Worms in the Face

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Hi All,  I dont know if anyone has come across this.  I have a worm infestation in my face.  They travel around under the skin leaving tracks and bursting holes into my skin.  they create glass like balls that split the skin open and move around my skin with ease. 

I first reported it 3 months ago and the doctors totally ignored me treating me for a secondary infection that was caused by open wounds in my face.  They have given me 4 courses of antibiotics treating the wrong infect but totally ignored waht I was telling ithem about the worms. 

The worms whatever they are are very sharp and whereever they travel through in my face the skin collapses, leaving it like plastercine and it causes tiny splinters that are as sharp as anything that inbed themselves in the inside and outside of my skin right down to the lowest skin level. My skin is also producing a clear sticky substance which feels like little shards of glass if I touch it.  All in all, it really couldnt be much worse except for the fact they have made a hole around my mouth which they can look out of.  I am totally sane!

I am in pieces.  I've been telling the doctors what it is and they have totally ignored me.  Even refusing to refer after an A & E i visited confirmed I needed to be referred as the lesions had been on my face for so long.   

I discovered I had private medical care through my company which now thank god means I've seen my first dermatologist.  He's referred me to another dermatlogist that apparently knows more about things in the skin who I'm yet to see.  Even though he's now put me in the right direction, I'm not convinced he was sure it is worms.  I can pull 1/2 inch worms out of my skin bit by bit.  They look like thread worms and never come out intact, you pull little bits off of them.  It leaves worm shape dents in my face and they feel like little match sticks under the skin.  Nobody is taking me seriously as people dont really get worms in the face. 

They have totally destroyed me skin and I have bad scaring.  I have never had acne and had no scaring.   This has all been caused in the last 3 months.  I dread to think how many are alive in there now they'v been left so long.

Has anyone ever heard of anything like this?

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    by the way, where do the worms you mentioned come from?
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      More and more cases of canine dermodex mites are being found... try...Neem, black seed oil and agarikon mushroom in a cod liver oil base... I'm not trained but i had good results with this mix..1 ml neem 1ml black seed oil 1ml agarikon mushrom in 7 ml of cod liver oil= 10 ml... drink once a day for 10 days... within a week you will find them coming to the surface dead..

  • Edited

    What a nightmare it's been since I last posted. Went to Northwick Park Hospital for tests and to see a consultant in the Infectious Diseases department. The guy in A & E thought since the department deal with unusual illnesses and do tests others don't it was my best hope.

    I was optimistic about it but my god I couldn't have received any worste treatment than I received there. At first it was ok when I saw Dr L Jones, he was pleasant enough and just wrote down what I was saying, then his senior come in, a youngish Indian woman early 30's and my god was she rude, really serious attitude problem. I was answering her questions, a conversation about worms in the face is hard enough without sounding mad, and she was being sarcastic about my responses. I'd reply, she'd kind of smirk at me then come out with her next silly, non relevant question.

    ill give you an example: they tested me for all std's including hiv and I was clean. She asked how long is been with my boyfriend, I said 8 years and she wanted to know if I slept with anyone else while with him. The blood results were about 3 weeks after my initial appointment and were clean. Maybe adult can cause worms lol.

    I'm trying to talk about worms in the face, she was just changing the subject and talking about me to other people in the room while looking at me like she thinks I'm mad.

    She finally got around to telling me she thought I had mental problems and that she was writing to my doctors to tell them this. She blatantly said I didn't have worms in the face and to stop picking my skin.

    I was furious when I left the hospital. I was livid.

    Anyway, they wrote to my doctors, I attended an appointment there, just to prove I didn't have mental illness and the doctor read the letter to me.

    They wrote the doctors needed to see me urgently and that I had psychosis and in my psychotic state, people like me can self harm. Also that I was agitated while at the appointment! At least they got one thing right lol.

    Anyway, today I had an appointment with a dermatologist at Holly Head who confirmed I did have the parasite infection in my face and I'm starting a 3 month course of antibiotics to clear it up.

    It's terrible it's taken this long to find it, and its down to small minded people like her.

    I have so much scaring, all because the people I've spoken to refused to acknowledge you can get worms in the face. You can imagine how I was feeling, I nearly didn't attend my appointment today because I was so deflated about the situation.

    Thank god my doctors knew I was sane. I'm still going to seek legal advice.

    • Posted

      Thank God that at last you are getting the right treatment at Holly Head
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      what is the antibiotic called and i am guessing it is contagious i dont want to be ignorant but i am scared because i have a niece in my apartment picking at her face.
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      As far as everyone knows, this is not considered contagious.
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      thank you rhuby i feel horrible for you all i will pray you all find help.
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      Thanks Cherie - If your niece does have this problem she is going to nead lots of support. Do not let the doctors make her think she is delusional. This is real and there is an underlying cause that creates the sores, tunnels, and need to pick at it. This has nothing to do with being psychotic. Suggest that she take some soothing baths in baking soda and salt. It will not get rid of the symptoms but it will give her some peace of mind.


    • Posted

      Hi! I am new...Been sufforing mogellons for 19 years. Even took worms to doctor in jar. After much whispering. telling me they wouldn,t look in jar beacause it came from toilet water..thus was "contaminated" but they KNEW I 

      HAD NO PARASITES. I was sent to my doctor with a report of delusional paranoia regarding worms and skin eruptions. Yes I was told to STOP THAT DARN SKIN PICKING!. I know what you went through nicolamc..my heart is with you all. I'm being eaten alive no matter what I do. Does anyone have white round hard bumps...small. that if you push on them or try to pop them..a new tiny one will apppear very close and they multiply? i have dug this out of my face and I get a quarter inch worm which is reddish purple. Sqished it splats blood?..Yes I know not to touch them but I'm in tears and sometimes just can't stand it! Thank you for letting me join my fellow people! I'm finally ready to try to reach out and get answers this time after being told I'm delusional 3 times in years. I wish us all WELL!


    • Posted

      Aww Peggy, poor you.  19 years, that must have been 19 long years.  I do wonder if they are working to strict instruction not to treat us.  A lovely lady in this thread she has a parasite infection and has a nightmare getting treated and i do wonder if its because they wrongly think its Morgellons so try not to treat her.  There is defo something going on in the background obstructing our treatment.  Doctors and consultants seem to have selective vision and hearing when it comes to Morgellons.  I'm still being called Psychotic even though I've had Morgellons diagnosed lol.

      I had one of those hard lumps once and when i tried to get it out a massive thing come to investigate what I was doing.  I touched it by accident and it felt huge whatever it was then it went up over my nose and infested it all the way along with load and loads of tiny little Morgellon things.  They look like tiny little white worms but when you look at them under a microscope they arent worms.  Also if you leave them to dry out a bit they turn into a mass of fibers.  I will show you a pic.

    • Posted

      Hi Peggy - So sorry to hear what you are going through. Just like yourself and Nicolamc I also have Morgellons. Yes - I do have the round hard bumps and they hurt so bad I have to get them out also or just cry from the pain. I also have the long strings or worms - whatever they should be called. My doctors (and that is a lot of doctors) have me down as Neurotic Excoriations, Delusional Parasitosis, and Factitious Disorder. It is so hard to even face the nurses when you know that they know what your diagnosis is! Have you taken any photos? It would be great if you could share if you have. Really glad you have joined our group!
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      You seem educated on this subject.

      I am emotionally scared from a dermatologist's remarks,he laughed at me and made me take an immediate drug test,called the department of children and families,located my next of kin in my medical file and told my father that his daughter is a delusional,possibly psychotic woman that is picking her skin as self abuse. Not on drugs,seriously just a human being,looking for an answer or suggestion as to why there is something in each and every pore on my skin. I don't itch often,only in times of lowered immunity and "they seem to expell from my pores' as well as itch and torment. I can't explain to you...how relieved I am to have found a forum with ppl suffering,without sounding like a sadist! Thank God I found this site...I may be one step towards finding someone else...I've been too afraid to be scrutinized or be evaluated and drug tested,to ask for help.someone has insight,please reply.

    • Posted

      Hi D.91352 - Really sorry to hear what a horrible experience you are having. I am so angry about the way you have been treated by the medical community - it is just outrageous! Unfortunately, your story is not unheard of. So many of us have been literally abused by doctors. It seems your doctor took it to the maximum - where does he even get the right to force you to take a drug test? That sounds illegal to me and you should make sure to document  thing you said, he said, and made you do (including any nurses that took part in the visit) now when you can remember it clearly. I am seriously wondering if you can't see a lawyer about his malpractice and how it has traumatized you and caused you pain.That smiling smirk that he gave you is something I am very familiar with. I have been called delusional, neurotic, psychotic, and of late, Factitious Disorder (which means I am hurting myself purposefully to try and get attention. Meanwhile, I have recurring lesions all over my body for 9 years and about 15 specialists with no diagnosis. By the way, I do not necessarily think that your friend lied - I think he might have - about seeing her. Remember, there is doctor/patient rules they must keep. It is also a good idea to take photos of your sores and what comes out of them - do not show the pics to the doctor though because they will continue to call you delusional. You can share them with people like us though and it will be easier to determine if you have what many of us have. People can then share some of the anectdotal healing protocols they have used with you. It sounds like you are getting the crazy deep itch that seems to come with Morgellons in the initial stages - it does make you feel like you are going nuts because there is just no way to understand it. One thing I can recommend is to try and relax in a warm tub with epson salts and baking soda. This will help you to calm it down and also to help calm down your mind. Taking advil has really helped me with the itch feeling and keeps the inflammation down. Also, go to Walmart and buy Band-Aid (in the blue bottle) and also Bactine in the spray bottle. The spray is good for hitting certain sores and the Band-Aid is good to pour a little on your scalp and rub it in. They both stop pain and itching for about an hour which is better than nothing! You have to find a good primary care or infectious disease specialist that cares and will not treat you with disrespect. The dermatologists have been famous for trying to force people to take anti-psychotics and and ant-neuroleptics. As if they are psychiatrists! If you don't mind me asking - are you in the US or UK?
    • Posted

      Hi I'm new my name. Is Joe and don't understand what's going on how they form how you get them I since 2011 off and on not really had a bad accident cut bump my finger off and they had to put close to 30 stitches in my thumb broken in 12 places to hold together since then I have started noticing things like that not knowing what it was and also on top of having mental problems I had been told that that's why they gave me the medication I'm trippin its just pimples may have been lied my wife thinks I'm crazy and insane and try showing her that anytime you know it looks like a pimple but she'll go to squeeze it there hard as a rock and then get ones on my page where it hurts and then it hurts to touch when I have hair if I don't shave it worse and trying to squeeze like a pimple not knowing what it is thinking they look like worms oh you don't have worms you know if thinking bad I had ran into bed bugs or mites and they're laying eggs under my skin and hacking literally they think I'm insane and constantly itch it looks like I've had glitter dumped in my hair on my skin or an before thinking it was you know really bad dandruff everytime I turn around and up with a cut bruise sore on it really gets bad and lost a place to live because the person we were renting from stated that he assumed that I had had AIDS or something with the way I was looking refused to go anywhere as much as possible not understanding how to get rid of the only thing that I found that have a shoes is spraying alcohol on I don't know what to do where to begin had recently lost my medical insurance so is there anything over the counter I can do can they end up anywhere like all over your body head to toe even in mouth tongue type stuff don't understand never knew what was in every time I had stated it tried looking it up and figure or find anything and would run you and do like mice or bed bugs we now have a cat can he give it to us but I think I've had the underlying problem for a while and my wife gets pimples as well and get itchy could it also be caused by having lived in a very bad run-down apartment building landlord never fixed or did anything to in 5 or 6 years I don't know who to turn to my wife tells me to see a doctor when I do they give me something called mupirocin and tell me it's just in a rash constantly tell her it feels like something's crawling on or under my skin and show her and she has it just looks like a pimple and will squeeze and fall out or can't get out because it hard and when does either pops that don't believe but have scars and depressed areas like that had picked at it and had turned different color is there anything over the counter right now I can go get to help soothe and maybe not close holes to keep them in there cuz I think that's what happened for a while and by me having them and husband and wife sleeping in the same bed can my wife get as well she is disabled on and has MS I need to be able knowing her immune system is lower is she more susceptible and if can clear up is the stuff still in like your furniture close do you go about it and decide if it's supposed to be good or bad with this situation or walk away from everything medicate and buy new I don't know sometimes my skin feels like it's on fire sometimes it hurts to touch and or if I do it feels like somethings throwing spikes and at one point it seem like my whole head has spikes and I know just my head off and wake up and the whole bed would be covered of needle transparent type things and was told in my head or maybe I didn't wash good or you know my body was drying itself out and to use Vaseline and something that started with him from a Rite Aid and hadn't used yet because anytime I tried creams it didn't work and once you something that someone had for scabie medication when I rubbed it on my arm it look like worms we're coming out of my skin where the small amount coming out of my skin have been washing all clothes and placing stuff in storage or should I just throw away for most part or after you take medication for months or whatever you don't get it back like that what do you do how do you clean up after where you sit what you lay in my wife has low immune had been tested for STDs ate all of it epatitis low iron and they didn't understand and never one I had when would it be as bad as it gets when they start speaking and picking at my face because of the fact that I am middle aged with very severe ADHD and a TD and take medication and they assume it's because of that or doing drugs like crystal meth and PCP or like I say have AIDS and stay away when they see me its very bad gross when it happens I'm sure everybody's aware and thank God I ran into this by accident by asking the wrong word or autocorrect changing please please help me find something over the counter tonight what to do where to turn
    • Posted

      You need to goto a doctor and say you have a round worm.you can get them from eating salad that has eggs layed by worms or from your pets.irvermectin is a cream they should give you aswell as an oral pill for the adult worms in your intestine google irvermectin read it all.hope this helps. please let me know ok what your out come was or how it will work for you. And you will need to treat your pets aswell
    • Posted

      I've had the same exact experience thinking the Infectious disease would be the answere! She made me so angry that i was "agitated" at my appointment as well! It's been a year and I'm still battling this. And I still think about legal action against all of the doctors who would not listen to me! All the aragant Drs who knew more than me! Could not believe they would sit there and smirk as I'm telling them the hell IM going through! I'm not done with them whether it's legal action or just a letter letting them know how my symptoms needn't have gotten so bad had they only listened and believed!
    • Posted

      Your not delusional! The doctors are for being so arrogant and closed minded!
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      orget suing them, no lawyer will sue a doctor, I tried believe me!!! I had sepsis caused by a doctor and called 4 lawyers even though I was in the hospital for 3 weeks almost died, they could not take the case. I have been to 41 doctors who have had the same smirk, I finally stopped going, I used to love doctors but after this experience I have a different view, if they can't figure it out your crazy not them. As a letter may make youfeel better, they could care less, they have their nose so stuck up inthe air.
    • Posted

      Peggysue I'm so sorry 19 years in silent he'll I would call it I probably would be clinically insane and delusional at that point I'm so sorry I am losing it at two years

    • Posted

      Everyone! You must go online and do your research!

      peggy26671, it sounds like you have Blood Flukes like I do. In your browser, search for Photos of Parasites.

      Contact WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO), CENTERS for DISEASE CONTROL (CDC) I don't know if the CDC is for USA only, just search online to find answers to your questions.

    • Posted

      do they look like fine fine hair like bllackk or yellow dots a incased line of cllear lil non perel looking like ???? porish tunnle making soars cant really feel skin called up like a scar but underneth impossin=ble to pop or pin point????p[ls tace large plus when it moves  looks like stitches like sowing ??

      like this  ------------

    • Posted

      If they grow into a mound that u can get thru in your skin, use veet hair remover.

      Apply for ten to 20 mins directly to the mound and the feet will burn thru the hard casing.

      This will allow u to use tweezing to remove the little barstards.

      Keep squeezing the lump to get them out. This will hurt a little but if u have been suffering for a long time, it will take a day or 2 to remove them & the skin will go back to normal with the lump gone.

      Make sure if the wound is open and your not removing them that u put cream and a bandaid on so it doesn't get infected.

    • Posted

      Hello dab1. I too have the creepy crawly skin with some pimple like lesions and my body is covered in what looks like glitter or tiny glass shards. Are those a sign of round worm?? When you mentioned to Wormyguss that he may have round worm then I'm thinking this must be what I have as well. What are the glass shards/glitter?? Eggs? Larvae?? Please any info would be so very much appreciated.

    • Posted

      Hello. Did you get treated for round worm? If so, did it work?? I have the glitter all over and creepy crawlys as well. Please let me know
    • Posted

      Please look up Bartonella. It's something new that the C.D.C has recently found. And let me know what you think

    • Posted

      Baking soda in n out works fast. Be careful. Its painful. But they die.
    • Posted

      You just described what some of mine are.... is there a way to post photos?
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      I hope you still get these messages because I would love to k pw what antibiotics you took because I went to the dr and mine did the std checks and a stool sample and of course nothing but I do have a mental illness so they are just calling me crazy I am not crazy I know my body and it is not. Normal please help me 
    • Posted

      oh wow so sorry this happened to you but very happy you were able to find good doctors to treat you.

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