'undiagnosable' abdominal pain.

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Hi there,

I've had right severe abdominal pain, just below my rib line, It's a constant pain and i've experienced it for about 4 months now. At first I didn't really pay attention to it, it then became too painful to ignore at all. I would find myself waking up at night, or having to sit/lay down at work clutching my side. One day at work it became so painful I collapsed, and began having heart palpitations, after calling an ambulance I was sat inside it for 30 minutes or so hooked up to an ecg, my heart beat averaged about 125. I've seen about 10 doctors, 4 of my local GP's, and had 3 trips to AnE. The palpitations proceeded the severe pain a total of 3 times so far, It'd feel as if something in my right side had almost burst and spread across my body becoming numb and having severe chest pain - and I honestly thought I was having a heart attack because of the pain and the feeling of my heart pumping through my chest.

I guess the best thing will be to answer every question they've asked me..

I'm a healthy 19 year old male, I've eaten healthy, exercised often, i'm 10 stone 8, and i'm 5ft 8. I am not a drug user, although I am partial to the occasional binge drink (Like most teenagers).

I do not lift heavy objects, I work in a bar and don't lift any barrels/trays of glasses. I have been a smoker for a year now, and have been cutting down since the pain started, although giving it up entirely is quite hard as i'm finding it the only thing that has relaxed me. I've had no blood in my urine/feces/vomit. I have only vomited once during the 4 months. I do not have a temperature, I do not have a fever, the pain is not increased when pressure is applied. It is not relieved by warm/cold packs etc. The doctors are adamant I do not have appendicitis, i've had 3 ultrasounds which show no stones in my kidneys or galbladder and everything is as of normal size.

When I was admitted into AnE and asked to spend 2 more nights in the hospital I became so bad I had to have someone to hold me up while I walk, I couldn't sit up due to the pain and I would be so tired that I couldn't get out of bed. They had asked me to stay because of one blood test that showed my liver functions spiking high (I think it was billirubin? - and no I had not had a heavy night of drinking or anything the night before It was taken) They released me because they said being an outpatient would be faster (Which, it isn't, as the specialist i've been referred to will not be able to see me until december, when it's september now.)

Through all the doctors i've seen, i've stuck with one who has been incredibley helpful throughout this all, although completely clueless to what is going on with me.

Whilst in the hospital I've had a doctor tell nurses to stop giving me any pain killers because Im probably just a drug addict, and other doctors tell me it's complete anxiety, and others take one look at me and say it's a mucle inflammation under my rib.

It's got to the point where I can't work, my relationships are suffering incredibly because I can hardly do anything. I Can't drink without having incredibly bad hang overs which last for days or throwing up after the first couple of pints, some days I will wake up and sit on the floor because it's too painful to lie down or stand up. My relationship with my partner is suffering, as it is most of the time too painful to be intimate. This is ruining my life, and all the doctors are telling me 'come back if it gets worse, but there's nothing wrong with you'.

But as I said, 3 ultra sounds, 2 x-rays, 15 blood tests (Including one for hepatitus).

And nothing except one liver function spike, the once. My blood sugars are normal, there's nothing abnormal in my urine.

What i've told every doctor i've seen;

I've had severe right abdominal pain. Just below my rib. So severe I can not walk etc. I've had constipation for 4 months a long with the pain, which every now and then seems to just disappear. It seems to become more severe every other week, and on 3 occasions so painful I have collapsed and either thought I was having a heart attack or my appendix had burst due to the pain.

Please, any help is incredibly appreciated, I just want my life back!

Thank you, Alex.

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    i had the same pain for the last year and a half if been to docters and most of them told me they dont know what it is,but they think its a bacterial infection somewhere in my body. if gotten used to the pain by now.
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    Hi, sorry to hear you are in so much pain.. I am still researching my pain also. It is different then yours. I am 55/ F/ 5'1'' about 100 lbs.    I have had my pain come and go for almost 7 years now. The Dr.'s can't tell me what it is or where, it is.  All I tell them it is so severe I cant do anything. People tried to help, went to the hospital only to be sent home with something for nausa.  You probably went through a whole slew of tests. Did you ever have an operation? Is my first question.  I feel I am close to answering what my pan is. Did they check for nerve entrapment or compression? Could be called Referred Pain. Just found this today, Nerve compression syndrome. There is a trem called entrapment neuropathy. I have had manmy surgeries. I had my Gallbladder taken out and Appendicts. My pain is where my appendicts is supposed to be. The pain then radiates to my buttocks. I did all the tests and CT, Xray, MRI and so on.  I am sure they check your Liver and all the bile ducts just in case of obstruction. There are many branches in the liver and there are also a lot of nerve endings that go through your whole body. If the Dr.'s can't seem to find your problem, try going to a nerologist and ask if it could be referred pain. It has got to be coming from somewhere. That is what I read today on the net, and copied a lot of stuff on nerve compression syndrom. I hope this help's in any way, for you and for everyone thaty is trying to figure their pain is...
  • Posted

    Hi I do hope this has all been sorted as the post was a while ago have they done tests for acid reflux as I suffer with this myself I get pain in my throat ears and jaw as well my daughter also gets pain the same does feel like your having an heart attack if it hasn't been sorted keep going back to your GP and insist on having more tests take care
  • Posted

    Hi Guys, I have been suffering from the same thing for nearly 3 months now though i have been the doctors multiple times a week and pushed through all the scans xrays ultrasounds and everythings come back clear. A family friend i was speaking to was like this for 6-7 months before he decided to give accupuncture a try after nothing else was working and after a month long course the pain surprisingly dissapeared. I don't know if this will work but im considering giving this a try as nothing else seems to work
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    I just don't know where to start so will apologise now for rambling. In dec 2013 , I started with bad cramps under my rib cage to the right. I felt like I had a water melon stuck inside me. Like it was some sort of blockage. I had my period at the same time which lasted 16 days with server right lower abdominal pain. ( I have had the ovary pain on and off for 16 years , after having a large baby) anyway I felt so ill with cramps and the runs. I even went dizzy and fell down some stairs. This went aWay after about 6 weeks. I had a ultra sound and they said I had fibroids on the wall of my womb but nothing was said about my stomach cramps , which started all this off. 6 months later I was woken with stomach cramps, not knowing if I was going to be sick or get diarrhoea . Eventually I got diarrhoea and the cramps where so bad I was rolling around on the floor I went to a&e . Once there I was in for 10 days. I had lots and lots of blood tests, X-rays, ultra sound scans, camera up my front ( none up the rear) camera down my throat, ct scan , was on a drip then put on 30 tablets a day and sent home as they couldn't find anything. at home it carried on and was put on more meds which took it up to 36 a day. Eventually 5 weeks in a felt normal again. I was sent for another ultra sound as they said they saw a cyst on the scan but when I went back it had shrunk , so said they was baffled. 

    I have just got back from Spain today and have felt really ill since last night. Got hot sweats, diarrhoea , stomach cramps, and a very loud grumbling stomach. Identical to who both attacks started.

    The doctors told me they are baffled by it all and there isn't really anything else they can do for me. So where do I go next. I stopped my meds as I couldn't get my head around taking so many pills but yet they didn't know what was wrong with me . 

    Im really worried as this could affect my job . I havnt been there that long and when I get the runs I can't go in to work as I work in a hospice.. 

    Has anybody got any tips on what I should do next ?  All I keep hearing is 40% of abdominal cramps never get resolved but I can't live with that. 

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    Same under the ribs right side pain I am exeperiencing, but only on certain weather conditions. Otherwise the pain is stuck on my left side. Anyway, my father is struggling with the right side torture along with constipation, acid reflux, etc.

    My personal proven so far remedy goes like this:

    Stomach problems were resolved with a modified SCD, meaning I added buck wheat to get my stomach at least partially full. But remember, soak it , do not boil it or cook it. It gets stuck on your belly.

    For constipation, the absolute powershouse is ROSE oil/ syrup/ drinking water. Make sure it is organic andn can be taken internally.

    For the inflammation, Devil's Claw or Boswellia. But start using after acidity related stomach problems diminish. After starting the SCD and currently I consume loads of onion, garlic and cayenne pepper and nobody can believe it is happening harmlessly. To me it is because nothing sticks on my stomach belly and subsequently nothing stays there to react with these substances in a bomb-like bloating way.

    And finally: Inflammation is weak immune system and fungus taking the reign.

    In my case the right side pain was gone after starting Reishi and Echinacea/ Moringa.

    Make sure the Reishi capsules are "real" fuly potent Reishi. Or you can "cook" it yourself. A biologst gave me the recepe and it woked:

    25gr. dried Reishi soaked in 180 proof alcohol for 7-10 days

    On the 10th day you boil another 15gr. portion of dried Reishi for 3 hours.

    Logically, after that you strain both andn mix.

    Take like 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

    Drinking coffee after drinking Reishi doubles the effect and can make you vomit. Learned it the hard way.

    Taking Reishi too soon before bed time made mem cosciosly sleeping, like awake, so beware.

    Echinacea - 50 drops of theh fresh juice 3 - 4 times a day. It is an extermely safe herbs even in cases of autoimmune diseases.

    Moringa - 4capsules a day. A wonderful, smiling herb.

    Hope you find some of the info useful.


  • Posted

    Alex, your story sounds tather clsoe to identical as my 16 yr old daughters. For 7 months she went through all the same symptoms; with the addition to her white blood count being "extremely high" and her CRP markers were "concerningly high". Several doctors, x-rays, many ultrasounds, a HIDA scan, colonoscopy and EGD, numerous blood tests, diet changes, etc. One hospital flat out told me to stop bringing her in b/c they weren't specialists and not equipped to diagnose her, as she lay there in tears crying in pain. Never once was she offered any pain killers and nor did she ask for any. There came a point where she couldnt even get out of bed or walk without passing out. She lost a lot of weight, I quit my full time job to take care of her, and I homeschooled her. They tried chaulking it up to IBS but we are not convinced b/c that doesn't explain why her kidneys hurt or why oher areas on the right side hurt that have nothing to do w/ the digestive system. It is very frustrating. It has been about 2 months since symptoms started to decrease and all seems to have resolved itself except her white cells are still a little high. I truly believe it is either something extremely rare and not well known or it is something new that has hit the scene. There are a couple other young ladies in the area that have had similair issues but didnt last quite as long, nd they too never got a diagnosis. 
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    I forgot to mention that she would have random bouts of vomitting and diahhrea. Eating was an issue, although it didnt cause the pain or make it worse, the pain made it so that eating as not desired. No fever, always very pale and weak, they checked her heart, gallbladder, appendix, pancreas, stomach, upper GI and lower GI, kidneys, spleen, liver, all her female reproductive organs (which she does separate issues there), and same as you they decided to no longer do any imaging due to the amount of radiation she had been already exposed to. 
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    I too was having these symptoms. I suffered for months going through tests and medications. I would see any doctor that I could.  Then I went to an herbal doctor.  She looked in my eyes and put me on a mild liver cleanse.  I took 2 teaspoons of an herbal concoction called LIV-J 30 minutes before meals. It tasted terrible. I dreaded it...but after a few days I noticed I felt better. Checking back with her after a few weeks we started talking about emotions. The area this pain is in, the liver area...it is where the body stores resentment and anger.  I was very resentful at the time due to a long drawn out break up with a man who treated me horribly that I thought I was destined to marry. I know it sounds crazy but I was willing to try anything at that point and I feel fantastic now.
  • Posted

    I hope this was reaolved for you. 

    However i am experiancing the exact same problems but with a lot more savere ones, such as 

    Blood in my irine, a lot of proteine in my wee stream, and kidney problems. 

    I am very worried about these pains in my stomach i have been getting then for some time now, mainly when i lay on my back in bed, i wake up threw the night and sometimes with a feaver such as feeling sick and hot flushes im male 23. 

    Can anyone help please?

  • Posted

    Hello:  I live in Texas and am 72 years old.  I have exactly the same syndrome and it is extremely bothersome.  I have had 24 blood tests and been to 4 doctors, for xrays, MRI, Cat Scan, PET scan, Ultra sonic along my ribcage gallbladder line/liver line and 2 endoscopies and 1 colonoscopy.  Last week's endoscopy took out 2 stomach tumors and my stomach is still a little sore inside but nothing has worked on the rib side pain but ibuprofen and that mitigated it a bit.  The last GI doctor said to stop ibuprofen for awhile and let my stomach heal up.  I am on nexium for that and to prevent any reflux(which I have not had any for 30 years or so.)  Tramadol won't do it, Vicodin wouldn't touch the pain but the Ibuprofen helped.  Now I can't take it and I am about at my wits end.  I am tall and weigh 245 lbs and am overweight but not grossly.  It is not IBS or colitis.  I am wondering if posture has anything to do with it.  I was very active in my job and am still working but now am at a desk for a lot of the time during the day and I am wondering if this sitting at a computer is overstressing the membranes or connective tissues in there at that spot and causing the inflamation.  I get mild relief when I get off my feet for awhile and lay flat on my back but then the back pain kicks in so I can't do that for too long.  It is constant and dibilitating much of the time where it interferes with concentration and it makes it difficult to pick up anything even moderately heavy, like grocery sacks, or boxes of cat litter.  I do not smoke and have not had a drink of alcohol in 34 years so I have to rule that out.  Any help or good advice would be greatly appreciated.  Dick
  • Posted

    I have been having the same type of issues for almost a year.  Been hospitalized 5 times and best I've been told by a doctor who I spoke with for 30 seconds that it was heartburn and the rest say I don't know what's wrong.  I've gone to GI doctors had double scope, 5 ultra sounds, 3 crazy scans and nothing.   Going for a Hida scan Friday to test the actual functioning of gallbladder since they know I don't have stones.  Pain meds don't work, but I had a head injury 10 or so years ago and have migraines from time to time.  My doctor suggested taking my migraine med when the pain started under my ribs, and about half the time it works and the pain goes away the rest of the time it's there just not as bad.   So there is a test you can ask for and a different approach to help with pain.
    • Posted

      Same with mine no madder what meds they give to me it doesn't work.
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                     symptoms   and come and go at first but ill tell You get 10 years int it and  it doesnt seem to go away without  things like a steroid pack,.. read about celiac,s  there treatment   (steroid pack to get imflamation down)  I just happened to notice it helped Me,.. the malobsobtion about killed me,..did You get a scope biopsy?  did they check for  the villi  ?   You need a hida scan , doctors do mri,s CT,s but! they dont do the hida scan WHICH!!!!!  will show the gallbladder  "function"  took 10 years went from 200 pounds to 114,.. you name it and doctors and nurses have called me things, from delusional to a nut,..yet I knew My body was sick,..after almost ending up in jail THE night before the hida scan,.. once again at the ER,..no where in My whole life history did i have a addiction to pain meds,. infact i wouldnt take them because they make your gut problems worse,..    I found that after they give a steorid it helps for just a bit,..hmmmmm i thought whys that?  well  Your gallbladder and your liver work together in digestion , when one gets to be a slacker the other must take up for it,.. this is why i think I couldnt drink booze id get sick right away, my liver couldnt help my gallbladder and soak up the poison of booze,..get off prossessed foods there full of chemical poisons to your body,..get rid of wheat rye pumpernicles,.. all glutens,..you want your body to run better it WILL help but,..b time you have gotten to this point there are more then likely symptoms from what started things, that now can stand on there own to make you sick,..stay away from milk and products of milk,...when the gut is sick the lactese in the milk can get into your system where it dosent belong ALSO making you sick,..one of the 1000 times i was at the ERthey had to give me two nitro pills to stop chest pain,..it wasnt my heart it was the guts(for short)  that put pressure on My chest cavity, get off caffine,get off pop,..no mgs,s   here is the thing,..its your body,..and You have to do some thing., read research reasearch !!!!!!!!!!   they will give You a nice name of oh you have gerd,. take anti acid,.. AHHHHH EXCUSE meeee  but stomach acid is importain part of digestion!!!!!!!!!,.. so it will make the next step hard and so on so on so on,..   I started using  irish sea moss powder, teaspoon in half cup,of what ever you pick , it coats your lining of Your stomach and guts,...its packed with vitimens.. na its not tasty but it dose miricles for you guts.   stop eating  "meals" and graze all day,..  it helps your guts because its not over wheming them,..if your going to have nuts,  get the ground nut meals and make cookies or protein bars with it,. like almond, coconut(which coconut lowers colesteral )  I fry things with the oil too!,..   i could go on and on,.. but thing is thank goodness there is internet.    you intitled to a copy of Your medical file   GET IT. look up every WORD if you dont know,...I did,.. im mad as hell doctors let me about die,..
  • Posted

    Hi there.

    I'm 13, a female, and have had this pain for at least a year now. I've told my parents and I've went to the doctors and still to this day they do nothing for me. Are we the evolution of a new sickness? My pain goes down toward my ovaries, and bladder. It goes all the way up to the top of my ribs and above my belly button. It sometimes goes to my hips and thighs. It is unbearable. I have no idea what this could be. I've reasearched and thought maybe Ovarian cancer.. yet I don't want to believe that. The doctor's will not help. Have any idea what this could be? They probably think I'm a hypochondriac. This is not something I'm making up. At times, my mom and dad think I am it's so frequent. I don't know what to do. Please help? Thank you.

    • Posted

      My doctor the last time I went said I had an elevated bilirubin. I did a urine test and had my blood drawn. She said it could be caused by a disease in the body. I'm like okay, don't tell me what disease it is or anything! Anyways, I've lost ten pounds last week and I don't weigh very much.  I weigh 94-96lbs and I had lost ten lbs! My stomach did not feel like eating. It was turned upside down. It hurt sooo bad!  I hadn't been drinking as much as I should have and I got dehydrated.  I never drink enough. But, it was strange becausei was hungry but, I couldn't eat. 3 weeks before that, I was in class. I began to have one of the worst stomach aches of my life! I'd had one like it 4 years earlier and it was unbearable. .literally. I began to get sweaty, heart palpitations, the worst feeling in my stomach, I couldn't catch my breath and I thought I needed to puke. So I left class. And I could barely walk down the hall to the bathroom. I didn't puke much up and so I thought maybe I'm constipated.  So I sat down and I didn't have to go. I sat there crying holding myself not having a resolution to getting the pain relieved. Oh my gosh it hurt! Earlier, 2 days ago.. I got the same pain in last hour. All the same symptoms. Just not as bad. It was bad but not as bad. I just want to know what it causing this. After 4 hours of off and on unbearable pain,  I started to get an awful pain in my ovaries and bladder. I wake up every morning with a sore pelvis. I dont know why. If ypu have any idea what this could be, please reply. Thank you very much.

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