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Do any of you just think I've had enough? How much longer will this go on?

I've done everything in human power to try and feel better, lots of excercise, healthy eating, vitamins and suppliments, 2 different types of antidepressants for my anxiety and depression during this, tried changing to a less stressful job.....nothing has made me feel better. I have had periods of feeling good and totally appreciate those times but the moodiness (from being really negative and cranky or wanting to hide in bed and cry) slowly slips back. My self confidence is pretty much gone, I get upset if I have to do silly things out of the ordinary that relies on consintration. My brain does not work like it used to at all.....and I don't feel like going to the doctor anymore to explain all this once again. I started all this at 40 and Im 46 now, sometimes when I read other ladies posts and they are struggling at 55 or older I think OMG I can't do this for another 10 years. This is really messed up my life.

Im a strong woman and have no problem making it through the physical syptoms and even occasionally not sleeping....and can take having a bad day here and there but when it's weeks stretches it's too much. I miss so much having fun and truly laughing.

I know Im not the only one that feels this way and In sorry for coming across negative Im just venting on here as I can't really tell anyone Im close to and they don't understand how it feels at all.

My heart goes out to all you ladies struggling with this....it's not fair sad

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36 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes these symptoms are awful .. I think yours have started quite early. The only people who does understand are the ladies who does have these symptoms! My worse symptoms startdd @ 57, i am 64 now post meno to be honest the only thing that gave me my quality of life back was HRT .. i have not looked back .. Good luck with feeling better .
    • Posted

      Hi Mars - reading your post made me feel like I wasn’t a freak of nature.  It appears everyone is so much younger going thru these menopause symptoms.  I am 61 and I will say even though I stopped menstrating when I was 55, symptoms didn’t start ramping up until 3 years ago, this last year being the worst.  I just was in ER & have been to Urgent Care too many times to count  - I think my female dr thinks I am nuts that my symptoms can be hormone related. I haven’t tried HRT, but my quality of life is so bad that I think I must...when did you go on it & what were some of your main symptoms & what did you go on if you don’t mind - thank you!

    • Posted

      Hi debra, I seemed to cope well with the menopause but my bad symptoms started around 57 ! I felt all over the place hot sweats anxiety terrible ..  not wanting to go out or do anything sociable, couldn't think properly etc! I went the Drs @ 57 & was put on Prempak - C 0.625mg. I took this for 3 years but then the sweats & anxiety came back really bad, so I went back to my GP who put me on Medroxy / Estradiol 2.5/1MG ... I now take 5/2mg the same as I needed a higher dose, to be honest I haven't looked back. I never want to feel like that again!! Came off this twice as was having anaesthetic ... Symptoms back with avengeance  just back in my system now ... thank goodness,

    • Posted

      Thank you Mars for your response - I am not very well educated about HRT or bio identical - Are the hormone replacement that you are currently on, is it synthetic or compounded? Thank you! 
  • Posted

    You said it for all of us...no apologies needed. We understand truly because we can empathize with you, our family members want us to be better and of course they sympathize...but they cannot empathize.

    Hugs through cyberspace...keep doing what you're doing for YOU!!

  • Posted

    Hi Samantha.... I felt the same way last night. Through the night I felt as if my body was about to give up... Shaking, thurst and anxious and I was fine during the day... The hopelessness with it also was awful. I cried for most of the day. But I find these episodes are getting less... I now know it's hormonal and I wil get throught it. I think sometimes it's a battle of the mind. I try to re focus... And tell myself it will pass. I'm on hrt, all vitamins and been to GP several times... I've now got Ibs and I was a girl who never was ill... But I've accepted it as part of the course now and it's great to know we are all going through simular... Hang tight and know you are not alone. I pray all the time and to be honest.. I'd be lost without it... This change in life is so under estimated. So glad we live in an era of technology so we can talk and share... One day at a time and you will come out the other side..blessings there.. Ck

  • Posted


    I am right there with you albeit a little older (52).  I have been struggling with this since I turned 48.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  Since then, I have endured every physical symptom as well as anxiety and now more recently real depression.  I do as the other ladies have said - pray and try to remind myself that this is hormonal but honestly I am overwhelmed and feel defeated.  It takes every ounce of energy for me to smile these days.  I just want "me" back again.  I am terribly tired of having to "get through this".  Enough is enough - I understand.  

  • Posted

    Thank you for replying ladies ?

    I just needed to vent. I feel guilty when I complain as if I watch the news there are people that have to live through way worse. My friend told me her theropist told her not to feel so guilty for our thoughts and discount our feelings and feel guilty, they are real to us and if we feel like hell on the inside....those feelings are important to us.

    If it goes on too much longer I may rethink HRT, I had a really hard time with my experience with anti depressants, they made me worse so Im hesitant about playing around with HRT as it seems that it takes awhile to get the right one with the right levels...Im single, with 2 sons, one about to go to college. ..all household bills are on me and I already had to switch to a lower paying job to avoid some stress....I can't afford to play around and go the wrong way with HRT right now.

    I've had bad stretches before and made it through I'll fight to get through this one.

    Believe me I pray.

    It was good to vent....I'd love to yell I've had Enough ?

    I hope you ladies feel better soon.

  • Posted


    Gosh I’m so with you on. Could not agree more with your words. Tonight I was thinking exactly the same thing. I’m on holiday in this beautiful place with my family and I just cannot enjoy it. Constantly fighting health anxiety in my head. Never can just lean back and enjoy it. Worried about everything all the time.  I’m on bioidentical HRT and it has helped loads but it didn’t switch the worrying off. Today I was worrying that this might never stop and that the old me is gone forever. I started  when I was 43, 5 years ago. At that point a gyno said that it was nearly over and just to be patient a little while longer. It has gone on and on and on though. I don’t feel anywhere like getting close to actual menopause. It’s so tiring and frustrating. 

    HRT made a lot of things better though. Maybe try it! Could help. 

    Good luck. Somehow we are getting through this. This group helps loads. 

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