Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    This was taken the day i attended Northwick Park for the results.
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      My lesions look like this only smaller,when i pick they get much much worse, when i let them heal they leave a sunken in purple scar,n my skin is like clear gel, n its stretchy looking iv actually often wondered if their starting to replace my skin now their maybe bad enough n so many they replace it completely eventually?. I sound mad,but its very real, im so angry that they have made me feel this way when i just need help.
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      Of course they make you feel mad because it all sounds crazy! I feel like a werewolf sometimes! At night , Full moon that's when things are worse but worms act the same inside the body as they do outside so it's not really crazy! When doctors start paying attention and perhaps watch someone over over night they will see that it's more common then not. Until then I'm very disillusioned with the medical practice and thank God I've found a dermatologist who has seen and treated many cases! He apologizes for the rest of his profession saying "they probably made you feel as if you where mad" Yes me and thousands of others! I'm sitting here now with Quret drawing salve on the lump/lesion on my head! I'm not expecting it to work because nothing else has! We shall see!
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      Iv got the docs in morning, n I'm so anxious abt going coz I know their not gna investigate this n I'm gna end up getting sectioned lol.I can laugh but I do sound away with it, if they notice I'm anxious thatl be the reason gor what I'm seeng.my own mums thinks I need psycological help, she says I believe this is very real to u. God sake, I didnt just start picking for no reason, I picked bcoz I saw something, n I kept noticing things moving out the corner of my eye.I know this is NOT my imagination n I just wish someone wld believe me. I'm even just not saying anythn to anyone now coz whats the piint, imtotally alone in this. Docs have left mewi this for 7months wi no trwatment, can u imagine how many there mudt b inside me now.one thing that makes mine sound a bit different is their not on my face, yet, but they are all over my body.n sometimes they bloody hurt lije hell, if knock 1 of the lesions, even atiny tap it starts pounding, n its ike sharp hooks dig in so they can't b pulled out, if I leave them tho evy now n agai a were hard white oval shape pops out n if I pull it hard enough I can get it out, but gra get it 1st time or it goes back into its pore/hole whatever u wanna call it..then straight away another one fillsthe gap, its like they can just multil, y on their own. Please anyone who shares these symptoms pkease let me know, I need to know this is real. I mean how could I, without ever reading or knowing about this kind of thing b4, have exactley the same symotoms as thousands of people all over the workd, whow could we possibly all imagine exactly the same thing, its them whos crazy not us. Why r they tryn 2make us look crazy, what r they hiding that they wanna cover this up. Sorry for going so deep n goung on,, but theyd soon belueve it if they weresuffering from it.sorry rant over for now. Il report how I get on at the docs 2moro. Wishing u, n every1 success in getting this dhit out out our bodies, Im so resperate, just want this to be over xn also does anyone else get a white webbing sirt of thing intheir hair just now n again? Whats that all abt eh?
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      Iv got the docs in morning, n I'm so anxious abt going coz I know their not gna investigate this n I'm gna end up getting sectioned lol.I can laugh but I do sound away with it, if they notice I'm anxious thatl be the reason gor what I'm seeng.my own mums thinks I need psycological help, she says I believe this is very real to u. God sake, I didnt just start picking for no reason, I picked bcoz I saw something, n I kept noticing things moving out the corner of my eye.I know this is NOT my imagination n I just wish someone wld believe me. I'm even just not saying anythn to anyone now coz whats the piint, imtotally alone in this. Docs have left mewi this for 7months wi no trwatment, can u imagine how many there mudt b inside me now.one thing that makes mine sound a bit different is their not on my face, yet, but they are all over my body.n sometimes they bloody hurt lije hell, if knock 1 of the lesions, even atiny tap it starts pounding, n its ike sharp hooks dig in so they can't b pulled out, if I leave them tho evy now n agai a were hard white oval shape pops out n if I pull it hard enough I can get it out, but gra get it 1st time or it goes back into its pore/hole whatever u wanna call it..then straight away another one fillsthe gap, its like they can just multil, y on their own. Please anyone who shares these symptoms pkease let me know, I need to know this is real. I mean how could I, without ever reading or knowing about this kind of thing b4, have exactley the same symotoms as thousands of people all over the workd, whow could we possibly all imagine exactly the same thing, its them whos crazy not us. Why r they tryn 2make us look crazy, what r they hiding that they wanna cover this up. Sorry for going so deep n goung on,, but theyd soon belueve it if they weresuffering from it.sorry rant over for now. Il report how I get on at the docs 2moro. Wishing u, n every1 success in getting this dhit out out our bodies, Im so resperate, just want this to be over xn also does anyone else get a white webbing sirt of thing intheir hair just now n again? Whats that all abt eh?
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      I didn't get it in my face for the longest time. But have two distinctive marks on my face now from where they have been and I guess died off! Before starting the ivermectin and during the early stages of treatment I got the white sticky web like stuff in my hair all the time. I had to cut my hair it got so bad. The lumps (nest) where in the back of my head and my hair was all MUCH shorter back there. Not broken off, like it was not growing but I know it was long at one point! I had lots of hair so it was hard to see but it had the hair stylist stumped! To me it looked like they were actually pulling my hair back into my scalp! To eat? Make a nest? I don't know but I know that was REAL! I try so hard not to mess with them & it is really hard to ignore something moving in your head especially last year when they where pinky finger size. I could never get them out and yes the biting is REAL too! I think the white spray that turns sticky and stiff is a defense mode. This is just from my observation. My finger has been bit when touching a lesion! But what I don't want is them to turn around and start burrowing down. A few nights the pain was so horrific!!! Felt like they where biting down into my scull. One night my neighbors heard me screaming it was so bad. Went to ER cat scan showed nothing. Then had MRI that showed cerebral aniurism right in the spot where my pain was. Neurologist says "how lucky I was because these types of aneurism shave no side affects and we found it by luck" did not want to hear anything of my parasite story or warms in my head I must be out of my mind was written all over her smug face! I've had 3 kidney stone removals in 6 months! We're are the die off going where is the their waste going? Uroligist did not want to hear of parasitic infestation as well! Colonoscopy shows mild divaticulitus... So while they chewing my body apart I have to deal with smug doctors and just keep taking my ivermectin and all my homeopathic remedies that I can find and hope for the best! Good luck to you. But if I don't punch a doctor in the face by the time this is over it will be a miracle! What a nightmare! YOU ARE NOT NUTS! Parasites are not just third world country and doctors better open their eyes and ears! Talk about a "rant"! Good luck to all
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      I know exactly how you feel!My skin feels sticky And it feels like my whole body is a parasite.If I pull out a facial hair with some tweezers it looks like there's a small eggs on my hair And sometimes the hair will have a A white clear tip Or a brownish red tip.And in my stool there is like big raise and looking things with Gooey yellowish stuff inside

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      Please look up Bartonella! It's something new that the C.D.C has recently found. It has most of the symptoms people are describing. Please let me know what you think!

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      This Sunflower26

      Just getting to the end of the worst skin worms case ever.

      Since all of you who have suffered like me I will skip that.

      I like all of you went through many doctors

      So simply for me I definitely knew what I had after much research. It just has a new name. Goes way back as far as

      Egypt 1550 BC or more. Scabies.

      Unlike intestional worms with many symtoms which a

      Pre- Pac is prescribed for it.Scabes has none of these symtoms until until the scabies begins to show outbreaks of the skin.

      So I persisted with my present doctor that worms are worms.

      Agreed to a Pre-Pac to try a prescription . That was 15 days to let me knowcover the two cycles. MY face is me again.Love to touch it again So the Pre- Pac takes care of both

      Got an apology fro my doctor.

    • Posted

      This may sound strange but have you ever had an issue with carpet beetles?   I too have horrible lesions and have been misdiagnosed 3 times... even told that I have tapeworm.   The place that I used to live in had an infestation of carpet beetles... everything you read it says that they do not burrow in skin... yet there are thousands that swear that they do... some are now saying that the carpet beetle is responsible for Morgellons and thus the fibers... anyways, its something I'm looking into... I pray that we all find a solution 🙏

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      Morgellons did come up when I first typed in my  SYPTOMS!!! I feel like I've been hit with multiple infestations even though I've had my house insepected and exterminators here 3 times plus home bombing kits done!!! I need to find the CORE of where all this started otherwise I feel like just walking away and burning this bloody house to the ground!!!

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      the hairs are like tarantula hairs. They are barbed so they work themselves into your skin.

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      im staying at my moms and she has a infestation of carpet beetle i saw the eggs that look like seed all over her floor and bed and 2 beetle in bathrooom ALL of my stuff has the threads out of it i bought new purse wallet evt and those are ruined i beem dealing with this for months i have a lump in my back that in my low back that makes it hard to sit or stand imy skin snd hair snd my lymphnodes are hurting amd swelling up my body my blood pressure and pulse are high. i can see clear thing in my hair w a camera zoomed in i have pic of thse things poking out of my pores but i havr no cluewhat they are !


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