I hate to double post, but I wish i could get some kind of test to let me know whether or not I have worms. I feel like I just want to give up, and I cannot differentiate my nausea from my depression anymore. I want it to be in my head because at least doctors are willing to TREAT a mental illness (barely hahaha) as opposed to their denial of parasites anywhere but in those "disgusting third world countries".

      At least if I'm mentally ill, I don't have parasites sad

    • Posted

      I understand how you feel on all counts believe me! But don't give up!

      I thought the doctors might be right when every test came back negative for parasites. Until I met the dermatologist who was knowledgable! He told me 50% of the time the test come back negative! He did explain but I can't remember! Brain fog! Something about how they blend with your immune system so as not to be fought off. I'll look it up. Maybe someone on here knows the reason but it's the main reason Drs go right to the mental diagnoses! They would never just believe what were telling them and don't have the background knowledge of parasititic infestation to know the signs! Thank God my 6th dr listened, looked at the signs and diagnosed! I've been taking ivermectin and Orap with antibiotics for yeast in between for about a year now. I've improved tremendously but not cured! good luck. Look for a Derm/ parasitologist. Infectious Deseases was no help to me! No test results no diagnoses!

    • Posted

      Hi Tiberius....I actually told my doctor after putting up with this multi symptom infection. 2 other doctors referred me to mental health over the years, It can make you crazy when you hear yourself telling someone. I sound like a lunatic to myself..yet I know I am not. My current doctor of 5 years VALIDATED ME>>>I WAS NOT DELUSIONAL>>THIS IS REAL. She told me what I suspected the medical that even acknowledge Morgellons have no clue what's causing it..how to treat it or cure it. I'm so happy I got validation ! I have been cleaning my face with a great epsom salt wash with eucalyptus in it...It's in a large pump bottle at some stores..It has taken care of the scabbing. I try also to not touch it when an outbreak occurs...the full moon agitates all parasites and I'm fighting one now, I use liquid cocoanut oil mixed with several tree oils..such a pine..oak..ash etc. I've doing this a month and so far I'm not a giant scab as long as i don't agitate them bt even touching them. This stuff appears in many different symptoms, We all have a few of the same some others have different.... worms..white lumps..glitter stuff..slime. Seems like every different "thing" gets worse by touching or picking. They all wake up! Hang in there and I'm happy I found this forum with people "like me". I hope this post helps someone like us!


    • Posted

      Hi Tina. Can you please tell me about the pork tapeworm?? I am pulling larvae/ worms out of ears and nose. My scalp and face have lesions. Please help
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      I hope you find your cure.  This situation is a nightmare for everyone.  I get a funny feeling doctors are so scared of not treating anyone with Morgellons people with genuine parasiste infections are having a harder time getting treated.  I do believe there was a blanket cover up about the situation.  The more I research the more sense it makes.  I also had a doctor tell me people with morgellons couldnt be helped and they were in a dark place.  Strange thing for a top consultant and honorary lecturer to say.
    • Posted

      I just wanted to add 2 symptoms to your list u may not of thought of..

      Those who have a burning pain and rash have u tried to look at fungus (ringworm)

      Treatment is Selsun gold (from supermarket) apply to skin for ten mins and shower off.

      Another possible for worms is not fly. They migrate over the body munching away on your skin before forming puss bumps on the skin... And they can be anywhere. In your mouth, up your nose & on your skin.

      I'm currently looking into treatment for this. I'll get back to u when I know what medication is available.

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      I have the same thing going on myself! One time I had what looked like an ingrown hair. So I tried to get it but if was putting up a fight. Finally pulled it out, but wasn't hair it was little black bugs in my blood. Bought herbal parasites cleanse and I have brown round balls in my stool. And it has goey yellowish stuff inside

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      If I may suggest; if I were you I'd to an Urgent Care clinic. Especially if you don't have a doctor you trust, or no doc at all. See if the clinic will give you a referral to an Infectious Disease doctor! Right away.

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      Please look up Bartonella! It's something new that the C.D.C has found. It has a lot of the symptoms people are explaining, including mine. Please let me know what you think

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      Tha albenza finally worked after 7 months? Did yo take anything else with it? Do you think that knowing what you know now you couldnt have gotten rid of it faster? I have been taking albenza for 4 months with no die offs plus also taking iver and piperazine. Did you know the albenza was working by 4 months? Thanks

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      I support your idea of lying. It is allfor a good cause. I think you are highly intelligent to have come up with what to say to the good old docs.
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      I was an PEDS ICU RN for years and you have to correct little interns and students. They are learning..

      With grace and wit..


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