Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    sorry, forgot to add, my latest Derm says that 40% of the time the biopsy comes out negativ! And those looks your talking about! I've gotten them! The medical drs should be ashamed of themselves for being so naive'! 

    I called one Alfred E.Nuemannn! That's when I got escorted out!

    i pray we all get results soon! Don't give up! 

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      lucky i never got the see the woman who did it to me when i had my follow up appointment.  i knew what i wanted to say to her, i might have got escorted out.
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    I'm from USA constantly told "Parasite are something that's not seen here" well they are in my mirror! 
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    Hi nicolamc. I am going through the same thing. I have tapeworm infection iternally and then I have cutaneous larvae margin, which you seem to have as well. I know how it feels to be laughed at at the doctors office. I knew exactly what I had in January and I went to the hospital 5 times and to even see an infectious disease doctor who told my mom I was a picker. And they probably think you're on drugs, is all happened to me. 

    Which is is now going to be a nice medical malpractice suit but it's bittersweet. Because you have to realize that they are laying their eggs. You need to google infectious disease doctors in your neighborhood and make an appointment. Do not go in there all freaked out, you need to state the facts that you have been feeling the worms and you need to get Albendazol 400mg twice a day (I would assume if they are in your skin they are definitely in your colon). But albendazole will only kill the adults. So you need to keep your hands clean and especially underneath your fingernails. I just recently started talking bleach baths. It's the best thing for them. You take about 1/2 cup of bleach and sit in tub for 10 minutes. But I see that these are only on your face?? Mine are on my legs and arms as well, I have one huge one on my jaw that is going away after the bleaching. And the bleach will kill the baby eggs.

    there is also a cream, theibendazole which is supposed to work wonders. And if you can't get the cream, you can always crush up any worm killing medication. (You can go to Petco and buy tapeworm hookworm powder that kills dogs up to 60lbs 3 packets) I don't know how much you weigh but I put 2 packets in this amazing cream I made and this is how I made the cream. Which comes out to more of an oil so you don't need to use a lot of it. Tea tree oil is gods gift to parasitic infections. actuslly message me and I will give you th ingredients because I am going to market it when I go on wink news to tell my story ! 

    Please se go and get help. And I'm telling you if they are in your skin they are most definitely in your stomach and colon. You have a type of flatworm. I know exactly how you feel. 

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      I just wrote you a huge reply and internet explorer crashed!!!! Took me ages hehe.  Well it would be mostly stuff you've read anyway. 

      Which country are you in Morgan?

      You know FRiday i was trying to get this wierd thing out of my face, which was the new thing that felt like little tiny pebbles under the skin which i wasnt sure if it was caused by the sulphur.. then a huge one as fat as the one by my ear  just come to the surface right underneath it.  It was proper mobile.  It was like it was seeing what i was doing to the lump and i could see the swelling under the skin all down the side of my nose.  One of my biggest fears is i will see one like that.  Thats why i was sorting out the dermatologist yesterday.  His secretary got back to me after 6 though so i'll be trying to get an appointment fixed today.  It will be a month or 6 weeks wait probably.

      I did read that if you dont get parasites out you will become a very sickly person so the fact its been nearly 9 months now.. i wonder how long is long.. its all too long.  Ruby really made me think too as she's been dealing with it years now, as has everyone's comments, how bad could it get if left.  It has to start somewhere and i could end up anywhere.  I cant feel them wriggle around at the moment.  When i pulled the one out from under my chin that was like a caterpillar in length and a matchstick thick and it left the shape of the worm in my chin it got a better understanding of how big these things can get.  I could feel them move when i was trying to pull them out.

      I'm going to look up "cutaneous larvae margin" in a sec, will probably terrify me lol and also flatworm.  Please post or mail me any info of what you think mine could be, I'll show the dermatologist  The only thing i found that sounded like my condition was candida. 

      Oh defo keep up informed how the legal action goes.  They really do need to sit up and take notice of this and stop ignoring everyone.

      I'll message you for the ingredients, I'll probably lose about half a stone (I wish).

    • Posted

      I would love the ingredients PLEASE!

      I've been taking Epson salt and baking soda baths I practically sheererd my long hair and cover it in tea tree oil. I Ali use skin so soft I can't mentions brand names but their commercial says Ding dong "A_V_ N calling. 4 letters!

      They don't like it. It keeps them out of my head when the head pressure gets to bad!

      I'm going to google everything you just said as well! And start with re bleach! I've been cleaning with bleach! Steam clean the wood & tile floors. My head hurts so bad In afraid to think of the damage that's going on! My daughter is 12 she has Down syndrome and type 1 diabetes if she gets these from me I will deff fight every dr that laughed me off in court!

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      Could u give me a list of the things u are using? My partner has it and tying to stop it before it gets worse .

      He has started recently, last few days, feeling them in the back of his head, his back and his eyeballs. :"(

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      could i have your recipe bc im suffering with worm in face and entire body. so miserable.

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    yes nematode worms in the skin are very common there are a few drugs that will kill them off. They are got from small biting insects be they are spread by the flies and are not the fly larvae. Invermectin might work but there are other drugs hope your specialist looks. ALWAYS Look up any prescriptions you get online to see if they are addressing your concerns. Thank god for you tenacity and persistance - most doctors don't remember everything they learnt.
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      What i was given was antibiotics for acne but the cream was for candida and was an antiobiotic also, just a tiny amount I think. Too weak for what i have.  I'm starting the antibiotics again today while i wait for an appointment as my skin is looking spotty and its not spots :

      It defo wasnt the solution to what I have.. it just made things heal faster.

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      I think Drs in general skipped the section on parasites and human infestation!

      My dermatologist actually "apologized for the rest of the medical field because I know they probably made you feel like you were crazy"! My primary dr might get slapped with a law suit I'm so angry with her treatment!

      Had the staff leave a message on my phone "dr can not order test you were told to get a phych eval"!!! How bout that one! I called back with some choice words! Yes I played right into there phycke eval theory but it is so humiliating when you are in so much pain and going through the the agony of this nightmare!

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    I have. A photo. Of the sharp. Shard worm how do i post. It here
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      Hit reply to something then you will see the picture icon in the top right hand corner of the text window.
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    Ok, everyone - I thought it might be time to share some pictures of what actually comes out of my skin.  Call them worms, fibers, whatever you want - they seem to be keratin in nature.  To me they are just not something you should be finding in your skin!  The first picture shows what I removed just prior to my scalp surgery.  These things were literally stuck into my skull bone and two inches long!  They would rip away from the skin as if they were actually part of it.  I have constant "pieces" come out of my lesions every single day. The one picture shows the myriad I see regularly.  The other picture shows the worm-like things I have seen recently and they were soaked in alcohol so not dried out.  Interestingly, they look more ropey and intertwined - super gross!!  When these things come out "fresh" they are very strong and fibrous.  I can pull on them and they will not break, but actually act like a rubberband.  I think that is why you can feel them at the opposite end from where you tug on them to pull them out.  I have never once published these pic before but I have a feeling you are starting to see very similar stuff to what I am seeing.  Whatever these are - no medical professional is willing to also "see" them and no one is willing to provide a real diagnosis and treatment.
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      Mine are the same but pure white. A guy in another site I'm following describes it as little calamari ! Ha! Except nothing funny! This site sucks I keep getting lost could not even log I last night desparatlt trying to reply to everyone! lol! It makes me feel a little sane to have people going through the same thing!
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      I have also had things that I think are worms not skin! Last night I was doing battle!

      I actually fight these things sometimes mostly at night! As big as my finger on the top of my head I stab them roll a shot glass over them I know this isn't a good idea but it makes me feel better go think I'm hurting it back! And gives the Drs something to really think I'm crazy! I tried something I saw on YouTube. My holes that they have made Aretha's site sucks it's messing up my words what the hell! Anyway I put a beer bottle with bery little beer in the bottom and added a packet of Sugar and put it over the hole. It's supposed to draw it out! I actually felt the pressure and saw white cord like lines crossing my head to the bottle but nothing came out. I think the hole is too small and my husband thinks they are inside of my veins because when they travel my veins pop up fully extended! I don't want to post pics or video because I'm not trying this site sorry! But I'm having to much of a hard time! My words are all over the place and hope you can understand this. I keep losing my place. I'm on my phone gonna try iPad! Last night couldn't even log in with iPad!

      My dr says the increased activity I'm feeling is NORMAL for the "Die Off" I also feel sick to my stomach brain fog and Major head pressure! I hope you all can get a prescription of Ivermectin 3mg I took 6 tabs 4 days ago and take 6 more in two weeks! He also gave me Orap 1mg I take 1/2 a pill every night the start a whole pill in two weeks. This is to calm the skin and nerve ending that have been "under assault from the parasite" good luck to all I'll keep you posted. Right now it feels like something is trying to burrow out of the side of my head by biting me! My head is covered in Vaseline since I've heard it's smothers them & slows them them down! Personally I think they just move to another spot! Maybe I'll cover my body in Vaseline!

      Ivery small also cut my hair from shoulder length to GI Jane! I could not take the white stuff in my hair any longer it was coaching the texture and the back of my hair was shorter in the center as if it were pulling my hair in! I have the uncontrollable urge to pull at my hair when it crosses my scalp! Y new shirt hair now stands on its own when it crosses! Just lovely! I am from Philadelphia Pennsyvania USA

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      Ruby the picture with the 2 in it! I have pictures of one of these as well! I think this is the worm!

      Smash that thing for me will ya!

      I have no idea what kind of worm because my opinion changed daily! But just saw blood worms on YouTube and it looks like it! They bite! Blood Flukes is another thing I was thinking? My dr didn't give them a name never saw my pictures. He went by my sores in the head my stories of white gooyey stuff, pain and pressure!

      Well on that note I'm gonna go chew some ginger & garlic!

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      I just found somthing after steam cleaning the floor AGAIN! It looks like one of the two that you have up! 
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      I"ll be damn! i never thought I'd run across someone with identical pictures as i do and well as same symptoms and similar story! i have been called a meth head and drug addict as well as crazy! even people want to believe something like i have brain tumor or something making my mind manifest this! i believe most would rather i did! but it has been horrible. out of work off and but mostly off for past year and ER asked me if on meth. i do not have insurance so when they asked about urynalisis; i said if it helps with diagnosis im all for it but im trying keep costs down. well, if I'd have known they were going to not treat me ,no mistreat me, i would've never said anything and just let them do any test at all they wanted! and why is it 40 bucks for my job to send someone for pee test by urinalysis but 380 to me in that guess. but i digress. then my dads dr office agreed to see me as they had new doctor joining that needed patients and i with no insurance haven't had regular doctor for years. upon going to him he said bug bites an anti bacterial meds and itch cream were given. UGH!! several months later after it getting excruciatingly painful both physically and mentally i went back. gave it to him straight. i had been researching on my own VERY EXTENSIVELY and humble brag about my high IQ but only so he would understand that i wasn't stupid amd believing something that wasnt based on facts! he agreed with me that i had a parasitic infection and he couldn't say for sure exactly what kind but he was going call in ivermectin. i thought "whew" that went surprisingly smooth and i got someone believing and willing to help ..... only to reach the pharmacy and find out he indeed ordered it while i was there and canceled it before i made it to pharmacy and called me in physche meds that i have never been on or have taken and wasn'tabout to pay for much less take!!! OH MY GOD!!! WTF?? so here i sat still suffering and still out of work. my savings is gone from the er and that doctors visits and i am at wits end! what can i do?? i have nothing left! no friends ,girlfriend , means to make $ , nothing ! i called CDC to see what to do and told em my plight and how I'd been treated. might as well called the goddamn phsycic hotline! Anyone with any suggestions at all ? they will be greatly appreciated! thank you. im at my wits end !

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