Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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  • Posted

    That line down your cheek is really strange.  I tried to zoom into it and even edit the contrast and colors and it is impossible to say what it is.  At first glance it looks like a strand of your hair but when you zoom in it does not seem to be on top but rather a part of your skin.   I have many strange tunnels and lines running throughout my skin where these things seem to have traveled.  I have one that just appeared one day and looks like a sunken line over my eyebrow.  Some of the skin on my neck feels like reptile skin and has tunnels that run in lines next to each other. 
    • Posted

      My skin used to collapse where they travelled through. I thought it just went in about 3/4" from the hole. I didn't see it go all down the side of my face. I remember it well coz what with it being the second hole on the other side from the first, I was starting to look like the Joker.
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      I ordered some sulphur soap and cream yesterday. I looked at the side effects of canesten on the face, not good. You can get thin skinned, Rosetta (whatever it is called when you go red), acne. Clumps of veins.
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      Oh and one other observation, because you mentioned your kneck, when putting canisten on my face I would get bite size marks on my kneck. Like it makes them spread out a bit. They Defo don't like canisten. After a week though I don't think there has been an improvement. Haven't had antibiotics for a couple of months so I'm managing it a bit better. I think I'll manage it on my own as long as I have people who are / were going through it can advice and I don't resemble madusa. You really do get labelled a nut case.
  • Posted

    I think I'll make a forum / website about this stuff. I'd love to know how many people in the UK suffer from it as we aren't a tropical country, not just for the UK of course. I know most forums I found about it were all abroad. Just like this group, people would start to trickle through. the moderators of this site have been good. I already have 2 domain names and a hosted server (my friends son) from when I was going to do an ecig business.
  • Posted

    Hi guys,

    I dont know if this will help anyone but next week I am being tested for Leishmaniasis of course none of the doctors here think it is possible but the man I was put in contact with John Welch that works with USDA looked at my pictures and thinks that what I may have he sent me several articles prooving there have been cases here in oklahoma and texas I dont know about the UK but something to check into. Im also having a skin biopsy done finally!!! I hope something is found after all of this. I want my life back.

  • Posted

    Hi guys,

    I dont know if this will help anyone but next week I am being tested for Leishmaniasis of course none of the doctors here think it is possible but the man I was put in contact with John Welch that works with USDA looked at my pictures and thinks that what I may have he sent me several articles prooving there have been cases here in oklahoma and texas I dont know about the UK but something to check into. Im also having a skin biopsy done finally!!! I hope something is found after all of this. I want my life back.

    • Posted

      I sure do wish you the best of luck with your test and the biopsies.  It would be fabulous if they were able to figure out what it is.  At least then they can treat it.  I have had so many biopsies that have returned negative results and it is very frustrating and depressing - not to mention the looks I get which are "see, I told you in it is all in your head!".  I have been going to a wound clinic weekly for two months and it just will not heal - so of course, they keep blaming me. I have not done this before because I am so ashamed of how awful my skin gets from this stuff, but I decided to share a picture of how it attacks my skin.  Every time I get one area under control it seems to be intelligent enough to grow and spread into another area.  It just seems never ending and no one wants to do any real tests like the one you will be having for the leishmaniasis.  Truly - I really hope you have fallen into the right hands and get the help you need!  Good luck and please do keep us posted!
    • Posted

      Wow that looks seriously sore! I hope the tests find something, they can't leave you in pain.

      I started the sulphur, it turned my silver black and green. Thank god I managed to get it off the jewelry. Wonder if it tarnishes gold. It's bringing out stuff from my skin that's for sure. Let's hope it carries on. It reacts quite weirdly with it. My skin isn't looking brilliant but imi guess it has to get worse first :-)

      I'm so pleased for you Domino, fingers crossed. Somebody has to get to the bottom of it.

    • Posted

      My god ruby, that looks soooo painful. How can they even imagine you are doing it to yourself. I don't see how they can justify not exploring every possible cause til they find something. Have you thought about maybe getting legal advice because it affects you physically and mentally when nobody takes it seriously as the condition just gets worse. I wanted to sue my doctors for all the scaring. I just needed a definitive answer that it was parasites but never got it.
    • Posted

      Sorry I am so late in responding, but thanks so much for your concern. Legal advice is something I have not gotten and perhaps I should.  The problem with it is now I have seen so many doctor sand none of them claim to know what it is and most of them have made sure to include DOP or self excoriations into my records.  I hate to say this, because I am usually such a poitive and upbeat person, but I think the medical community is hopeless as far as us getting any real answers to our dilemna. It is very sad.  I am in the same boat as you are with the scarring.  The surgery alone left a 3x4 inch area on top of my head with no ability to ever grow hair again.  Just recently, my neck is getting worse and it seems to be expanding down towards my shoulders.  The doctors just look at it when I show them and shake there heads.  I don't think they don't even want to know what it is. My face has bad scarring from the initial years of having the symptoms (which started over 8 years ago).  It especially evident along my cheekbones and around the back of my ears. On a better note - do enjoy your day!
  • Posted

    I have but no holes and God I hope that's not next! I've been through the same ridiculousness with drs finally a Derm fevered me to one who spsilaized in parasits and he gave me over icon it's been 2 days! I'm tired of them and want the, gone, there going crazy now, hops it's the last dance!!!
    • Posted

      I'm sorry spellcheck did a number on my post! 

      Ivermictin 3mg I had to take 6 and in two weeks take 6 more! 

      This is the 4th night! I'm sick to my stomach. My head feels like it's going to explode, egg size bumps all over my scalp! The lines that you saw in your picture? I've been seeing those too now! Around my eyes down my nose and can barley breTh when their in my Throaght! 

      I went to infectios disease dr and they did a blood test and it was normal! She told me "there's a syndrome that feels like you have worms!!! I've heard that story many times! I have fibromyalgia and restless leg syndrome! I know the nerve ending crawling feeling their talking about! 

      I wish they were right but their not!  One Derm told me it's your nerves Are you married? How's your Marraige and that's when I get crazy. ER called my husband! I ask "do you want to call my father too?" My Primary was god biggest joke she had her staff leave a message on my phone "sorry dr can't order those test for you get the phych eval suggested" I blasted her too! So they have me looking like a nut! They said "my anxiety leval is high" HELLO!!!

      im dealing with worms and My doctors and ER are doing NOTHING for me! 

      Finally another derm suggested a colleague that specializes in Parasites!

      the biopsies came back negative I wanted to cry again! But he looked at the sores/holes in my head listened to my stories about the while thread like or toilet tissue looking gooey things I keep finding! 

      He apologized for the rest of the medical field! Bless his sole! 

      He said i had a parasitic infestation! 

      Also said there is no side effects to the ivermectin so don't know wh they are do reluctant to give it when you sY you need it! 

      The side affects I have are "die off" disgusting but the medicine paralyzed the parasite/worms and kills them! And the toxic waiste causes the discomfort. 

      The scary thing though is I've been so sick before I found him! Months of fatigue diagnosed with narcolepsy, kidney stones and then a brain aneurism two emergency surgery so in June! 

      I believe these are all related! 

      I pray these effin things die once and for all tonight! It's night 4 and they are alive and well! More active then ever! Even in my eyes now not just around! I can see them! Infectios desease doc told me " it's floaters I have them too" NO it's the worms that are in the rest of my body! 

      Lim eating lots of garlic, ginger, cayenne pepper, onions, mint leaves  making broths & teas! Paying Vaseline on my head to smother them! Trying everything! Good luck to you and I will keep you posted! But look for a derm who deals with parasites! What a nightmare! 

    • Posted

      And Ruby You are RIGHT at least MOST of the medical field is hopeless when it comes to parasites! They can't even look me in the eye when I tell them! It's has been frustrating, humiliating and I'm downright Angry about it! 

      I too have been blamed for the sores and bold spots! 

      Even escorted out of the ER because I was combative! More like emphatic! They did not want to hear that they were wrong! And acting like I was talking about Unicorns! 

      If it's not on the book that they studied at school then it doesn't excist! I guess it's just something you see on YOUTUBE to them! 

      I pray this medicine worke! Because I too have a child who needs me! 🏥👊👎🐛🐛🔨

    • Posted

      Ruby I just saw your picture I pray you get the right doc! As I did! Don't give up! I'm not out of the woods by far but I have a dr who believes me! And has prescribed something! I hugged and wanted to kiss this man! Finally! 

      Please look for a derm who is a parasitologist! 

    • Posted

      lol yes, I've been told by at least 2 doctors of the worm syndrome.  The thing is there was so many lizards in mexico i didnt even see anything that looked remotely worm like and when I come home from Mexico, i wasnt thinking of anything at all.  I didnt realise there was a problem.  Oh I really hope your treatment works out for you. It is heartbreaking when the tests come back negative.  When i filled a jar for a week with bits of them i picked off, and that test come back negative i was like hmmm. 

      Yes please defo keep us posted! 

      I went to the doctors today, he repescribed what the dermatologist had given me but I told him i wanted to see the dermatologist again.  The dermatologist is the only one that didnt flat out tell me i was imagining it.  Gonna try and get an appointment sorted out tomorrow, it will probably take a month or so til I can see him.

      It would be brilliant to see one person say, they got it cured.  I'm yet to see that anywhere.   So good luck!

    • Posted

      They do come out with rediculous causes some of them like a burst cyst or boil.  Thats another fear them coming out of my eye's or nose.  I'm terrified of things like that generally, let alone sharing my body with them.  Still the medal goes to the doctor at my surgery who told me the story about only one worm on the planet able to move around the human body but it would have to go through the throat and I didnt have a cough.  Funnily enough on previous visits before i even had this, i'm sure she used to google symptoms and just print out sillyness.  She's the one i want to sue.

      How long have you had this now?

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