Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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  • Posted

    Have you tried using sulphur cream on your lesions?
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      No I haven't, would you recommend doing it? I did see that online as well, in the same thread about the canisten
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      I tried the sulfur didnt work for me at all. If you want to get everything out of your sore try painting clear nail polish over it a couple coats let it dry and then slowly peel it off with tweezers you will be amazed at what comes out.
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      That sounds fun.  didnt it hurt? If i had a big lamp i could shelac the buggers lol smile
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      It may depend what sulphur you actually tried.  I believe it needs to be both an internal and external hit.  It may also depend how long you were doing it for.

      i have been taking MSM for about 3 weeks and a tiny amount of flowers of sulphur in Blackstrap Molasses every day for about a week, plus the sulphur-based elements Thiamin (B1), Pantothenate (B5) and Biotin for about two weeks and finally everything seems to be calming down.

      On top if that, after about 15 years my hair has finally stopped its excessive shedding.  I am hoping it will start to regrow.

  • Posted

    Ok well I am little freaked out to say the least. Last night I get a call from a guy I use to date havent heard from him in about a year i told him whats been going on sent some pics few minutes later he this woman calls me from his phone she is a nurse friend of his says she knows what I have she had a patient with it  a year ago its called Leishmaniasis. I looked it up and matches my syptoms. Well then she tells me that at first they thought the woman patient was crazy until she pulled one of the worm things out and they sent it to the lab and the lab sent it to the CDC and from there everything was kept hush hush and the woman was sent to lauriette a mental hospital here. Not good!!! And so wierd that he called and he just happend to be with a nurse that just happend to know what I have. Then he messages me later with the name of a dr that I need to go see that wil treat me. Well I read all about this stuff and the cow wormer is not going to get rid of it , it makes the outer symptoms look a little better but does not kill the parasite. I dont know what to do. I pray to god to help me and guide to get through this as my son needs me to be here for him.
    • Posted

      Have you thought of phoning the Hospital for Tropical Diseases? I think you said you have private health insurance. They may point you in the right direction. I believe there are medicines that can be used to kill the parasite.
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      I went to the hospital of tropical diseases in London. My friend saw it on the TV. I phoned them, told the receptionist my problem and asked if it was a walk in. She said yes come down. I went the next morning and they refused to see me because you needed a doctors referral. If I wasnt so upset I would have been so angry.
    • Posted

      You need to be careful. You don't want to be labelled a nut case. When I saw the dermatologist the first thing I said to him was.. I guess you read my notes and I'm supposed to be mad but I'm not. It was an ice breaker anyway :-)
    • Posted

      I was thinking of going there.  I thought it was a walk in clinic too.  I knew you had to be referred if you don't go there, but not if you did.  What makes me angry is that on their website, your doctor can refer you even if parasites are only 'suspected', so if you have no 'proof' but a sympathetic doctor, you could be referred.

      I asked about that, but unfortunately I'm in Wales and the stingy local Health board wouldn't fund it.  So that's that.  I'm on my own.  As usual.  

      They say they need proof, but would they need a depression sample before issuing antidepressants, or a back pain sample before issuing painkillers?  Of course not.  "I'm sorry madam, your back pain is all in your mind.  You are imagining it.  I will refer you to a psychiatrist.....".  Nope.  The first thing they would do is offer you antidepressants.

      Hiwever, I am fairly confident with the sulphur, et al.  Despite still not sleeping very well, my energy is starting to come up a bit, and that is a positive sign.  The worms seem a bit quieter and I think some in my side have died.

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      When I saw the guy in there who sees you first, I broke down but all he could say is nothing he could do. Don't know why they told me on the phone I could just walk in.
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      The sulphur has to be the way to go, how long have you been using it?
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      I started with Tony Pantelleresco's garlic & MSM (he's on You. Tube.) concoction (made mine with vodka - it's odd, it goes very green over a few days).  I take teaspoon every two hours or so.  It makes me feel a bit nauseus at times for a few minutes, but I'm not sure if that is my stomach or the worms' reaction.  I find chasing it with water helps.  It is pretty gross though.

      He advised taking that plus copper, so rather than faff about with his copper solution using electrodes, I cheated and take 2.5mg chelated copper tablets. He reckoned that perseverance with the copper and garlic/MSM would win out in the end.  

      I then did quite a bit of research on sulphur and sulphur-based elements and realised just how deplete we all are.  Without enough we cannot absorb or use nutrition properly, make enzymes, HCL, or hormones, processes and functions don't work properly, immunity is impaired, we can't make insulin, or digest carbohydrates properly, or make vitamin D from the sun, we get skin problems, hair loss, weak nails, mouth, teeth and tongue problems, neuropathy, retinopathy, etc., etc. The list is endless.  

      I was advised a while ago to take extra Thiamin on top of the B Complex I was already taking.  The suggested dose was 200mg.  I went straight in at the 200mg and my body went berserk for it.  I had to cut back to 50mg and gradually increase over a few days.  When I researched I realised my restless legs, neuropathy and other issues were due to sub-clinical Beri-Beri.

      dumping gluten and most carbs helped, because it reduced the carb metabolism burden, but I needed therapeutic doses to heal the damage.  Eventually though I stopped taking it.  So I have now restarted it over the last 3 weeks.  I also bought some Benfotiamine which is a better absorbed version and take 250mg of that too.  Thiamin (B1), Pantothenate (B5) and Biotin are all sulphur-based elements, but even if we are getting enough in our food (which I doubt) we need sulphur in order to be able to use them.  I take Biotin too, plus ALA, C, E, A, kelp, copper & zinc.  These damn worms hijack so much of my nutrition I am throwing stuff at my body to give it the tools to fight back.

      My hair has stopped falling out and my energy is slowly increasing.  I have had very low energy for years, since I was a young teenager (I am now 58), and seem to have been dragging myself around most of my life.  To have any improvement in my energy level is a bonus. 😊


    • Posted

      That's quite a regime you have. I read as well to totally beat it you need to fight it inside and out and change your lifestyle forever. I can the outside bit but to give up everything forever is extreme :-)

      What caused the hair loss? The stress of it all? My aunt lost huge patches of hair from stress. She had to wear a scarf or wig. The doctors didn't know what way it would go but she got it all back thank god. Stress is a funny thing.

      That's also another concern, how big are the worms. I know 100% I had a fat one I could feel that run from my ear down to near my mouth and when my chin area was badly infected as I would pick thing out it would go over there. I mean big as well. I remember I was having a conversation with my boyfriend while touching my face, and suddenly I felt it move. To say I freaked was an understatement. I screamed the loudest shrillest scream whilst stamping my feet like I was running. The look on my bf's face was classic, the shock was like he'd seen a ghost. Sheer shock and horror lol. I have lost weight, and was looking a bit gaunt. I needed to but makes you wonder considering the amount of chocolate I've been eating, which apparently you also should eat.

      I'd be happy to try and make up one of y our concoctions if they do help if you give me a recipe. The vodka one sounds good :-) jk. I would try one though.

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      Believe me, the garlic/MSM/vodka is just gross.  Nauseatingly so.  But whatever it takes.  I can just about manage a teaspoonful.

      mine are big worms.  Ascaris I think, they can get as big as your pinkie apparently.  Nothing shows in my skin, but I did have thin welts on my thigh when they fled from an anasthetic block in my groin after a broken leg op.  They don't like anasthetic apparently.  I also had worm tracks all in the dead skin on my leg after the cast was removed.  I could feel the damn things slithering in and out of the wound, making it a darn sight more sore than it would have been.

      its the juveniles and larvae i feel around my neck, face, scalp and eyes.  I also have larvae-shaped floaters in my eyeballs - always long, thin with a blob (head) on one end.  I feel them go into my eyeball, like a needle piercing it.

      i do believe you need to attack these things, whatever they are, from the inside.  They may show in the skin in your case, but it's a whole body issue.  They are there because your body is out of balance.

      as far as changing diet is concerned, it depends what you are prepared to do to get well.  Much of our modern food is not food at all, but garbage dreamed up by men in white coats to appease our desires.  if you eat food made by men in white coats, you end up having to see men in white coats.....

      modern wheat is highly hybridised and contains far more proteins than its ancient counterpart, most of which are foreign to the body and very damaging.  It is also in EVERYTHING.  But you can avoid it by eating real natural food, fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, etc.  i make awesomely beautiful cakes with ground almonds.  I eat a few rice cakes, but never bread or wheat products.  Not for well over 7 years.  I don't miss it.  It's just habit with most people.

      you can't expect gluten free food to taste or feel like wheat-based food.  That is a recipe for failure.  You have to change your expectations.  Think outside the box.  Let moussaka become your favourite meal instead of lasagne, or cottage pie instead of pizza.  I make a pretty awesome pizza base using cauliflower.  It comes out like a scone base - which I always preferred to a bread base anyway.  With tomato paste, bacon, mushrooms, spinach, cheese, etc., on top it makes a gorgeous meal.  Very filling.  It is never going to be pizza, but it's a very acceptable substitute.

      What you eat makes a huge difference.  If you knew something you like had been slowly and insudiously poisoning you, would you continue to eat it?

      Emis Moderator comment: I have removed product/company names as we do not allow repeated posting of these in the forums. If users wish to exchange these details please use the Private Message service.


    • Posted

      I take a magnesium supplement in powder form it lemon flavor I during it like a tea. Originally for restless legs but have read the worms font like it! 

      Ive also been taking anything I read is a blood cleanser. 

      I have a garlic press and add fresh garlic and ginger to the Tea and other things I've rewd they don't like! I take a Cinnaman capsule with a glass of water then empy one capsel into my tea and refill the capsel with cayenne pepper! I'm acting raw onions and soaking in epson salts and baking soda! Supposed to release toxins through the skin! A sauna is supposed to be the best for that but afraid if I were in public they might start coming out my nose or something! My fear is those Damon Youtube verdins with them coming out of the eye! When I make tea I also steam my face & head by putting a towel over my head and I feel them rush out over my face and head! I sleep with an ice pack on my head and not sure it does anything but I'm fighting them! Trying not to fight to much just to depressing! I used to jab them with a needle roll a small glass bottle over then and put tea tree oil on my head! 

      How the Eff did this happen!  🔪🐛🐛🐛🔫💣🔨🙋👊👊🐛🔨🐛🚬

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