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Do any of you just think I've had enough? How much longer will this go on?
I've done everything in human power to try and feel better, lots of excercise, healthy eating, vitamins and suppliments, 2 different types of antidepressants for my anxiety and depression during this, tried changing to a less stressful job.....nothing has made me feel better. I have had periods of feeling good and totally appreciate those times but the moodiness (from being really negative and cranky or wanting to hide in bed and cry) slowly slips back. My self confidence is pretty much gone, I get upset if I have to do silly things out of the ordinary that relies on consintration. My brain does not work like it used to at all.....and I don't feel like going to the doctor anymore to explain all this once again. I started all this at 40 and Im 46 now, sometimes when I read other ladies posts and they are struggling at 55 or older I think OMG I can't do this for another 10 years. This is really messed up my life.
Im a strong woman and have no problem making it through the physical syptoms and even occasionally not sleeping....and can take having a bad day here and there but when it's weeks stretches it's too much. I miss so much having fun and truly laughing.
I know Im not the only one that feels this way and In sorry for coming across negative Im just venting on here as I can't really tell anyone Im close to and they don't understand how it feels at all.
My heart goes out to all you ladies struggling with this....it's not fair
9 likes, 36 replies
amy341731 samantha42264
louise25018 samantha42264
Your words and experiences are just like mine. My Peri kicked in big time around 47 (although I didn’t know this ta the time) and now at 53 I feel I’m well into this roller coaster ride.
I’m currently full of muscle , neck and shoulder stiffness that at times wears me down so much I just cry.
I am doing everything recommended. Vitamins, yoga/exercise, drinking lots of water, trying to think positive but I still struggle a lot of the time to keep a smile on my face.
My confidence is so low when I feel really bad and the flushes, dizziness and irritability that kicks in regularly are really difficult to deal with.
I struggle socially and most of the time I just can’t be bothered. So I keep myself to myself and use the time to paint, read and say a few small prayers to keep me sane.
I ache so much to have the old “me” back and grieve for the bounce and zest for life I used to have. I just feel so damn old at times!!!
I know we should be grateful as there is so much sadness and suffering across the world at the moment but as long as we can chat on this forum it does help relieve the sense of struggling on alone.
I send hugs and prayers to all of us ladies going through this and thanks for this fab thread. It’s really captured just how I’m feeling at the moment.
Love xxxx
CarolKelso louise25018
Hi Louise... I am so hearing you. I lost my joy and thought it would never return... There was no light in my life and like you... People I had no interest in and life, as felt there was no point. But things have changed and they will for you too... Since I was militant about vitamins and magnesium and tuneruc daily, I Noticed a turn... I still have awful symptoms but they are less... My ibs has calmed down. But my mind is better and when that's good.,You can handle the rest. I'm 47 and never did I think I would go through this... After I decided to have my hysterectomy 9 years ago... Little did I know what was ahead... This is a rollar coaster ride you cannot get off... But hang tight girl.. This is a season for us all here and look at how strong we are having to deal with this each day... Hang tight... Go easy on yourself an this time too shall pass even tough at the time it feels it wil never end. . Bless. CK
vicky77852 samantha42264
I feel alone in this and rarely say anything anymore to anyone because if you never experienced it there isn't a point in telling. Plus I don't like to be around people too much as Im so moody, I do well just being kind to my sons.
I don't understand why some woman get very little symptoms and some of us go through hell....I feel like Im being punished for something.
Hope you all have a peaceful day ?
sharen74613 samantha42264
Hi Samantha I feel just like you , I don't like going out when I'm haveing bad days , just had a bad week of hell with depression and axniaty so went doctor and they have put me on Hrt patches third day . Felt a bit better this morning , then just had anxiety bout . But I'm feeling the same . I started when I was 52 with bad anxiety and doc put me on sertaline which was great but this last 2years have been hell . I'm 58 the end of this month . Oh god I hope this year will be better . But we are all in the same boat I wish all the lady's on this forum all the love in the world , it so hard going though this .??
mrs_susan74280 sharen74613
mrs_susan74280 sharen74613
maria76995 samantha42264
Hi Samantha, if your in perimenopause it's up to 10 years but I went through it up 5 years and had 6 months break until I reach the ending of my periods symptoms came back to bit since then I have been struggling with this damn Anxiety business but what else can you do but wait it out and hope that one morning it will be gone..I think everyone timing is different when my dr told me up to that time I said they same but I'm still here breathing I had a lot scary things in Peri that now has subsided don't want to think about it..and yes still going through other crap I'm taking all in my stride..taking each day as it comes you will be ok, like people tell me all the time it just the way it makes you feel hang on there too.
lisab1234 samantha42264
Samantha I often feel like that, just want to jack everything n and walk away. I'm 45 and have had all these rubbish symptoms for 3 years and always just put it down to PMT but they have gradually got worse. I've been to see my Dr and have had the bloods done but everything came back normal, so now I'm in limbo once again. I'm going back to see the Dr because I still feel rubbish.
Hopefully my Dr will sort this out asap and I'm going to try doing some yoga. I listen to a piece of yoga music which I cried to when I first listened to it but now along with some breathing exercises, it does help.
If you want to take a peek, Google Ra Ma Da Sa by Snatum Kaur.
Take care ?
samantha42264 lisab1234
Hi Lisa,
Ive had blood work done, apparently I'm in perfect health, but it's still best to get it done. I've tried thinking back to figure out if I was moody before turning 40, maybe a bit at times, I think I may have been slightly depressed after my first son, but nothing severe, I think a few times from being a teenager till 40 I got a little too angry and maybe occasionally had anxiety but never clued in it was anxiety.....I probably did have hormal mood changes back then, but it wasn't life affecting....now I'm all over the place....either crying or feeling angry and mean (I'm aware of the angry and mean moods so I just keep my mouth shut) and the being anxious 80 percent of the time is driving me nuts.
I cry over comercials and little stupid things. I've decided I like the crying mood way better than the cranky/mean mood...if that makes any sense at all. I do get a few days of happiness here and there ? I can tell it's hormones as I can almost track my moods around my cycles...I never agree to plans anymore as depending on the day I may change my mind....I just want to get off this roller coaster ride or run away or hide somewheres.
I do yoga twice a day, sometimes I'll do it 3 times in one day if I have the day off...it's the only thing I've found that calms me...I figure I'll be the most flexible woman on earth by the time this peri ride is over.
I'll check your suggestion out.
I really hope you enjoyed your yoga session and you feel better.
lisab1234 samantha42264
Hello lovely lady hope you've had an ok day. Oh my goodness I go through all you have mentioned but I do tend to loose it when I'm in a mean mood. The other night at the table, my son just got on my nerves with how he was chewing and I blew, I had to leave the table and go upstairs where I promptly started crying. It's total pants.
I have to phone Thursday to see if I can get an appointment for my Dr for next week, so fingers crossed hey.
I did enjoy my yoga and I used the music I mentioned just before bed and although I woke early I did manage to get 6 he's straight sleep which hasn't happened for a long time.
Take care chic ?
samantha42264 lisab1234
I'd love to say I haven't blown up, but I have, last summer I couldn't be in the same room with my sons, they drove me nuts. I've learned now if I'm in that cranky mood I just hide. Thank God they are both young adults I have no idea how woman are going through this with young kids. Don't be too hard on yourself, it happens. I tell my sons everything, they don't nessisarly get it but I figure I'm preparing them for what their future wives may go through.
karen96339 samantha42264
Highlands51 samantha42264
Hi to you all,
?I just want to wish everyone well, I know exactly how Samantha and all of us are feeling; at mid fifties my life just seem to have come to a complete halt. Only way I can describe it.
?I try to be upbeat but just lately, I can't. I work in technical roles and brain fog is just gathering strength..I need to work, but confidence at all time low.
I read a report/study that some French Doctors felt that hormones were not responsible for PMT! It's not just PMT though, from what I can tell and through experience doctors(ok Some) are not willing to admit or acknowledge that hormones affect well being, physical/mental health...
I despair, I really do.
I note that when I have mentioned certain things to GP (I have not been for almost 2 years now to see a gp), the emphasis appears to be on mental health, the menopause becomes quite irrelevant.
?It affects your teeth, your sight, your joints, your appetite, your sleep, your balance,spatial awareness...everything....we know it does... and yet...
it's all in the mind...
?Sorry this is turning into my own private rant..but today..sorry it's vent your spleen day....
I really feel for Samantha and anyone who feels they're permanently in a boxing ring and on a continual round of fending of punches that is part the menopause/peri.
I don't know...
rant over
?Just to wish every well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
?highlands 51 (4 years post meno) and counting...
samantha42264 Highlands51
OMG. ..it's fine, vent and rant away...there is no other place we can vent as only woman going through this get it.
If I never found this forum I'd have no idea what was going on and would have checked myself into the funny farm a couple of years ago...