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Do any of you just think I've had enough? How much longer will this go on?
I've done everything in human power to try and feel better, lots of excercise, healthy eating, vitamins and suppliments, 2 different types of antidepressants for my anxiety and depression during this, tried changing to a less stressful job.....nothing has made me feel better. I have had periods of feeling good and totally appreciate those times but the moodiness (from being really negative and cranky or wanting to hide in bed and cry) slowly slips back. My self confidence is pretty much gone, I get upset if I have to do silly things out of the ordinary that relies on consintration. My brain does not work like it used to at all.....and I don't feel like going to the doctor anymore to explain all this once again. I started all this at 40 and Im 46 now, sometimes when I read other ladies posts and they are struggling at 55 or older I think OMG I can't do this for another 10 years. This is really messed up my life.
Im a strong woman and have no problem making it through the physical syptoms and even occasionally not sleeping....and can take having a bad day here and there but when it's weeks stretches it's too much. I miss so much having fun and truly laughing.
I know Im not the only one that feels this way and In sorry for coming across negative Im just venting on here as I can't really tell anyone Im close to and they don't understand how it feels at all.
My heart goes out to all you ladies struggling with this....it's not fair
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j70329 samantha42264
Hi Samantha and everyone else,
I can relate to all of what you have been describing very well... Nearly posted something very similar 2 days ago.
It all started about 5 years ago with a sudden onset of physical symptoms mimicking heart problems (chest pains, tightness, shortness of breath, muscle twitches, lots of gas, pains in various body parts - you name it) and moving on to severe anxiety, first health anxiety, then general anxiety, constant worry and chronic pain. I had to stop travelling (which I love!) and found it hard to stay alone at home or leave my home... I struggled for more than 4 years with this, saw many specialists etc - and then anxiety and physical symptoms finally disappeared (yeah!), well, mostly. However, this has now been replaced by ever worsening depressive episodes and unhappiness, combined with rather obsessive thoughts about other people (anybody else experiencing this?). Some days I am also incredibly angry (for no particular reason) or suddenly very jealous and behave rather irrationally... I also dont sleep well, my legs seem to hurt when I am laying in bed and I am very tired... Other days I feel incredibly stressed/tense for no reason, can't concentrate, and forget a lot of things (often do I find myself in a place, wondering why I went there...?)...
Does that sound like perimenopause? I am 48 and still have my periods (they are actually more frequent now), but if this is not peri, I AM probably going crazy... But because much of this is coming in cycles I think it has to do with hormones...? Each depressed phase, however, seems to get longer and even worse than the previous one - and I am so fed up with this and just want my old self back! Hard to find sympathetic people around me - glad you are all writing here! I have not been to the GP in recent years (GP doesn't believe in peri), as I have declined depressants in the past (mainly thinking that my depressed phases are less long than the drugs will need to actually work), but am wondering about bio-identicals or HRT. But my health anxiety ridden me is worried that this enhances the risk of developing of cancer...?
How many more years of this...???
Big sigh and big hugs to all of you!
samantha42264 j70329
Hi J,
I have the extreme anxiety and have gone through the obsessive thoughts. My depressive times for sure around my cycle. The week before my period and the week of my period I'm so negative in my mind, just plain mean thoughts, then the week after I could cry over anything....then I get one good week...then back to being a crank.
I've tried antidepressants, one worked for a little while then the second one made me way way worse, my doctor tried for a third one, I won't even try. I'm not saying they don't work for some but after the last try I would never try again. If this doesn't slow down soon I may go to see about HRT! It's getting to the point that it has effected way too much of my life for too long.
I'm so glad for all the ladies that share on here ?
samantha42264 j70329
Hi J,
I have the extreme anxiety and have gone through the obsessive thoughts. My depressive times for sure around my cycle. The week before my period and the week of my period I'm so negative in my mind, just plain mean thoughts, then the week after I could cry over anything....then I get one good week...then back to being a crank.
I've tried antidepressants, one worked for a little while then the second one made me way way worse, my doctor tried for a third one, I won't even try. I'm not saying they don't work for some but after the last try I would never try again. If this doesn't slow down soon I may go to see about HRT! It's getting to the point that it has effected way too much of my life for too long.
I'm so glad for all the ladies that share on here ?
mrs_susan74280 samantha42264
samantha42264 mrs_susan74280
Hi Susan,
I D9nt really want to say which ones I've tried as it may give a fear or negative idea to someone that really needs to try them and be on them. I think it comes down to someone's chemistry, which one will work...and some people do get good results from anti depressants. For me the reaction I had to last one totally made me worse and the problem is it can take weeks for them weeks to get into your system and getting past the initial side effects to find out if they are for you. The last one I tried* I took it for 12 weeks, my anxiety went through the roof and the depression got worse, messing parts of my life up even worse than the peri symptoms.....I don't have the time or want to take the chance of trying out a third one. I can tell this is hormones as I may have had very slight anxiety and very slight depression before 40, then at 40 it's like a switch went off and they went to the extreme.